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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. They still have to play the Ravens, Cowboys another game against us and still have 2 against the Jets, who I think can be a matchup nightmare for their offense.
  2. No matter which team wins the narrative next week will be that team is headed to the Super Bowl. If Miami wins the talk will be about unstoppable offenses and "what's going on in KC with their offense" If KC wins it will all be about Mahomes and his greatness (even though their defense has been the reason they've been winning to this point) and about how Miami can't win against good teams. What's funny is the AFC's "2nd best game" is featuring the 2 teams tonight that could end up playing for the AFCCG. And neither the Bengals or Bills will be the feature story after this week.
  3. Tomlin is one of the most under appreciated coaches in NFL history.
  4. Day 3 pick? Sure. That's about the place the Bills should take a QB IMO. The key will be finding the guy that would fit the system and is good enough to invest in, but not good enough to get poached from the PS. As far as next year, Buffalo still should be carrying an experienced backup for a multitude of reasons.
  5. Tom Brady to his plastic surgeon: "I like the way Travolta looks...but also kind of want a John Elway appearance" Plastic Surgeon: "Say no more...."
  6. Making homemade pizza, fried dough and wings. Will munch on that all day. Then for the game I'll grab a box of Cheese-Its, some iced tea and relax.
  7. That's the key for me. Keep it consistent. It's no different than an umpire in baseball. Every umpire has a different strikezone. As long as it's the same for both teams it's fine.
  8. Yes but by the same token week after week we also hear "blatant hold...no flag". "He pushed off...no flag". And so on and so forth. So, if they don't throw flags everyone cries that the games are rigged and they miss everything...and if they do throw a flag then they are "flag happy and want to insert themselves into the game.". Realistically, I feel like the refs about 90% of the time are just used as a method for fans to vent why their team lost. Happens every week for all teams that play.
  9. If we are going to win...it HAS to be Gabe Davis IMO. I believe Lou Anarumo will have something to reduce Diggs in place. Gabe's going to have to step up and have a good game. He's had a couple this year. I believe he can produce
  10. Honestly, I feel like the speed the game goes now has a LOT to do with blown officiating calls as well. Not all, mind you. But it definitely factors in IMO. They use the same number of officials standing at the same points to monitor players now that are bigger and faster and stronger than 40 years ago.
  11. I give him credit for trying to gut it out. Couldn't have been easy and shows his character. However, in his absence Kincaid has kind of broke out and it would be a shame if Knox's return stunted that. I'm all for having as many weapons as possible, but I'm ok with Knox taking his time to come back as well.
  12. Physically terrifying, no they are not. However they play with attitude and sometimes they even cross the line from playing "chippy" to downright dirty. And that's where having guys that can bring that physicality right back to them comes into play. Joseph is going to bring that if he plays. Should Fournette be active, we know firsthand he will not stand for the BS and will get physical if needed...be it he's involved in the play or not. One thing that has traditionally bothered me about the Bills is that teams know you can bully them a bit. Not so much these days IMO.
  13. There are certain aspects about the international travel I can see the coaching staffs points on. Spending the first part of the week in your own facility with access to better rehab equipment being the big one. But having a game in a European country 7 days after playing a game stateside is impractical for both teams. Really think it would make much more sense to schedule teams coming off a bye for international games. I also think they should schedule 4 teams to play there and stay 2 weeks. Something like the Dolphins play the Chiefs and Jags play the Ravens the first week...then flip it and the Jags play the Dolphins and Chiefs play Ravens the 2nd week.
  14. I swear on all things holy if there are only plain fried cakes left again I'm going on strike.
  15. I agree. First off, giving credit where it's due, KC has played really good team defense this year. It's been the reason why they are winning. However, they are overmatched a bit this game. I do not think the Chiefs can win this one in a shootout. There's a lot to factor into this game but the 2 things that stick out to me most are that 1. As unlikable as Tyreek Hill is...he's going to be playing with a vendetta. And the way he's played so far this year him having extra motivation is a frightening thought. 2. Travel plans. Miami got in on Monday. Chiefs on Thursday. I think we all saw firsthand the difference that makes. This weekend will tell us a lot about how the top AFC teams are shaking out. With this game and us against the Bengals. Baltimore should win against Seattle, but the 'Hawks aren't an easy out either. And don't look now, but the Steelers are suddenly 5-3. For the Bills, this game is basically a must win.
  16. I'm here because I was told there would be cake and pie. I have yet to receive any cake or pie.
  17. Fair question. Just a gut feeling that Joseph will be in there. He did it last year in Philly. I think he can again. Douglas is the question mark in my mind. I hope so, but I'd call him doubtful. Would love to be surprised here, but if he needs the extra week to learn terminology, I'm good with that. Can't have blown coverage against Burrow. Fournette, listening to Beane seems the biggest longshot IMO.
  18. Fun fact about Al as well...he claims he's never eaten a vegetable in his life. Gotta respect that.
  19. I'm hoping... HOPING it's a truly terrible game. Annoyed and up past his bed time Al Michaels is freaking hilarious.
  20. Levis looked fantastic in his first game action. I think he comes back down to Earth a bit tonight. I saw a lot of blown/bad coverage last week he took advantage of. Don't think he gets that luxury tonight.
  21. Now I think you're just being greedy,😂. Beane has made moves to replace 2 out of the 3 lost stars on defense. Made a move to replace Harris (and maybe be a bigger chess piece). He's done well. At some point you need to say...ok this is what we got...go win.
  22. Thank GOD for Josh Allen. If not for him there would likely be a 100 page thread about bringing in this guy next year. Not sure my sobriety could have handled that.
  23. Well, he's got a good/competitive team. I'm wondering if it's more the human element in play. Terry realizing he's not getting younger.
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