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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. He's still got a lot to learn, but he's seeing playtime as a rookie. That's more than Bernard got. Give Williams a season or 2 and let him gain that experience and we may have something there. I know it's different positions, but he's already around the ball more than Edmunds typically was and he's not afraid to make contact.
  2. Vince Young won OROY. Jauron is a former Coach of the year. Early potential means nothing. Those kind of awards mean nothing for long term success. The Texans have a window to succeed. But a lot can happen.
  3. Just because I love my kids doesn't mean they don't make me want to smack them upside the head once in a while.
  4. Sadly, beating Buffalo WAS his Super Bowl😂 But to your point I agree wholeheartedly. Even looking back over time, Steve Spurrier pops to mind as well. Some guys are just better suited to be in college. Nothing wrong with that, of course.
  5. Pete Carroll. Depending on your definition of fail/success could include Andy Reid in there. Tom Coughlin. Marv Levy, Tony Dungy. Again, the list is subjective based on where you may draw the line. As you say, he could be another Adam Gase. Valid. You also say he had success with the best QB in the league...and when Josh Allen is humming he's in that conversation.
  6. There's actually a lot to be curious about with Nagy. If we are being real, everything in Chicago starts with poor ownership. Yet somehow the dude found the playoffs twice with Trubisky and Foles at QB. Would be interested to see what he would accomplish with better QB play. He's a fan of using both short WCO routes as well as using the deep ball to open things up. He's got a reputation for making players buy in and engage by having THEM design some plays (exactly something Andy Reid is lauded for). He's not afraid to take chances and use gadget plays as well. For the "this team isn't having fun anymore" crowd....this keeps it fun for the players. He uses a LOT of RPO, which is something Allen does well. He has this one play he uses effectively.... it's called a SCREEN PLAY. Motion and misdirection. He's quite literally a LOT of what fans are screaming for. When looking into possible coaches for next year one thing he was quoted as saying really caught my eye. "What can happen, as a player, is you think you need to maybe try a little harder, you may have to act a little different – don't do that. Just be yourself. Do what got you here. As coaches, don't change. If you have a certain style of teaching, then teach that way. Don't change because now you're in the NFL" Darn it all of this doesn't sound like a guy that will allow Josh Allen to play like JOSH FREAKING ALLEN. The NFL has a long history of guys that flamed out in their first coaching stint, learned and went on to success. Sure, you can point to some that didn't as well. But let me ask this. Many people were uneasy about handing the offense to a neophyte OC that had never held the position before. Why would you be eager to turn the ENTIRE TEAM over to someone brand new to the position? I want experience, and Nagy has that.
  7. I have a small list in my head of coaches that I would be interested in. Some first time coaches (like Ben Johnson) some that maybe should see a second chance that would be I feel very unpopular (like Matt Nagy). In any event, it's a moot point as I don't get to interview them and see what their vision is.
  8. I need to see Sal C and "other Sal (Maiorana)" in a "Grump Off". Be like watching Statler and Waldorf on the old Muppets.
  9. 2-15 teams go through adversity as well. 7-10 teams go through adversity. Could the Bills go on a tear? Sure, it's football and anything is possible. But, I think logically, with the injuries, remaining schedule and the way they are currently playing realistically it's a longshot at best.
  10. Such a shame this would happen to such a fine and upstanding young man. Thoughts and prayers.
  11. Yes, there is more than one issue. He took steps to solve one of them. Is that not something he should do? And for accuracy sake: he didn't fire the ST coach after 13 seconds. His contract was up and wasn't brought back or he decided to leave. There's a difference. And for the record, I do hope the same standard is used for Smiley and he is replaced at some point. In promoting Dorsey, in my view the mistake he made was taking too much of Josh's preference to heart. Once Allen said he wanted Dorsey there wasn't even what I would consider a real search. They met the Rooney Rule, interviewed 2 other guys that equally had no experience and pressed on with Josh's choice.
  12. The Bull💩 Bills would fit as well.
  13. Marv also wrote a Buffalo "fight song". And sang it. In public.
  14. Honestly, the fans/media. McDermott has been fielding questions from Tim Graham and others since the week after Miami about Dorsey and if he would lose playcalling duties. This stoked the fans fire and with the offense struggling, the drum beat grew louder. It finally came to a head yesterday. And it's almost hysterical how many fans are. Almost everyone wanted to see Dorsey fired. Then when he gets fired a certain percentage turn it into "he fired him as a scape goat and to save his own arse".
  15. Honestly, if there's no 12 man Ken likely still has his job today. And seeing how he's schemed against the Jets the 3 times he's played them....it likely buys him an extra week.
  16. He got rid of the ball fast. Threw a moonshot that was most likely INTENDED to draw the DPI. Hellz I've seen Brady do that dozens of times. So, yes being that was the design of the play it was a good call and good execution.
  17. When they lined up for the second attempt I was sure the Bills were just showing the look and we're about to back out of it. They didn't and Wilson was prepared.
  18. Man, he sounds like the next Chip Kelly or Matt Rhule. Can't miss...
  19. Joe Brady's first assignment: Crack the Jets defense. Good luck young man.
  20. I believe that children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.
  21. Weird. Saw Palmer on Eisen (I believe it was) around TC and he implied that Josh hadn't been there.
  22. Josh is physically gifted. He has athleticism and talent that have rarely been seen. And that's not just on the football field. Think of all the cool videos we see of Allen doing other things. Shooting hoops. That one with the ping pong ball from a couple years back. We all knew (and some were) "that guy" in high school. The one that everything came easy to. When he first came to the Bills he matched that athleticism with work away from the team to hone his skills and improve. Last off season and I believe the one before....he stopped. For whatever reason...be it stress from all the stuff that happened last year, bad advice...whatever. He's remarked he doesn't study much film. He didn't work with Palmer ..just not grinding like he was. He's relying too much on physical gifts...and the NFL can be a cruel place for people like that. Looking at his face....he no longer has that dawg in him.
  23. Both things could easily be said about Davis. Though with Davis he has more success on 1st and 2nd converting for a 1st down (when he catches it)
  24. Knox is the epitome of "jack of all trades- master of none" He does everything that a typical starting TE should be able to do. The biggest problem is he's average in all aspects but paid like a top guy at the position. The one thing he does have is the ability for those "angry runs" that get some people pulling for him more. He's quite literally the Gabe Davis of TEs.
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