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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. defense isn't good enough to carry the offense. Not to mention we need a run stuffer, linebacker upgrades and a replacement for EJ Gaines. Maybe some other upgrades too. Lets get another game manager or better yet, another retread 2nd stringer. Yep, that's the ticket!
  2. Why do some people in this thread get so annoyed at others having fun? As Stevie Johnson once said....Why so serious?
  3. We have no friggin idea who your source is because you won't say. Where the hell is Dr. Phil when we need him LOL
  4. I keep picturing a stage dimly lit. Some cool rock music in the background, building up to a crescendo. Shady comes out of the darkness. Surrounded by the "smoke" from the dry ice wearing cool dark sunglasses.
  5. If you look at the other threads, none of the "Haters" post in those threads like they do in here. Then of course, those OP's don't have super secret connect the dots vague information either.
  6. If I can steal what MarkAF43 said...this is why he gets treated the way he does. If Don had posted information or even his own opinions and invited others to share their opinions this thread would have gone a different way but that's not what he did. He sought attention and attention is what he got. Just not the kind he was hoping for.
  7. I don't get that part either. Speculation is speculation. It's fun to think about but that's about it. Might as well start a thread that's about which company is going to pour the concrete for the new stadium. It has just as much importance.
  8. ducej11, I will do my best to explain things. If speculation is of interest to you, try to find threads where the posters say things like "What do you think if the Bills tried to get player A' or "Do you think the Bills would be interested in Player B. He's going to be a free agent" or better yet, "My opinion on so and so is this....". Then respond with your thoughts. Trying to get meaningful information from this thread isn't going to happen because you have a poster that claims to have inside information but is so vague with his information that his true opinion or thoughts on any topic pertaining to the Bills is not understandable. Dunkirk Don brought this on himself. The other thing I would suggest is if you have interest in talking about a player or coach or the stadium or whatever is Bills related, you might want to consider starting your own thread. Hopefully this helps and I was trying to be as sincere as I could be. Best wishes!
  9. I'm pretty sure you were playing Baseball back then. Check your yearbook lol
  10. in the early 90s, it was absolutely in olean. it was held at st. bonaventure. jim and all the superbowl guys were there. they even flew in warren moon as the special guest. i played football for mcquaid in rochester at the time. Oh teef, you must be mistaken. Dunkirk Don has to be right. There's just no other explanation
  11. I don't understand the obsession or addiction to how the non-billievers react to DD's posts. It's ok for DD to post the garbage he wants because you like it but it's not ok for the non-billievers to react to it. The non-billievers are "Obsessed" or "Addicted" yet the billievers come here and eat it up and defend him while at the same time lash out at the non-billievers. Whose the obsessed and addicted posters here?
  12. I'm perfectly relaxed. Absolutely post your opinion. That's what this site is for. What it's not for is to throw insults along with your opinion just because you can do so with a reasonable about of anonymity. You wouldn't do that to anyone face to face, or at least you don't seem to be that type of person, so there's no reason to do it here.
  13. It was really closed for a while. It happened when I was in mid-posting and when I tried to post, it wouldn't do it
  14. Marrone "owes" no one any explanation or forgiveness, it is a business, time to grow up. Want evidence, look at Harrison signing with the Pats. Marrone had a smart agent, contractually he got $4 million for doing nothing, didnt like the GM and knew his current QB EJ , was a disaster. Now he is on a team headed to the playoffs, congrats Doug. Time to grow up? What an ignoramus. That's opinion on your part. Harrison signing with the Pats isn't evidence. It's sticking it to the Steelers for not signing him a few years ago which prompted his signing with the Bengals and then now for not playing him. It has nothing to do with it being good business. I'll give you the part about having a good agent but you have no idea if he liked or disliked Whaley and you don't have any idea what he thought about EJ Manual. That's all your opinion. Before slinging insults, know what the hell you're talking about son.
  15. Running onto the field squirting water into players mouths does not qualify as being a coach
  16. Why would they make an offer to someone they don't like and feel is too fragile? They could literally make an offer to any other free agent corner that fits what they want or they could draft one.
  17. Is the Pegula's place near where Mariano Rivera used to have a place in the Adirondacks? If so, I have a good idea about the area. I camped up there for a couple weeks this past summer and was given the 50 cent tour by some locals we became friends with. I know other sports people and wealthy people have places near where we were but I wasn't aware that the Pegula's had a place in ADK
  18. I'm confused as to why it was closed and why it was opened back up. Whatever the reasons are, I have really enjoyed this thread.
  19. No, not sarcasm. You may very well be right. There was definate dysfunction but there was also a brand new owner. That has to count for something. I just want to know what really happened before I can forgive.
  20. No way does Marrone get any forgiveness from me. There's never been any real explanation of why he left so I can't forgive the guy unless I know the truth.
  21. If you insist Donny boy
  22. Hey Don, read carefully.....It's because you're a complete joke and just about everyone here loves laughing at you.
  23. Not one person ever denied the Bills having a Joe Webb package but many including myself called BS when you insisted it would be used in the Dolphins game at home and it wasn't and then again in the Patriots game and it wasn't. I would have thought with the Bills being unable to score an offensive touchdown in the Patriots game it would be the perfect time to use a trick play. Nope!
  24. I had to shut it down, I opened it up for five minutes and it blew up. I cannot keep,up with it Here's three places you can hire people to help you http://www.infinityresources.jobs/ https://www.adeccousa.com/ http://www.chautauquaworks.com/
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