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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Yes. And no. I think THIS version of Allen has reached it's max level. And it's a VERY high level. Championship caliber, even. But there are more versions to come that come with age and maturity that he can evolve into. When I think of past QBs, guys like Brady, Elway, Big Ben and even Peyton Manning...they moved to a more cerebral QB later in their career and were highly successful. Josh can reach that as well. Won't be as physically gifted, but will have the smarta to adjust and tweek his style enough to be a success. I see that before I see him becoming a Cam Newton that just drops off a cliff talent wise and cannot throw the ball anymore.
  2. He got it. How Trash Ramsey got DPOW over Rasul is a screwjob of Montreal proportions.
  3. This makes me so happy I'm not a Billionaire. Such a difficult world for them. Thoughts and prayers.
  4. Everyone has their favorite. IMO, the white/white and Kelly green will look really cool on the same field.
  5. They won their Super Bowl. Not during the actual Super Bowl, though. Ripe for an emotional letdown this week.
  6. I may be mistaken, but I'm almost positive they did sort of an end around with it a few weeks back. Hurts handed it to one of the upbacks standing next to him. Pretty sure it was Philly but could have been another team.
  7. Even better question. What happens if you put someone like Torrence or Dawkins in there, ask them to do things there really isn't time to let them practice and be able to do and they get injured doing it?
  8. You stop it on 1st and 2nd down. Just like any other short yardage situation.
  9. I'm hoping he gets a lot of pressures and CLOSE to getting sacks without quite getting there and/or flushing the QB into other blitzers. And that the Bills keep pace with Miami leading to a "winner takes the division" week 18 game. Ed, needing 2 sacks in the final week for that 💰 would be almost deady for the Tua Feesh.
  10. Here's where technology doesn't help the officials these days, speaking only on the safety/non safety play. We are seeing a perfect angle and the play slowed down to almost frame by frame while knowing ahead of time what we are looking for. We are focused on that and ONLY that. Live action, real time and having one chance at it it's understandable that plays like this would be missed or called wrong. Refs are human after all. Missing it in itself is understandable. Now, argument could be made and would be valid that someone could have instantly reviewed and buzzed down the correct call. They do that sometimes and not others, which is inconsistent and more maddening to me than the crew not getting the call right. The ability is there with technology to do so and in a way that wouldn't disrupt the flow of the game. At the very least Stefanski not challenging it was a horrible decision as well.
  11. Yea, I'm not sure I've ever seen Dodson play so fast. He was a legitimate animal out there. Maybe WLB better suited him all along?
  12. I'm not really sure he will be a Bill next season. Pretty large cap hit for his position and coming off an ACL? Like we've seen with Tre and now Von it takes a while to come back.
  13. As was stated above by some...nicknames have to happen organically. Dalton Kincaid has earned his nickname. Congratulations Dalton "Doot" Kincaid.
  14. Well, we agree on the penalties. And as you say, you're not sure and don't know about the receptions, however he's given up more than normal this year. He's still top half of slot CBs in the league, but I don't think Neal and especially Lewis are the dropoffs the may have been in years past
  15. He's played well against the run. He's still been fooled a lot when he's out there. To the coaches credit he seems to be on the field a LOT more in running situations rather than being full time.
  16. Honestly, I'm not sure the dropoff is as big as in years past. Taron has made some plays, sure. He's also given up quite a bit more than usual this year. When Neal and Lewis have been in they have actually played pretty solid.
  17. Git er done? More like "Nah, he done". Sad, too because early on he really looked like he was going to be special. Injuries suck
  18. Listening to Tomlin's presser it sounds like they are Co-Coordiniting. I'm sure Sullivan has a bit more weight being a former OC, but yeahhhh it sounds a lot like it's both of em
  19. I'll simply it even more. Defense wasn't creating turnovers. Offense was turning the ball over. Those both changed vs the Jets. If that stays the same, we can beat any team in the league.
  20. Simply put, if Josh Allen is back the Bills have a chance to win this game, even in Philadelphia.
  21. Not that I know of. Spent a lot of time with the Giants though.
  22. Neither team is playing well enough to deserve hot water anyway.
  23. Going with the 2 coordinator role? I know it's happened before....can't remember anytime it's ended well.
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