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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. The difference between the Chiefs and Bills this year has been the health of their defense. That's the difference between the 7-2 and 5-4.
  2. To me the problem is simply age combined with unfortunate events. Conditioning staff couldn't have done anything for Milano getting rolled up on. Lots of wear and tear on both Hyde and Poyer. I think we just kept them without having a replacement plan in place for a season or two too long. Love what they have done here and we won't be able to replace what we had with them in their prime. But the time has come for fresh blood back there IMO.
  3. Yea, hoping the extra day is good for Benford and his hammy. Hyde...last thing I wanted to see this year was anything neck related for him. Hoping it's nothing serious/long term. And Diggs...I'd think they would have to lock him in a broom closet to stop him from being on the field...though depending on the issue backs can be tricky.
  4. I have a feeling Big Ed was hung out to dry a bit by this quote. Diggs added to injury report. I hate it here.
  5. Yes, even read a story where Andy put a play in that the custodian drew up as well. That does keep things fun and interesting for sure. However I liken it to "pretty lady syndrome" Unscientific observation tells me that life in general is easier for a pretty lady than one with warts all over her face. Winning 2 Super Bowls means people give them the benefit of the doubt when things are bad. This year alone, their offense has been brutal at times and flat out not good. But they aren't hearing their coordinator should be fired. They aren't hearing a new HC is needed. Makes it far easier to operate and figure things out than it does for Dorsey, Allen and McDermott because they have the warts of never winning before. For KC, they can have fun and figure it out as the heat isn't as high and they aren't under the microscope. It helps.
  6. I'd like to see what the result and repercussion would have been had he been convicted of the double murder. I would hope the decision would have been different and he would have been removed, but we will never know. The court of public opinion convicted him. The court of common sense confirms it. We all know he's guilty. However the final statline on it reads "not guilty" and as much of a dark cloud as it is, it would open the door for a lot more people being removed over being simply accused of serious crimes...guilty or not. Slippery slope.
  7. That hat reminds me of the Montreal Expos.
  8. I see your point, however I would argue that winning the first time took pressure off a fair amount as well.
  9. I do agree. However it's important to recognize that situational football also means having awareness of your tendencies and throwing tendency breakers in as well. For instance, if you typically throw short of the sticks on 3rd and medium, taking that deep pop in that situation is smart at times as it will keep a defense playing honest.
  10. Well, here's the thing. Back when this run started players were younger and had no expectations or pressure on them Once they made the AFCCG the pressure set in and it went from a game with buddies to a very business like approach. The other thing worth pointing out is the natural progression of maturity in Josh Allen. Seeing a franchise QB grow up in front of us is something we really have never seen in Buffalo. Yes, we had Kelly however he had a few years to grow up in the USFL and by the time he came here he is who he was as a person. With Allen we are watching him go from a smaller NCAA QB who grew up on a farm to multimillionaire, face of the NFL. That's a huge change to take place in a timeframe of your early 20s to mid to late 20s. We like to think that all things should stay the same but often forget that these guys are often young human beings that are finding generational wealth and that brings about change.
  11. I mean, Linval did high crotch and toss Burrow on a play. Could have easily been flagged and wasn't. Imagine they did that to Allen.
  12. Execution wins championships. There is definitely a time and place for Allen to take the checkdowns and move the chains. But when you have the opportunity for the mad bomber play, you have to take it and more importantly, you have to hit more times than not. 2 plays in the Bengals game come to mind. First was the home run ball to Harty. I have seen the All 22 and Gabe does eventually come free underneath for the easy competition. However, Allen was presented a single high look and had his "speed guy" in Harty one on one. This is a shot you simply have to take...however Harty couldn't really get separation and Josh made a less than great throw. Second play was the intentional grounding call. Again, Allen had options underneath. However he had Davis one on one and made the proper read and from the looks of where the ball landed he made a great throw...only to have Gabe cut it off. In both cases, yes there was a chance to move the ball, but they had chances and didn't execute the play.
  13. I do agree with you and I've been on the bandwagon that Denver is actually playing solid football the last few games. Say what you will about Russ Wilson, but he's playing his arse off this year. I was speaking more on narratives both from the media and by those in our fanbase that always clutch the negative. Yea, obviously if they win it keeps the window open. Was speaking more on gaining nothing from quieting the critics. If Mahomes was so sick that it cost his team a game then he shouldn't have been out there. That's on him and Reid. They went out and got Gabbert as their backup. While not a great QB he's capable of being in a game and not losing it... especially with an offensive mastermind at the helm.
  14. I think the Bills are in a tough spot. If they lose...yes I agree that the rest of this season is possibly going to blow up rather fast. Especially if the offense still sputters. If they win it will be, "Yea they won at home against a team they should beat...whoopie doo" Even if the offense comes out COOKING they gain nothing because the Broncos "Gave up 70 and are a horrible defense". And "Yeah, let's see what they do against a real defense next week with the Jets".
  15. That game has the chance to be a 6-3 game or somehow a 44-41 game. No in between. 😂
  16. Can't wait til the 2nd half for Spicy Al Michaels . He's guaranteed to be extra spicy staying up late to watch this barn burner
  17. Absolutely. By the end of the season our boy will be all grown up😂
  18. I think next season either Babich or Washington will take over the DC role. My hunch is that Washington is being groomed for it. On offense, Tee Martin supposedly impressed when they were looking to replace Daboll and all things even (being no Allen endorsement of Dorsey) I suspect they would have picked him. Not that I'm fond of either choice, but that's what I sort of see McDermott doing.
  19. Interestingly enough...meeting NOT held by one of the captains....but by Latavius Murray.
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