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  1. Doesn't change the fact that dink and dunk worked long time for Tommy. And we are second in all the NFL in points and red zone today. Maybe, just maybe - you don't need an elite WR1 for dink and dunk. See diggs. See this season. And I was referring to Tampa also. 2022. Might give ya 2021 and so 3 years back.
  2. 3 years ago is not long ago. You're grasping now. 😗
  3. Seems to have worked for tom Brady for quite a long time.
  4. Today, the Bills are the number 2 scoring and red zone offense in the NFL. They beat the chiefs and lions and all without Diggs. What on earth are you gripping about? Personally, I don't want another Watkins draft nor a diggs veteran signing. Pre Madonnas don't thrive in Buffalo. This is not that kind of city nor fans.
  5. Our offense is ready for a Lombardi now. Our defense needs some help. If not this year then at least one of the next 3 years we will get there i think. Assuming josh stays healthy. As for last off season, the Bills had no money to spend.
  6. Hope you're right about the weather being overblown for this game but if that forecast stands a 20 deg drop in one day seems like high winds that change a game. But I ain't no metarologist or nothing.
  7. NT weather shows sat as high almost 40 and Sunday high as 19f. Sounds like a lot of cold air moving in and so a lot of wind. A ground game will not be good for us. Let's hope that changes.
  8. Don't forget Ray Ray. Concussion protocol for at least a week. But as for the thumb nsil, that should be all hardened and painless by end of week. Been there. The chance of high winds next weekend, like today, worry me much more. So many temp fluctuations. A ground game is not what we want.
  9. The way to change that narrative is simply to do otherwise; whilst winning. The NFL and its fans love chutzpa in their winners. Prove me wrong. . .
  10. Indeed. In the fourth qtr romo slipped up when talking about the Bills - Ravens next week and used the pronoun "we need. . ." referring to the Bills. I thought he might get a wrist slap for that.
  11. Anyone seen an update on ray ray?
  12. The Bills will likely get a 14th player to catch a TD pass. Since most of them will be non starters the chances are good that it will be a new name. The qb won't likely be JA but that is moot for the record book.
  13. Is it true that with 2 more TDs this season josh will be the first player with 40 TDs in 5 consecutive seasons? Heard that but my Google skills are failing. If so could be another record broken today.
  14. And she will have to share josh with all of us Josh's kids too. Or us Josh's biatches in some of your cases. Heh
  15. Junk. I agree with those above about many of the predictions. Want to add they have the Jets beating the rams. I don't think so. Would be fine with me if the Jets could pull that off though; draft number.
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