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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. Has anyone else noticed he leaves the forum around 8:00pm-8:15pm a lot? Must have an 8:30pm bedtime
  2. Wait Don. I just got to the party. Don't leave yet!
  3. Now just hold on one Dog Gone minute. I just got back in the house after clearing the snow from my driveway for the third time today and I open this thread. Am I reading this right? Don dresses like a woman, went down on a billion customers and came on 500 million of them? When did this thread get so risque?
  4. I wonder about that too but that's easy to do if you're a team like Green Bay right? They don't have to go big in free agency. Their nucleus is all set for a while but the Bills can't afford to go 2,3,4 more years without the playoffs so some big money will have to be spent I would think
  5. What better way to ease in a rookie QB than to bring his talented WR from College with him. They have years of experience together. Tyrod Taylor, Cordy Glenn for starters. I'm with ya on that! I have a bad feeling about Kyle Williams though. Just feel like he's going to retire. I hope he doesn't though!
  6. You have 7 free agents re-signing and 7 free agents leaving so that's a wash. Then you have 3 free agents signing after leaving other teams and you have 7 players drafted. So if all of those are still on the roster at the end of training camp, what current 10 players do you see being released at that point to be at 53 or are you including the 10 spots on the practice squad which would mean the ones the Bills have now would be gone?
  7. I'm so broke I can't even pay attention
  8. BillsFan4, you went above and beyond to prove that Don is full of manure but mark my words. He will deflect anything you have said or ignore it or tell you are off his PM list for any further information because you promised to keep things a secret or say something like...Do you think we should try to get _______enter player name here.
  9. I think how it works is they pay State income taxes in the States they play those games. So the Bills players would pay SIT on 8 games played in NYS and SIT in each of the states where the other 8 games are played
  10. I built my own snow thrower/melter out of an old propane grill and a leaf blower. That's cool. I thought about making my own out of an old power drill and kerosene heater but I couldn't figure out how to attach the cup holder. I'd pay good money to see his facebox page
  11. You're probably right but what if he isn't mentally ill and the mods stop this because that's their belief. Aren't they then guilty of making a false accusation about a member? Better to let things play out. If he truly is mentally ill, he'll blow a gasket before too much longer and then the mods should take action.
  12. Don loves this and he knows he's full of sh*t. He does all this only for the attention. He's extremely good at deflection and can keep things straight for the most part but when someone calls him out on something and he has no quick answer, he blows it off, says something profound like "lets keep it about football" or "New Era Field will have a Grass field next year" or leaves and reads what we all post while not logged in. By the time he comes back, most have moved on and the few that continue to go after him, he now has answers for them. Not good answers but answers none the less. As more time goes by, the carp gets deeper and deeper and deeper. Or as Don would say "The cra pget sdeeeepr"
  13. Instead of being gone in 32 days, can you make it 91. Winter is so boring without you to call out and correct.
  14. what kind of beer? I have to be careful because I have a distant cousin that is in management at Coors and I have a Sister-In-Law that works at an Anheuser Busch distributor so I usually go with Labatt Blue Light Keeping the peace by not taking sides
  15. I like this site too but there seems to be a lot of people with multiple names on here. I don't remember it being that prominent at the BBMB but maybe I just didn't notice as much of it.
  16. I don't shovel snow either. I use my John Deere tractor with the snow thrower attached to it. Usually have a beer in my hand as well.
  17. diarrhea?
  18. You should have Don do it. He shovels snow for free
  19. Don spent his adult working years as a Rocket Surgeon and that's how he became a Millionaire
  20. Don, it's "a net worth of three" not "ant worth o theee"
  21. Actually I am a multi millionaire and will increase my net worth on January 30 Don why are you answering a statement in a post that cruiserplayer posted?
  22. Shovel snow 5,000 times in your life. Multiply that by $20 per time to have someone do it for you. That equals $100,000 Far cry from a Million.
  23. Check the record. Not going to debate iI You're not going to debate because you can't. many a millionaire counts his pennies. for real , i know one. he has worked every minute of overtime for 29 years and invested wisely and was mostly frugal. He shovels his own snow I don't doubt that for a second but he didn't become a millionaire because of shoveling his own snow. There were many factors that played in to how he became wealthy.
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