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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I'm sure Allen has given his input. It was pretty heavily implied that last year he really wanted Beasley and Brown back. I've also heard that Josh had sent a message to Beane about Kincaid on draft day. And we all know Dorsey was the frontrunner for the OC job...and he happened to be who Josh wanted. I believe there is a delicate balance of hearing his input and then deciding if what he wants is feasible and makes sense. In other words last year he wanted Cole back. At that point it's on Beane to weigh the options out there. If he felt there were better choices he would go that way. All things even, I think Allen's wants may break a tie.
  2. Here's a way to look at it. Back when I was a bit you ger I played baseball. Was a pretty good hitter. There was this one kid, man we faced him a few times a year and I could NOT even make contact. Nasty curveball. At one point I was something like 0 for 30 against him. I was lucky when I could foul a pitch off against him. My senior year he pitch against us our first game. I had a lucky contact bloop single in my first at bat. Doubled off the wall my second time up. Next time we played him, went yard twice against him and the flood gates were open. Don't think he got me out all season. I do get that it's different sports but the sentiment correlates. Sometimes there's just a block. And once you get over that block it's off to the races. If...and yes it's a big if...Joe Brady can help Allen overcome the way he's played vs the Jets lately it could be a HUGE day for him and lead the offense to have new confidence the rest of the year. Allen has wrecked Saleh's defense in the past. He can do it again.
  3. At least 4. They have a good defense. Their offense is terrible. The way they have been winning is not sustainable and they will not likely keep it up. Think of them as the Giants from last year. Yes, you are what your record says but watching that team they don't have the talent, especially on offense to keep going without a TON of luck.
  4. Not only what you say with running the ball, he also has to learn pass blocking assignments. Everyone wants him rushed to the field...until he gets his assignment mixed up and it results in Josh Allen getting piledriven into the turf by an untouched DT. Then those same people would be "he shouldn't even have been out there" Keeping all that in mind, however...last year the 49ers did trade for CMC and had him up and going with a handful of plays 4 days later. I do think there is/was opportunity to do the same here. He wouldn't have to learn the entire playbook. Set aside a package of plays and work him in if he can contribute.
  5. Rasul Douglas. Garrett Wilson is a threat. He'll be playing a bit slowed potentially by a bum elbow. It's Douglas's chance to lock down the only real receiving threat the Jets have. Make them 1 dimensional and let the run D feast. Bills go up a bit early and now it's Zach Wilson pressed into making plays. This is the way.
  6. Exactly the point. Have a great night.
  7. I see 4 losses. Cleveland still has a great defense. Indy in Indy is a threat. At Seattle is no easy game and At Baltimore. And Arizona is improved with Little Ky-Ky back. Anything can happen, of course. I have them at the 7 seed.
  8. Yeah, listen I'm not going to lie. I didn't read a word of this response and I don't intend to. I also will not comment further on it, because as sure as I am about what it's says and all the tap dancing that may be there, I don't give comments based on my own assumptions and preconceived notions. Only a real schmuck would do that, right?
  9. Ok let's say someone...let's keep it at yourself to keep it simple doesn't watch the game. And has no idea what occurred. Be it poor play, coaching, referee hindered, or just flat out the other team was better (it happens). But yet that same someone....again you wanted to say yourself to keep it simple...comes on and spouts their opinion over what they have no knowledge of. Boy, someone that watched the game...say me again keeping it simple...would really thank that person (or you as you referred) was a real real blowhard. Just a real sad sack who had no other interests or family to keep them occupied and would rather wallow like a pig in feces. I'm sure that someone as intellectual as yourself would understand why it would be hard to take a feces covered, uninformed blowhard seriously when they try to wax poetic about events they didn't even see, right? Unrelated, were you by chance at the Raider game? Perhaps near where they were digging?
  10. He's the point that always is quite baffling. I get that people have other interests. Families. Jobs. It's life and I get that. It's entertainment. And if the product isn't entertaining you, life is short and if you feel compelled to do other things on a Sunday...more power to you. I say, enjoy what little time you may have left. However, the flip side of that is if someone isn't going to commit to watching the product...ANY point they make about said product thereafter is pretty much invalid. They didn't see it...so their comments are either 2nd had information or based off box scores. And, it's really fairly odd that some have no time to commit 3 hours to actually watch the game...yet have ample time to flood a message board with their uninformed opinions during the week (and they seem to find EXTRA time after a loss🤔) Then to put the cherry on top...these same types act offended when they are called "fair weather fans" even though this is the literal definition of a fair weather fan. Of course the last 2 paragraphs aren't directed to you specifically. Just a generalization of fans with that outlook.
  11. I get what you're saying...but they made one SB and were in the AFCCG the following year with a bad OL. If they can field street FAs that are at the Mendoza Level they're still dangerous.
  12. Yup. So they can now let Higgins walk, replace him in a deeeeeeep WR draft to pair someone with Chase AND get a 3rd round comp pick the following year for losing Higgins.
  13. I think so too. So, do the Bills get credit for ending the Bengals season this year?
  14. It's the way it is with every fanbase these days. Fans want instant gratification. Bengal fans were screaming for their HC to get fired 8 games into a season after they made the Super Bowl because they lost in the AFCCG. They are screaming for it again this year. Fans remind me of Veruca from the first Willie Wonka movie (the Gene Wilder classic, not the crud remake) "Don't care how....I WANT IT NOW"
  15. Here's what my thought process is here. Dorsey is a very intelligent human being. And sometimes the most intelligent in an area actually see that work as a detriment. Dorsey can draw up all the X's and O's but can he communicate how to successfully implement it? I've watch Ken's pressers. He is not someone that comes across with any confidence. And it's a theme this year that confidence has been a drum beat in the pressers. I definitely see a coloration. On the other hand, I watched Joe Brady yesterday. The dude just oozed confidence. He was able to seem fun, personable and like someone who can lead a group of young guys. Both yesterday and today McDermott talked about how Brady brings "the juice". He was out there yesterday running routes with receivers. Not sure I ever saw Dorsey interact like that.
  16. It's about the best you're going to find this late in the season. At the very least he is an experienced pro that can help their rookie in the film room.
  17. So what you say is that Cook should have done what he was trained specifically NOT to do over more than a decade and a half of coaching and likely tens of thousands of live reps an look where he shouldn't be. Because.... situations. Now you're not just mistaken, you're doubling down on having zero knowledge on the RB position. Not asking to be snarky here...but have you ever taken a handoff in an actual game of football. Not backyard with your buddies. Not on Madden. But an actual real live game? I have. And I can tell you with first hand knowledge that a handoff process is completely based on muscle memory and repetition. You start to think about the exchange or you start doing things differently and that will actually lead to LESS ball security. More of a chance of plays going wrong. Looking down would also not be bene as now you have no idea where tacklers are and can EASILY get stripped on a quick penetration. Your assertion that he should have been looking down for any reason there is just daffy.
  18. You are not just wrong here, you are 300% comically wrong. Even starting in youth league a RB is taught to keep his eyes up an on the defense. It's his job to provide a space to place the ball(which he did) and know where he's headed once he gets it. It's the QBs job to get the ball in place. If the RB has his eyes down when he gets the ball he isn't ready to hit the hole.
  19. You mean those stereotypical cliches that come out of an off camera "coach interview" at the half can be fabricated? Shocked. They can do away with those mid game on screen coaches interviews as well.
  20. I agree with everything but the bolded. It really feels like somehow the balance of power shifted and the NFC is the tougher deeper conference. I take the narrative that the Dolphins can only beat bad teams with a grain of salt. All their losses to tough opponents were road games where the noise does play into hurting their offense. It's a flaw that can hold them back. However if they can somehow secure the one or two seed and play at home in the playoffs they can make a deep run.
  21. Here's the most frustrating thing for me. This year all the other perceived "SB contenders" are struggling in some form. KC may still be 7-2, but they are flawed and beatable IMO. Cincinnati is struggling due in part to Burrow injury, but largely because their defense is bad. We know about Buffalo's issues, obviously. Jets lose Aaron week 1. Without key injuries and poor output from the offense this should be the year that the Bills took over and walked into the Super Bowl. Had they won the games the really had no business losing (Jets without Aaron, Pats, Denver) the season is much different. Now they have a tough road. This is leaving the door wide open for a team like Baltimore or, yes even Miami to swoop in. Now, IMO there is STILL a path to the Super Bowl, but everything has to go just right. We would need good playoff matchups (Miami and KC, Yes...Baltimore NO) and Brady has to get the offense humming quickly. Not impossible, but unlikely everything plays out just right.
  22. There is almost zero chance the Bengals didn't know about his wrist before the game. If he was wearing a brace coming in Burrow wasn't exactly hiding it and I'd suspect that he has been receiving treatment from the training staff during the week to be in the best position to play. So let's toss the idea they "didn't know" right out the window. So for the season Cincinnati has pushed Burrow out there with this wrist issue on his throwing hand and that shin/calf issue from earlier in the season. It's shocking that they would both invest those millions of dollars in him and yet have almost zero regard for his long term future.
  23. Maybe we can get them to throw in Tyrod Taylor and David Putney
  24. Have you not read this board over the last 2 weeks. Some "fans" are in their utter delight.
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