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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. I'm still trying to figure out how the Bills are going to get the Genesee river to stop flowing North. It seems to me, using intelligence and logic, that it has to be flowing West Southwest in order for a stadium of that size to stay intact.
  2. Ummm what? You have never told me diddly squat. Now tell me how fruit loops were invented. I promise not to tell anyone. Oh hell who am I kidding. If you told me anything in confidence I would be posting it so fast it would even make your head spin
  3. Wait Don. Before you go, can you tell me how Fruit Loops were invented?
  4. If he's mad about that, then wait 'til he finds out what his corn flakes are made of... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. I go to the Track ! We've never been there for the Nascar race but have seen many locals racing. We love the Gorge too with the waterfalls and 800 steps. We're old now so we take the shuttle to the top and walk down the steps.
  6. Rogue? Judas Priest. Now we're going to be hearing from Denver Don and his Rogue Source from out there.
  7. I gave you the smiley face. It was really good
  8. I go camping all over New York and Letchworth is on my list most summers. I have said that very thing every time I've been there!
  9. Did Don admit to being mentally challenged in this post? Right next to the Watkins Glen Racetrack. Cool. I go camping there
  10. That makes the new stadium either in Rochester (NorthEast) or smack dab in the middle Letchworth State Park (Due East of Orchard Park)
  11. Oh My God! I completely missed that HAHAHAHAHAHA. That 's funnier than anything else in that post!
  12. That narrows it down. if it adds an hour to his drive, the new stadium is an hour East New Era (give or take)
  13. You were making fun of me? Why how dare you. Another knucklehead lolol
  14. My pleasure leh-nerd and you had/have one hell of a band. Kudos to you!
  15. Why would that matter. The source wants revenge, remember? Anyone seeking revenge could care less who gets hurt or fired
  16. The soap that floats is Ivory you knucklehead but I have met the person who invented the 5 gallon plastic bucket. True story! Rolling suitcase invented 1970 Patent granted in 1972
  17. ....better have BILLIONS.....prolly a non-issue right?.....makes perfect sense to build a 65,000+ seat stadium without the Bills as your primary tenant in an iron clad long term lease and putting a FOR RENT sign out front, right?......how much are you investing?............ Well, I'd like to invest more but I think $579,642,829.31 is about as much as I can spare at the moment. I need to invest the rest of my money is the research being done on developing a new wheel. This one is going to round!
  18. I'm not sure what I like most about this thread. The crap initially spewed out of Don's mouth, calling him on it, reading others call him on it, reading comments from those that believe him or all of it. Regardless, I need to know who opened this thread back up and how to send him/her a gift card. It's well deserved!
  19. ...insufficient and illogical answer...there is NOT an investment banker or group of investors on the planet that would erect a stadium complex without an iron clad, long term lease deal with the Bills for the stadium.....what the hell else would be your primary tenant, Sunday Flea Markets?......and what lending source(s) would even consider funding the deal without a primary tenant like the Bills?....... Don is self funding everything with his Millions
  20. Oh ok. I got ya now. Let me apologize then for thinking otherwise. Shady, I apologize for thinking Don is an idiot.
  21. Why don't you try apologizing to Mead for bad mouthing him rather than JaCrispy.
  22. I haven't been here very long and saw right through him immediately. The guy is a complete imbecile.
  23. Me too but one Dunkirk Don thread at a time is more than enough.
  24. No, there isn't. I think there is too. I just got back from lunch with one of Don's old Asian buddies, Sum Ting Wong, and he thinks there's a lot going on in Don's head
  25. Take this for what it's worth. I copied/pasted it from the website Healthline.com Not to be mean. Just the opposite actually. Maybe someone will get some treatment because I'm sure somewhere inside him, he's a very nice person. Any delusion has four main characteristics: The person having the belief believes it to be true, even when the existing norm and other people know it to be untrue. The person having the delusion will not listen to any other viewpoints about the belief and will not consider change when evidence challenges the delusion. The content of the delusion is impossible or implausible. The delusion impacts the person’s daily life. Having a special ability, object, or talent The person with the delusion may believe that they have a secret talent, object, or ability that no one else has or even knows about. For example, they may believe they possess a secret record from Elvis Presley that no one else knows about. Being a famous person A person with a delusion of grandeur may actually believe that they are a famous person and that the real famous person is an imposter or decoy. Having a secret connection This delusion involves believing in a special and sometimes secret connection or relationship with someone or something important. For example, a person with this delusion of grandeur may believe they are a spy or that they alone are responsible for relaying messages to the president or other world leaders. Religious grandeur
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