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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. If you're on team: What's best for the Bills playoff odds-Ravens. If you're wanting the wheels to fall off because you're a sad miserable little t-waffle that likes it better when the Bills suck because it makes your little insecurities feel better and helps your erectile dysfunction -Bengals Pretty clear.
  2. My thing with Ken has always been...is he too smart for his own good? Sure, he can scheme up some fantastic designs. He can have a lot of really solid concepts. However, does he have the skill to teach them on a level that a 20 something year old will comprehend and be able to replicate? Keeping it simple is sometimes the smarter route. It's even smarter to be able to recognize when the time comes to simplify and try again. The buzzword for press conferences this season has been "confidence" Has Josh lost his confidence? Was McDermott confident in Dorsey? How do we find confidence? I bring that up because I believe players play to the style and personality of those around them. As you point out, Dorsey did not come across with any confidence. Was he that way in the meeting rooms as well? Who knows. But Joe Brady was up there under the lights in what had to be a tough spot for him... exuding confidence. That could be a difference maker IMO.
  3. Here's the issue, however. If there is a deep position in the draft Beane has a history of waiting and NOT taking from that position until later in the draft. He would typically take positions that he feels aren't as deep early. In theory, I understand the idea. If the WR spot is that good there's a good chance to take a guy you would normally see go late first round in the 2nd or 3rd. Like I said, the THEORY is good. However that's also how you end up coming away with a Gabe Davis in the 4th instead of a Tee Higgins or Michael Pittman in the early 2nd.
  4. For those interested. Brady's PC from today. My own impressions: Comes away seeming very confident in himself and Josh. Well spoken. Crisp answers. Has a bit of humor. How that all translates against the Jets remains to be seen. But it seems like he has some fresh ideas.
  5. And that's all an opinion that has a valid argument. You still used a terrible play to clutch the pearls on. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  6. Gabe's speed is indeed subpar. That's not who he ever was, though. There's a distinct difference between being a deep threat and being a "speed guy". If memory serves Davis was a 4.5 guy coming out of college. He's not noted for break away speed. Mike Williams for the Chargers is a 4.5 guy that can get open deep....and he's not running away from guys either.
  7. I don't think the term dictator is the correct one. I think he's more of a micro-manager.
  8. It's literally what you said. Literally. I will agree it was an amazing throw. It was also in front of him and he had to bring it in. As good of a throw as it was it was a nice snag. That slowed him up. And yes, he doesn't have the quick twitch that some have...but he still turned it up field and gained YAC. Point being this is an odd play to single out and try to make the point that Davis sucks. There are far better options to prove that point
  9. Against zone that is a read play. The odds that his route just happened to rest in the soft part of the zone are pretty obscure IMO. I'm not a huge Davis defender by any means...but this was a good play. Your claim that he's not good because he ran his route is....weird.
  10. There are a lot of examples of Davis being subpar. This to me isn't one of them. He actually found a good spot to sit in the zone, caught the ball and turned upfield for some YAC. This was a good play. The places where he HASN'T been good enough are when he's cutting off routes and Allen is seeing something different.
  11. Could Allen be Michael Jordan with the Wizards? And does that make Nate Peterman Michael Jordan during his baseball years? Who's the Michael Jordan from Space Jam? Burrow?
  12. This thread gave me COVID. OP: Your concepts are TOTALLY valid and well worth discussing. You know who would LOVE this conversation? Sal Capaccio. You should absolutely positively give him a buzz on his show and bring this up.
  13. It's the same system, for sure. But each coordinator designs plays within that system. Do they keep some from previous OCs? Of course. Most coaches will steal plays from each other. But Dorsey had a unique playset. It's one of the reasons we saw 2 receivers in the same spot so often with Ken, but rarely with Daboll. I've also seen in film breakdowns one of the other differences is in Dorsey's offense the reads are almost backwards from Daboll's. He would have to scan different areas.
  14. It's a lot of the same concepts, that's true. But Dorsey does not use the same playbook. That's like saying it's Josh McDaniels offense because Daboll came from NE.
  15. Well, you're correct in saying he can't install a new offense in a week. What he can do is streamline what's in place and run what's been working. He will control what formation and who is on the field. He'll also have a different view of the flow of the game and what to call. There's a lot of impact he could have even running Dorsey's offense.
  16. I don't think you'll find enough people here to get the ball rolling. However I can promise you that if they turn the ball over on the first series again this week...there will be a chant in unison...but it won't be "Allen".
  17. The dead cap on a Diggs trade after June 1st next off-season is $8.8M. Yes, a good chunk of change but it's completely feasible depending on the return of compensation. It would also clear $19M off the cap assuming any team that traded for him didn't have the Bills eat some of that. Problem is I don't think at his age teams will be willing to give fair compensation for him. MAYBE Dallas is willing to move a 1st for him thinking he's the final piece of the puzzle. While I believe Diggs wants to win and win here in Buffalo with this team, it's fair to wonder if he doesn't try and force his way out of McDermott is brought back. You could also end up with a new coaching staff that is wanting to move on from him and start fresh at the position. A lot of things possibly in play between now and week 1 next year. In the end I'm hoping we have a new HC, Diggs is optimistic and happy about the chance to win here and it's business as usual next season for Diggs in Buffalo.
  18. Buy: I'll say it. Buying Joe Brady. Why? Well, I'm the world of stock scooping up stocks that currently have extremely low value is a good risk at times. I do not figure there will be huge waves of improvement right away. But buy low/sell high is a good practice. For this week's game specifically, Ken Dorsey had 3 games as OC against the Jets and the Bills lost 2 (to a Zach Wilson led team) and were pretty unproductive in the win. Perhaps Brady will provide something different. Sell: Coach Smiley. While Dorsey was canned (and with reasonable cause) I believe Smiley has been so much worse. From the opening week Punt Return TD to Denver's Mims winning ST player of the week last week against us...this ST is poor on almost every level. We even saw the always reliable Bass have a mini slump. Hold: Linval Joseph and Leonard Fournette. As we should. However, if we lose this week I'm actually hoping the Bills would do the right thing and offer these 2 a release so they could chase their rings. They came here to join a contender and if we lose again it would be 3 straight losses since they joined. We can lose without them, but allowing them to move on would be a classy move.
  19. From the thread title I assumed there would be photos. And the topic was something different. Disappointed.
  20. Bills can't score consistently. And they have extra issues against the Jets. But the Jets don't hardly score at all. Going to go 23-13. Each team ends up with a defensive or special teams TD. Rasul Douglas gets ours. Bills win.
  21. Yup. Nothing like using a dude for a nice PR video and then sending him to the chopping block. If it wasn't for bad class the Raiders would have no class at all...
  22. It's bad optics, for sure. For the life of me I have no clue how Smiley still has a job. PR team set the "tone" week 1 with the walk off PR TD allowed and hasn't gotten better. Heck Mims won ST player of the week for his performance. IDK if not wanting to release 2 coordinators in a short week played into it or not...but he needs to go too.
  23. You're not wrong. And let's just add that more times than not replacing a coordinator mid season doesn't end well for the HC either. He's definitely in last resort mode. Would love to be a fly on his office wall when he's talking to Terry these days.
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