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Everything posted by BuffaloBillies

  1. Improvement each week Win the turnover battle Linebackers needed
  2. Good block on brown's td too. Team player. Don't really want him taking those hits all year, but glad he's willing to do whatever it takes.
  3. 3 Reasons... 1) Diamond Earring 2) Web Tattoo 3) Pornstache
  4. A sack-fumble would be pretty offensive on the first play.
  5. I live in Cincy now and love my Bills. I recently dumped DirecTV and Cincy is not one of the markets that NFL Sunday Ticket recently allowed to get the online version of Sunday Ticket (for $300). But, JUST NOW I signed my son up through the "student" package of Sunday Ticket (he goes to UK). It was only $99 for the whole season... all out of market games. I will be using his user name/password here (that BETTER work). I believe (hope) I can download the Sunday Ticket app on my "sort-of-smart" TV (using Amazon FireStick) and put in credentials there and watch Bills games on my big screen. If anyone cares, I can report back on Sunday if all works as I hope. If it does, and you're not in a market that allows for the online version of Sunday Ticket, maybe you have a kid, grand kid, friend, etc that goes to college that would be willing to let you do the same? You could even duke the kid $50 extra... still only pay $150 for the whole season. Ridiculous that we have to figure out these work-arounds to watch our team. Go Bills.
  6. Awesome talent. Entertaining. AND Humble. What a rare trifecta. Perfect Bill
  7. Yeah, that sounds dumb for sure, but we have a league half filled with novices so we make people draft 2 of qb, te, k, d just for bye week issue.
  8. Huh? No, Robinson was the one WR that dropped more than anyone else by far in our draft. Maybe he won't in yours but it was (I think) my best pick.
  9. Fwiw... I got Allen Robinson in round 7 ! I realize their QB is a mess but he is a true #1 stud that has a low rank. Don't reach on him, but 6 or 7 round is a steal
  10. Wow. In round and disrespect
  11. 12 man league. I took Singletary (round 3), Diggs (round 5), Bills D (round 10), Bass (backup K behind Tucker) (round 11), Knox (backup TE behind Andrews) (round 12).
  12. I don't care. I just want to kiss you.
  13. Play great and make as much as you can in the next 7 years. This is your time.
  14. What do we owe? Need us to kick in a few bucks?
  15. I'm also a TT defender. Our OL was not very good for him at all. Defenders in the backfield often immediately. His legs and quickness prevented many more negative plays. Yes, he could pull the trigger quicker, but I think he has a winner's mentality and demeanor. Wish him well.
  16. Dimarco doesn't do much for me. Hasn't for the last 2 years. Offer him a special coaching gig to stay in the locker room. If he wants to keep playing, let him walk (or send him out the door).
  17. Lose 1 of KC/SF Lose 0 of LA/LV Lose 2 of Pitt/Sea/Tenn/Ariz/Den/SD Lose 2 of AFCE 11-5
  18. Is there horse parking at the stadium?
  19. Aging CB (Norman) who had some bad year(s) recently, now with hamstring problem does not sound workable. Hamstrings recur and you don't trust it so you sometimes go less than 100% or risk yanking it again.
  20. Huh? Not sure what the problem is. Simple reaction to a post. Kinda what we do here.
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