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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. No, just some camera shots of him on the field. He typically doesn't speak after the game from what I've seen.
  2. Nope. I don't do this anymore. Been too many times after a bad loss I lose a week to a bad mood or constantly replaying it. After a few of those types of losses I noticed that the players themselves rarely let it bother them...why should I? Even after this game we had the usual players slapping hands, dabbing up guys from the Eagles. Laughing and smiles. Good times. Then they go back to the locker room get told we'll get em next week and act heartbroken when they come out for the post game presser. Heck this time even Diggs was like "whatever, cool" right after the game.
  3. Well, normally everyone is shocked. Year after year we hear the Bills are up against it, and yet they manage to sign guys. And they make moves no one saw coming. It's never as bad as it's made out to be.
  4. To your point, Tomlin is actually one of the best to win in 1 score games. Over the last 3 years his record is 21-8-1 in one score games. However, as I said he's one of the best and not the norm. Found this tweet for more of a baseline in regards to how Tomlin is vs McDermott
  5. Yes, those guys are gone most likely. Possibly even Hines at another 5M. Then you get to the meat and potatoes of restructuring and the Bills can clear off up to another $75M in space. Not that they will and not that they should do all of them, of course. But structured the right way, lower up front with the number moving up as Diggs gets older and starts to come off the books...with moves they can make anyone that says Higgins isn't affordable isn't being realistic.
  6. I remember being shocked by this because Andre always seemed like such a laid back dude. Finnegan was a Class A douche though.
  7. Yup. He will. And with restructuring and possible realistic cap cuts the Bills have a TON of flexibility to be the team to offer it.
  8. Outside the box thought here. Restructure what they need to and sign Tee Higgins. Then draft one in round 2 or 3. Then we have a 1A WR in case anything happens with Diggs, we have a young pup coming up and Shakir/Kincaid as weapons as well.
  9. It started when the team named itself after a city that named itself after the buffalo. For those that don't know this is from an article I found: In many Plains Indian myths, buffalo gave themselves up willingly as a food source for humans, and therefore have a special position of honor and respect And this is why we have so many weird things happen to our franchise. We are commonly sacrificed for the benefit of others. Our miser and suffering has brought delight to literally tens of millions of fans, throughout the lands of places such as Dallas, Tennessee, New Jersey, Denver, Minnesota, all the way to Arizona and many places in between. As we have suffered we have become respected and loved across the land. Which is why our fortune hasn't changed much, but out TV ratings are up. Truly America's Favorite Team.
  10. AJE Love Floyd but he's getting older and as durable as he's been, the older a body gets the more susceptible to injury not becomes. I also think on the open market Floyd would get a much higher contract and would return a decent comp pick.
  11. So, the difference between a 1st place schedule and 2nd (if everything stays the same as of now) would be: Instead of the Chiefs coming to Buffalo, it would be Denver Instead of going to Baltimore next year we would go to Pittsburgh Instead of going back to Philadelphia next year we would go to Dallas Not sure it's that much better/easier a road.
  12. Wholeheartedly agree. Which IMO leads to him NOT getting rid of McDermott this year and waiting until next if he falters again. Then he can sell PSLs off the hope a new coach will bring exciting new results. March in a whole new era so to speak.
  13. Let me add a bit of realism to this fanfic. If you were Pegula, you would likely do none of that. What you would more than likely be doing is meeting with the accounting department. Checking finances. How much money did you make? Then you would base any decisions off that. To take it a step further, a Super Bowl title is way down on their list of top priorities. Would it be nice? Sure. To them though it's nothing more then temporary bragging rights over the other member of the billionaire club. This has always been the case. These pressers that Owners give about building championship teams is lip service. They sell an idea and we feed that cash cow. Things change when finances change.
  14. Sort of. I feel like it buys McDermott an extra year and if he has another down year, it's the perfect time to hire a new coach and sell hope with those new PSLs. From a business standpoint, the worst thing that could happen is he replaces McDermott now, the Bills go 6-11 and he's locked in with nothing to promote.
  15. At this point I feel like even if the Bills lose out McDermott will be back next season. The theme will be Brady is a step up as OC, they found a DC and injuries have healed. Losing now doesn't change that IMO no matter what the fanbase feels, right or wrong. The only way I see McDermott not back next year is if the locker room complete collapses (and despite what many "think" it doesn't seem like it's even close to that) or he himself decides to step away for health reasons or family reasons or just needs a year or two off which is highly unlikely.
  16. They're going to run it back. In other words: The NY Jets have been eliminated from the 2024 playoffs already.
  17. I mean, this right here is the reason we could use a middle finger reaction emoji here.
  18. I'm starting to get uncomfortable with how much Romo loves Allen. It's almost gotten to the Collinsworth/Mahomes level. And Josh may need a restraining order.
  19. The bye week opened up as a 6 point favorite.
  20. The Eagles run the play with their base set up. Which means if you put 8 DL out there they audible and set up Jordan Phillips trying to cover AJ Brown.
  21. I've seen spots where teams do it and the kicker misses. Never had any coach, kicker or anything say it had anything to do with it. I've also seen times where a coach waits and calls the timeout just before the snap and the kicker misses the original and then hits the redo. All in all it's one of the more nonsense things in football IMO.
  22. Mathematically, you are correct. Nothing is "over" and anything can happen. Realistically, though there are a lot of factors that have to go juuuuuust right at this point. Sure would be nice to win one of these "instant classic" games though, right?
  23. Possibly. But I don't really think anything was that strongly implied at all. Of course by keeping things past the statement "I know for a fact nothing will happen in season" vague it's certainly up to individual interpretation to determine the statement. Time will tell, for sure.
  24. It sounds to me more like lightly tossing stuff at the wall in case something sticks. Pretty certain all teams (especially the ones who miss the playoffs) do a review of the seasons and why it played out the way it did. Common sense would be start at the top level (GM/HC) and review them, onto the rest of the coaching staff, then to players, training staff, ect ect. Seems like he's throwing standard operating procedure out there as speculation.
  25. Gee, if only there is a person or a set of people that could be held accountable for assembling a team that...as you say just isn't that good. Oh, wait there is? It's a GM and a coach! There...now you know! Have a fantastic Monday!
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