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Everything posted by buffalobloodfloridahome

  1. Loved watching Bills V. Dolphins even at a young age I remember mostly in the 90's how Bruce would close out the games by sacking the daylights out of Marino. Marino had one of the quickest releases I've ever seen. They consistently surrounded Marino with less than talent at RB and WR and the defense was so up and down. Our defense was pretty solid and we had Thurman Thomas who ran through them pretty much every time. We had a better team in those years and we were more balanced on both sides of the ball. Marino was a heck of a QB and with a few more playmakers would of probably had a ring.
  2. Hit him hard hit him often and hang all over him. Frustrate him all game and take his mind out of it. Then hit Brady and pressure Brady all game stifle the run and win the game the best revenge you can get. Don't do anything dirty, I wont be mad at a pass interference call or holding call occasionally as long as it's not putting them in a great position. Get exotic on the d-line calling crazy blitzes and then faking the blitzes and dropping in coverage very important to not blitz to often and make sure they get home when you do or he'll pick us apart.
  3. Well as my Stepfather always says. What's the sense of going to the playoffs and not being able to win when you get in. I say get the monkey off our back. Then he says we will probably try to keep Tyrod around if that happens. I say probably not.
  4. The strength of this defense switched from D-Line to Secondary, without Gaines it will be a tall task this weekend. Milano is the bright spot at LB and is still young and developing. Preston Brown makes most of his tackles 10 yards down the field allot of good that does. Kyle Williams in his old age has had to step up and be the interior of the D-line and it's showing he needs that big bull up front to make his pass rush possible. Dareus was a big body that took away two line man and no one has stepped up to be even close to that. We need to revamp the whole line next year and add a few linebackers.
  5. Tyrod has shown spurts of decent and sometimes even good play, but has never shown the kind of consistency that it takes to build a franchise around. He is what he is and he's not getting better he has plateaued and not at a very high level. Using him for anything more than a stop gap or backup would be ludicrous at this point. I like the guy I'm just not seeing it time to move on and try something else a rookie or high profile veteran like Kirk Cousins hint hint.
  6. Better keep our foot on the gas peddle this weekend Boys. The Super Bowl proved that you can't have a big enough lead against the Patsies.
  7. I'll never understand the ultra conservative offense where we run three times and punt when we have a lead, occasionally someone is undisciplined and we pick up a first down or two. I really feel like it is old school 3 yards and a cloud of dust type football. We have two very dynamic players on this roster that are capable of making jaw dropping plays with their legs. Shady and Tyrod can take over a game with their running ability and still we try to shove this vanilla bs offense down their throats. In the first half against the dolphins they called the rollouts and qb runs and made a team with a pretty solid defense look flat footed. The same team that stifled the Patriots only one week before. We could of continued to play that style offense and taking shots knowing that Tyrod takes very few chances anyways and run away with that game and kept the defense fresh. Instead we reverted back to the conservative low risk play calling and had Cutler not been so careless with the ball we would of surely lost. If we try to be conservative against the Patriots it will get ugly real fast.
  8. I would like to see a rule where they determine it had nothing to do with the play so the flag is picked up and play resumes.
  9. The lowly dysfunctional Bengals game is the one that I knew was gonna haunt us this year. I said it when it happened we had a banged up Tyrod going into a bye week there was no question it was a trap game for us. If we don't make it in that would be it.
  10. Did anyone else think it was a little crazy having Joe Webb play special teams against the Dolphins when he was the backup Qb? Made me nervous.
  11. Her voice came off as nails on a chalk board and neither commentator added anything to the game. In fact some of the things they said frustrated me. I am not a fan of either, looking forward to Romo next week.
  12. We need to get Tyrod some acting classes I think if he went down like a heap and grabbed his head we might of got a pity call. Either way he grabbed his head and had to readjust his jaw. Regardless of intent that gets flagged in a normal game. For whatever reason the refs didn't want to throw flags yesterday and missed allot of calls on both sides. Our coach needs to learn when to call timeouts he kind of screwed us twice yesterday.
  13. O'Leary has shown an ability to get open and catch passes even though he is not as athletic as Clay he still is capable of being productive and if he can work on his blocking he'll get more playing time simple as that. If we had a better o-line we wouldn't need the tight ends to be great blockers. He's our new Chris Hogan in TE form.
  14. Happy with the win first and foremost. Not happy with not putting away a team that you had outplayed all game. No excuse for not playing the exact same offense all second half that you started with. We have a QB with one of the lowest interception rates in the league, do we not trust him to take care of the ball and not throw interceptions I don't understand the logic at all and I guess that's why I don't make the big bucks.
  15. The Jury is out but, unfortunately I see allot of the same old Bills philosophy in this team. Play good defense, run the ball, protect the ball and then when we get a lead don't take any chances on offense. Even though yesterday Tyrod actually took quite a few shots down field, this has not been the norm all season. We got lucky that Cutler was throwing picks or we would of lost yesterday. I have noticed allot of the good teams are more offensively focused now and I wish the Bills would follow suit. Sure you need a defense, but it's been shown time and time again unless you have a once in a decade type defense it's been the good offenses that are winning and going to the playoffs. Hopefully next year our offense is completely revamped and I hope a new offensive coordinator and QB with a new lineman or two plus a few more weapons and then we will be fine.
  16. The real news is that Seattle is finally getting an NHL team good for them. Felt bad when they lost the Supersonics for no reason at all.
  17. The biggest thing I noticed about Peterman is what can make or break his career. He is always trying to make a play and he needs to learn to take the sack sometimes and understand pocket presence. If he can figure those two things out he has shown pretty good ball placement accuracy (when not getting crushed) and the ability to throw open receivers as well as throw before their break. He's no longer at Pitt anymore and taking a sack isn't the end of the world. The part of pocket presence is knowing whether he has time to get the ball out before he's hit and not while he's being hit. This game if he starts will give him the best opportunity to get more comfortable in the pocket and against a depleted secondary we have very strong matchups with our wide receivers as well. This is more of a training wheels game for him. If Tyrod starts which would make no sense to me at this point him being injured and we are currently the 8th seed which means we need to win out or have other teams fall back to have a chance. Because I'm a Bills fan I want to win and I want to see Peterman show that he isn't just the butt of all jokes in the NFL but, even if he plays great it doesn't mean much because of the inferior opponent. BTW this inferior opponent we speak of could beat us no matter who we roll out with at QB Brissett is no joke and plays hard.
  18. Linebackers that can cover sideline to sideline are pivotal in defenses now especially with the emergence of tight ends in this league. We could always get Mario Williams back he loves to drop into coverage
  19. By mishandling I meant putting him into a position with a low chance of success. I don't think the team wanted Peterman in because of how well liked Tyrod is in the locker room and in re-watching allot of the tape it seemed like the team wasn't playing for him or even trying to block. I'm not saying had the line and other players stepped up and played well that the game would of ended any differently. I don't think starting Tyrod we win that game anyways. The Chargers are on fire right now on offense and defense. Keenan Allen looks all but un-coverable at this point. It just seems like common sense to me that a coach would understand that you don't start a rookie qb in a west coast game against a great pass rush for his first start.
  20. Yeah until our O-line allows the other team to finish off his back. Seriously though he's been impressive with his continued thirst for knowledge and ability to pick apart plays. I see coaching in his future why not be the ones to give him that shot.
  21. This was the game I had circled on my calendar when Peterman was supposed to start. Not on the road against the Chargers who have a great pass rush. Our line is not capable of having a pocket passer against that kind of a dline. This was a game I thought would be a nice transition into the Pros for a rookie. This mishandling of Peterman is exactly what I was afraid of letting him get his confidence trounced. Hopefully the kid can recover and be serviceable the rest of the year.
  22. Here is the other thing for Tyrod's future he needs to think about. If he keeps coming out and playing terrible, when we get rid of him his stock has been lowered. Honestly pulling Tyrod when we did was doing him a favor and if Peterman would of been just adequate against the chargers, Tyrod's value was much higher at that point. His last few performances will make teams question whether or not he's even worth it anymore.
  23. Why is it always the play that didn't look like much seem to always cause the most severe injuries. You have these guys get absolutely blown up and worst case is a concussion. It was just bad form on his tackling by leading and dropping the crown of his helmet. Sad to see and praying he makes a full recovery.
  24. I think Buffalo should shock the world and offer Romo our OC position this offseason by offering him enough money to lure him away from CBS. The guy knows his stuff and I have no doubt would be a great mentor to a rookie qb coming in. Plus his experience in a modern offense and being not afraid to throw the ball would be a refreshing change for this offense. You hearing me Pegulas
  25. Two games this year defined and changed our season. The first and in my opinion biggest loss was to the Bengals a team at the time couldn't break wind and had no business even playing with us let alone beating us. The second was the trouncing we took from the Jets even keeping it competitive wouldn't of hurt that bad but the way we lost set the tone for the rest of the season. Win those two games and we would of had a real shot and probably would be expected to make the playoffs. That being said our offense needs to be put down. Everybody but Shady has underperformed mostly stemming from Tyrod's inability to fit the system Dennison has in place. A good offensive coordinator fits the system to the talent not the other way around.
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