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The 9 Isles

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Everything posted by The 9 Isles

  1. Ahem…..
  2. I wonder what dance moves we’ll see at practice this week? Maybe Josh can invent another cool handshake? Maybe McDermott can get a bigger glove for his stick. Hmmm….
  3. You know what really sucks, what genuinely sucks is that the Patriots and Belichick always get the last laugh. A big hearty belly laugh at this sorry excuse for a Super Bowl contender we have here.
  4. It was all too good to be true. Bills football always, always returns.
  5. I’m just following this thread, I turned of the game in the first half. How can you people stomach actually watching it?
  6. Don’t kid yourself, this team is mediocre at best.
  7. Patriots will walk away with it. Same old Bills.
  8. I slowly stopped giving a crap about football 3 years ago after decades of misery. Last year they roped me back in and now I’m really disappointed I fell for it. Damn it. I’ve got to relearn to not care again.
  9. Problem is just eeking out a win isn’t where this team is supposed to be. They are supposed to actually beat teams confidently if we are going to hold out hope they are continuing to progress into a perennial contender. They are looking like a team that’s closer to the “same old Bills” than not. I for one am totally over pretending to give a crap about a mediocre team again. They can F right off if they regress and I have to see them try and get good AGAIN. I’m not even mad, really disappointed though.
  10. Fan yes, blind and delusional? No.
  11. This team sucks and the players are pu**ies. Truth hurts.
  12. I turned it off before the half. Do yourselves a favour and do the same.
  13. Between the Officials, the NFL and all their social commentary, the NFL and their new marriage to the gambling world, the dirtbag players everywhere, the lack of intestinal fortitude with many players, the inevitability of the Bills being bad, the wins are never as good as the loses are bad. It just feels like a big waste of time now. The NFL is all marketing and a bad product.
  14. I mentioned a few weeks ago that the Bills being considered a great team was short lived and got roasted. Well this team is back to being a laughing stock, joke team again.
  15. Win a Super Bowl? Might not even get a wild card birth. This team is so disappointing. It the trade mark of the Bills, “consistently disappointing “.
  16. Nope. This team sucks. Stacked with pu**ies.
  17. The thing is that football isn’t fun to watch anymore. The entire game I sit there waiting for the refs to blow a call or for the Bills to shoot them selves in the foot or wait for the millionth commercial break to end so that I can hear horrible announcers repeat the same clichés over and over again. For what? So that my team can eek out a win or hope that they don’t screw up and fall back to the losers the inevitably return to being? I hate the NFL.
  18. Back to being the laughing stock of the NFL again.
  19. Bill Belichick is laughing his a$$ off right now.
  20. Really? He’s correct. They look like garbage. They can’t beat anyone that’s halfway decent. Wake up.
  21. Turn it off. Just stop watching.
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