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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. Those damn Recovers can't run routes worth a crap. The Lumbarders takle them every time.
  2. But you didn't post what round they are projected to be drafted in based on the board you supposedly have. That's what you need to post
  3. Who are the six other QB's rated higher than Rudolph and what round are they projected to be drafted in? Check your board and report back.
  4. Don said seventh in one post and then Low 5th in another of his posts. Yours I understood perfectly. I don't know enough about Rudolph to comment where I think he should be drafted
  5. That how we have him rated. Low fifth You don't even know what you said. Which is it. Is he a low 5th or a seventh?
  6. and a well earned spot......damn I'm humbled....I thought my Fandom Urinal Recognition Plaque was a formidable accomplishment....flush it........... Thank you, Thank you very much. Just doing my part
  8. I'm retired. I help most of my neighbors. I already posted that I helped them shovel out.
  9. Moving to Dunkirk? Maybe. I've always wanted to live near Walleye Willies
  10. Some sheets of paper with scribbled names on it?
  11. I've shoveled and shoveled and Shoveled. Then I helped my neighbors shovel. The rest of the time I'm not sleeping, I come here for free entertainment. When the weather breaks, I'll go make a new friend.
  12. Unfortunately it will take the Bills 5 weeks to do anything because it will take them that long to stop laughing after reading Don's posts
  13. That's code for: Donny, it's time for dinner. Yes Mommy
  14. WOOHOO! 120 pages! I'm collecting a boatload of cash from my bookie. I took the over at 119 pages!!!!!!
  15. How much do you make working for the Bills?
  16. Serious question Don. How's the weather in Dunkirk? Getting slammed with snow? I'll be there tomorrow morning (weather permitting)
  17. Gronk got one game for what he did. If anyone did that to Brady intentionally they would be banned from the game.
  18. When you're dealing with this kind of weather for the past several days, what exactly would you like me to do?
  19. I don't even believe he lives in Dunkirk or his name is Don.
  20. What's the point of having the Ref looking at a tablet if the call is coming from NYC. Just let Riveron know the play was challenged and have the Ref pick up the phone when the decision has been made. The whole thing is a bunch of hooey nonsense.
  21. He'll go dark as Dunkirk Don but will rise from the Ashes as Arkwright Allen or some other name and post some new crap. This thread does need to keep going for 2 more pages though so I can win my 750K from the Vegas oddsmakers.
  22. I do too. I'm 56 so I doubt that will happen
  23. Located next to Walleye Willies
  24. It's already on the way to your house
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