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The 9 Isles

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Everything posted by The 9 Isles

  1. We have a Ferrari with a chimp at the wheel.
  2. This team is so disappointing.
  3. This team is so overrated.
  4. I participated in the game day thread. Complaining, bitching, whining the whole time. Sky is falling, poor me, this team is cursed, I hate football etc, etc. I really f’d it all up. sorry.
  5. I remember when Mike Shanahan interviewed for the Bills job in 2015. Rumour at the time was that he wanted to bring in his son in as the OC and groom him as his replacement as HC in the long run. Well that never happened. Sucks.
  6. Jags 3rd conversion coming up.
  7. RIGGED. entertainment purposes only.
  8. Losers. Can’t do anything right.
  9. Imagine if Allen didn’t under throw Diggs multiple time today. Probably be winning
  10. Yeah unfortunately. I wish I could stop. I am completely serious.
  11. Can’t wait for Josh and the offense with the “mea culpa” Mediocre team, coach and players outside of Allen and Diggs.
  12. True. At the end of the day the misery of these games far outweighs any of the ultimately meaningless wins. Gruelling, torturous watch. All week enduring the nauseating sports talk, waiting for another game which by the end of the season will mean nothing. No championships, just miserable feelings and ruined Sundays. Football sucks.
  13. I wish the Bills had moved away years ago. Would have ended all this garbage.
  14. Ruined my whole Sunday. Stupid losers.
  15. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK this team. miserable losers. lipstick on a pig.
  16. This team is cursed. All you homers can think otherwise but this team will never win a championship.
  17. Why do I subject myself to watching this bogus team? Year after year always the same crap. I wish I could stop I really do.
  18. Totally unwatchable. I hate football
  19. This game is a complete disaster
  20. What a surprise, first down for the jagoffs on a 3rd and long.
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