We all know that Jacksons passing numbers are pumped up due to defenses not knowing how to combat his running ability. That was evident in the Dolphins game. He's a good player but not a good QB. He may beat us saying that.
Maybe because teams are scared to death of his running ability which opens up passing opportunities. There are only so many players on the field. The only reason Jackson had so many touchdowns in the Dolphins game is because they refused put put their safety's deep which allowed for long passes. Reduce his running capabilities and see what happens.
You make good points. I've never seen a fanbase be so critial of their own QB who is young and has an incredible amount of potential. I really feel that a decent part of our fanbase would rather root for any one of the other QBs selected in 2018.
I think the biggest problem is that most Bills fans on this website consider QBR to be a good indicator of how good the QB is. It's a terrible metric in general. That's the problem with ideas. The bad ones stick around, like QBR and Fascism.