Take away all of the previous super bowl wins, take back the trophy's, all players must donate their SB rings to charity and Giselle needs to divorce Brady and get the house.
Wondering if you meant smattering, but then got curious if "smackering" was even a word.
I did find it used here: “Oh Piglet, I wouldn’t mind a little smackering of something, oh Owl, would you by chance have any honey?”
One fairly small change that might appease some would be to keep the division format, but then seed playoff teams by record.
So Dallas (or Philly) would still get in, but would be the 6th seed (and no home game) vs being the 4 seed.
I think Allen's just too pumped up at the start of the games (also mentioned on the broadcast yesterday). To combat that, I would think we should come out more heavily trying to establish the run (maybe with short screen passes/quick slants thrown in there) - and allow Josh to calm down the first few drives. I agree, he looks better as the game goes on, especially in 2nd half.
Make active: Yeldon & Duke!
Make inactive: Any 2 of... DiMarco, Perry, Kroft, Lee.
I don't make Gore inactive, there are others less consequential options.