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Everything posted by BigBobby

  1. True. Defense allowed 31 to a mediocre offense through run plays. 9 minute back-breaking drives didn't hurt. But def Allen's fault.
  2. We got blown out. Gotta be Allen's fault right? As usual, defense handled b'ness. Frank gore 4 out of first 6 plays to start game (shockingly 2 three-and-outs). Allen just sucked right? Guys wide-open all day. OL was on point. They are soft and they get blown out quite a bit. Any adversity and bank it (guaranteed ass whooping). We got playmakers up the ass. Can't believe a 2nd year qb (barely) isn't gettin it done on this aggressive ultra-experienced offensive-minded coaching staff. I never expected running to a 36 YO rb and playing good defense would burn us against a mediocre team. Anyways, best to start looking at QBs this offseason. If we don't like our young playmaker Singletary, maybe we should see what we can get for him this week in a trade too. Seems he only gets action in 2nd half or on screens....which was always his strength.
  3. What happens if Allen plays the same game as last week, but instead Knox catches the easy throw and the deep ball goes to foster instead of useless Roberts and the Bills beat the Eagles, what will people complain about him? I know the expectation is that he's perfect not even halfway through year 2. But, it seems that he cleans up everything that people trash him over: 1. The completion % is up 10pts 2. The turnovers are way down the last 2 weeks 3. He leads the league in 4th q passer rating and comebacks 4. His short game is rated amongst the best in the league 5. I could go on The current trashing is that he isn't hitting the deep ball and winning is not good enough all of a sudden...unless we stomp everybody. What's it going to be next week?
  4. Instead, Knox catches the easy throw and the deep ball goes to foster instead of useless Roberts and the Bills beat the Eagles, what will people complain about him? I know the expectation is that he's perfect not even halfway through year 2. But, it seems that he cleans up everything that people trash him over: 1. The completion % is up 10pts 2. The turnovers are way down the last 2 weeks 3. He leads the league in 4th q passer rating and comebacks 4. His short game is rated amongst the best in the league 5. I could go on The current trashing is that he isn't hitting the deep ball and winning is not good enough all of a sudden...unless we stomp everybody. What's it going to be next week?
  5. He's a stupid racist who staged a police beatdown to look like some victim.
  6. It is funny. On here, Facebook, TV, etc. people make excuses for Baker. It's his OL's fault, his HC's fault, his diva WR's fault and Baker will come around - he's just a young struggling QB. Meanwhile, Allen is 4-1. The only team he has lost to in his last 8 games is being predicted to go 16-0 and just won another Super Bowl. Yet, all people can talk about with Allen is his bad plays. We dissect every single throw. We talk for a week about when he missed a wide open Zay who is running slower than Kelvin. Why do people always criticize Allen so much and make excuses for Baker? Baker's stats suck. The Browns are a trainwreck - and by the way, they were said to be one of the most talented in the NFL before the season and now they are hurting Baker's development??? Or maybe HE is hurting them! Not to mention, Allen plays with more heart than anyone I can remember seeing and Baker spends more time worrying about how to get Rex with a good zinger than getting his team on the right track. His attitude is even worse than his horrendous play.
  7. Hell yeah! Parked in a small lot on SW and California. Took me 10 minutes to exit the lot and I hit zero traffic once I hit the road (and yes, i stayed for the whole game). Took SW to Union and picked up the 90 at William St. Whole process was well under 60 minutes. Thanks to everyone for the tips!!
  8. Awesome tips!! Thanks everyone!
  9. Going to game Sunday, but have to catch a flight at 7:30 from Niagara Falls. Years ago, I used to park on the corner of California and southwestern then sneak out some side exit on California hang a right on California then a left on big tree and go the long way home to avoid sitting in traffic. Dos anyone take that route? Wondering if it's still an easy way to dodge heavy traffic jams. Appreciate the advice! Any other low traffic options?
  10. Super helpful thanks everyone!
  11. Ok thanks!
  12. I bought tickets from a season ticket holder who claims he special requested printed tickets instead of digital from the bills. They look pretty solid. Likelihood they are fakes?
  13. Stuff like this makes me appreciate Allen even more than I already do. Allen is 3-0. He has a winning record, 4 4th quarter comebacks and has demonstrated that gamer mentality when we've really needed him. He has improved from last year and hasn't even played a full year yet. Allen is still highly criticized after every bad throw for the entire week...even after a win. Fans and media rag on him when he overthrows bombs or throws a pick. At least the dude is trying. He wants to win more than anyone I can remember watching not named Tom Brady. Even though people trash him nonstop, he is always positive and goes balls to the wall - stiffarming LBs and stuff. Baker hits a little adversity and hears one negative take about him and has a temper tantrum. That Allen pick is looking great right now to me compared to everyone else drafted (Lamar is solid too). I expect a win against NE. This is his chance to prove he's arrived and a rising star. Meanwhile Baker goes to 1-4 and next thing we know, ODB will be crying!
  14. well....this is good for me. I don't have to worry about routing for a team that this racist dic k is on. He may be the most racist, obnoxious person I've ever seen in sports. I mean the fake beatdown in Vegas? What a joke - this dude was hoping for that to support his white people suck agenda. Let him go to the Pats. That ship will sink eventually and it will be even sweeter if he goes down with it.
  15. What I dont understand is when every one of us dumb fans know exactly what is happening on literally EVERY SINGLE FIRST DOWN along with the fact that we ALL know these run backs are a f'in joke, why do we insist on running it up the middle every single first down? It's a give-up play. We basically have 2 downs to get a first when every team in the league gets 3 tries.
  16. Influenced by that garbage on the NY Daily News the other day written by one of their many racists were you? Get a life. The Bill's aren't racist...but it sounds like you might be.
  17. I agree. Just move on already.
  18. I understand the concept of a QB competition. But the bills butchered this. They acted like they have some air-tight process for Allen. So they go get a vet. They let all 3 battle it out. It's been nothing but a distraction for our pathetic offense and 34 minutes into the first game, the plan is shot and we wasted an entire summer getting our rookie ready and aligned with his horrendous receivers...mostly practicing on 3rd team. It's almost comical. The vet has been traded and the guy who "earned" it got benched after not getting a single first down. Even the jets announced their starter weeks ago. So darnold has had 2 or 3 weeks to settle into the starter role. McDermott is going to lose the team with bad decisions like this...if he hasn't already.
  19. Well...if u saw that racist, Shaun king's tweet yesterday about the bills improving CK's collusion case because we started Nate over him, maybe he would think the bills are less collusiony if we signed him?
  20. What I like about him other than his arm and attitude is that he's a tough f'in QB. Even when the sack is inevitable, he fights on his way down and even grabs a couple extra yards. When he got hit late on the sideline run, he made sure he brought the guy down with him then he got in his face. It's going to be a long season, but that stuff makes him easy to route for. Peterman...while he had a chance to turn into a great story of redemption just looks overmatched out there. They absolutely cannot put him back on the field as the starter.
  21. Need McCoy to have a career-best type game and I bet he's up for it. He knows he will go down as a buffalo legend if he blows up for 175+ and a couple TDs against NE with this much at stake. But if the cowardly Taylor shows up with 30-50 yards passing halfway into the second quarter, he needs to come out immediately. They can't be stubborn and keep him in there until the game is out of reach. Taylor hasn't really shown the ability to bounce back after a slow start. He needs to have fun and play with some passion like he did yesterday. He was actually fun to watch again (at least in the first half).
  22. Oh great. Just when the bills need to win some big games to finally end this playoff drought, they decide to bring in the definition of average and mediocrity who has no idea what it is like to win a big game as a Bill to lead them out of the tunnel and right into another another offseason full of missed opportunities. Are we ever going to stop hearing about this dude and his one (barely) 1,000 yard season? Lol...that's like comparing what smells better...diarrhea or puke. All I can picture is slow Freddy and fat Tolbert in a foot race while Corey Glenn sprints right past them both.
  23. Omg...is that enough to get rid of Dennison? Our offense is disgusting
  24. I'm normally super negative. Not today though...maybe after the first quarter I'll go back to that. But I'm gonna pretend like we have a chance.
  25. Normally but I agree. But they bills have never let me down before
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