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Everything posted by BuffaloBillies

  1. First AND Last game at home. If we get that, I won't complain about anything else.
  2. The 1999 team are all in their 40's and 50's now. The 2020 team would crush those old guys.
  3. Me too. Someone who knows how, start one. I'm in.
  4. Hoping for first and last week home games. Hate starting the year on the road, and nice to have the final be home in case we really need the win.
  5. Hopefully we have LOTS of holes... ...for Motor and Moss to run through!
  6. True, but with all this going on, I go to work about 10. So I'm good by then. If you want to be sharp by 7am, take at 7-8 pm night before. I still swear by the stuff. Spent years going crazy not being able to sleep. Now, night-night is something I can count on. Maybe it's half in my head, but regardless, it has changed my life. Just a PSA if others struggle with sleep too.
  7. Advil PM, 2 of them. No dumb dreams. 8 solid. Try it.
  8. This was for my fellow RUSH fans. Wasn't for everybody.
  9. Yeah, oh yeah!Ooh, said I,I’m comin’ out to get you.Ooh, sit down.I’m comin’ out to find you.Ooh, yeah. Ooh yeah.Findin’ my way!
  10. YES! Recover Sunday, back to work sharp as a tack on Monday.
  11. Big Red! Pete Metzalaars. Actually Fred, Bruce, and Kyle. All 3 are A++ in my book.
  12. Yep, you can tell what kind of afternoon it's going to be after the first couple of offensive series. Are they able to push, or are they getting pushed back. Basically, are they winning the line of scrimmage or not.
  13. Flew in for the game. Everything was awesome about that night (tailgate & game), until the final few minutes. Was drunk and pissed (a bad combo). I went back to the hotel and literally tried to flush my Bills hat down the toilet. Wouldn't go at first but I used the plunger to jam it down the hole about halfway. Housekeeping must have had to yank it out of there the next day. I was stupid, but so were the Bills for losing that game.
  14. A huge fat ass with a bad attitude
  15. Yeah, those kids were 24 going on 12. Time to grow up, nerds.
  16. 2 weeks ago I was watching women's dodge ball from 2018. I think it was Japan vs Austria. I didn't even know they had country teams for women's dodge ball. So yes, I watched the entire draft last night. I will watch the entire draft tonight and all day/night tomorrow too.
  17. Big (check) Ugly (check) Yep, he's a good fit for our OL.
  18. Bet the hackers are doing everything they can right now... With the 10th pick in the 2020 NFL draft the Cleveland Browns select... some fat guy from Arkansas. Wait, what is this.... guys, is this right?
  19. You mean release my beer and run to the bathroom? I do that all the time. AND I'm my own agent which saves at least 15%, I can be had for like $100K a season. A true no-brainer.
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