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Everything posted by MJS

  1. That would be awesome: Diggs Brown Beasley Davis Hodgins Roberts I can get behind that. Move on from scrubs like McKenzie, Foster, and Duke Williams. And give those rookies some specific packages to work on to get on the field for a few plays a game.
  2. Good to hear. It would be huge if those two locked up the right side.
  3. How times have changed...
  4. Ok, what's that have to do with football? And that's pretty laughable. Just pulling data out of your butt like that. It's the topic of this thread.
  5. What do "conservatives" have to do with it?
  6. I turned on the show and heard it was just her and just about turned it off, but figured I'd listen to see if she has improved. And honestly, she is much better than she used to be. But that is a low bar and she still is pretty bad. But, I was encouraged that she actually has improved. Unlike others I don't really mind her voice, but the questions she asked and her lack of knowledge about the sport and the team are still glaring. She said "We play the Jets twice this year!" ... Uh, they are in our division. We play them twice every year, Maddy... But it was good hearing from Bledsoe and I thought some of the stuff Lorenzo Alexander brought up was interesting. I'm offended that everyone takes offense all the time!!
  7. It gets routinely blown up. That's not a good omen.
  8. Would it have things that can't just be found easily online?
  9. Covering OBJ in the end zone, play after play, was a big highlight from last year. He really locked him down. Committed penalties when he needed to, but lived to fight another down. Great series of plays from him.
  10. Keep him just for the peace of mind that he isn't going to cost the team. I'm sick of holding my breath on kick offs and punts.
  11. Dang. Hamstring injuries suck. Never know how long they will be out and setbacks are very common.
  12. Cam had one of his posse members do it.
  13. Isn't he always injured?
  14. That seems wildly irresponsible to me. Don't see Beane doing that. Especially since it's our OFFENSE that needs help, not our defense. And the weak part of our offense is the oline. It got better last year but it is still below average.
  15. There's nothing to indicate that our two punters have a different skill set, so why keep both?
  16. I'm not a fan of barstool, personally. So I hope some other company pops up.
  17. Yeah, it was like the only decent offensive football of the drought years. That's why people think of Fitzpatrick and Gailey with somewhat fond memories. But they were terrible at winning football games.
  18. All those hall of fame players we had give him a ton of praise and credit him for helping them become the players they were. I have to trust the players on this one. Those guys loved him and respected him a ton.
  19. I hate those uniforms, personally. If I had to choose one of them it would be the all blues.
  20. I was excited about him when we drafted him. He hasn't been talked about a ton, but I think he could have a really good year. And he just did THAT to an starting caliber NFL olineman...
  21. What's the timeline on recovery for an injury like that?
  22. I guess it depends on the regular season. If they get through it with limited incidents I don't see a need for a bubble. If they have tons of cases and require lots of replacement players, a bubble makes sense.
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