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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. The devil, as always is in the details. Notice he says he thinks, not he's hearing. In other words, it's what he would do and it sets him up for next season very well to keep scorching McDermott should the Bills keep him. Nothing to do with connections. IMO, the people to watch right now are the local guys.Watch their tone when it comes to McDermott over the next few weeks. It's almost like some get their talking points directly from the Bills. Like this week, many of the local guys are already floating excuses out there saying McDermott has done a solid job but the injuries have mounted and there's nothing he can do. It's almost like they are testing the waters to see what fans will take as an excuse. An example of this is early this season. Right after the Miami game local media was full praise and love for Ken Dorsey. They had put up 38, 37 and 48 over the last 3 games. Fast forward just 2 weeks and they are asking McDermott if Dorsey should have play calling duties removed. And we saw where that led.
  2. We might hear from him after the season. Hearing from him right now, I don't think he'd be saying anything concrete anyway. Be a lot of "Well this isn't going how we thought this year." that would just lead everyone into reading whatever their own preconceived notions was prior. Would do more harm then good...and especially because Terry isn't a very good public speaker lol. My personal feeling is we will hear from Terry IF there is a GM or HC change. Otherwise it will just be Beane at the season ending presser talking about the injuries and being tight against the cap.
  3. Ok, so Florio says he believes if they miss the playoffs either McDermott or Beane or both are out. And he says it with such conviction. This is the most solid proof yet that neither are going anywhere.
  4. I know this will get those bad emotes, but you know who doesn't call a 0 blitz against Hurts at the end of the game? You know who doesn't send the house against Wilson on that DPI that set up the game winning FG? Leslie Frazier. We went from too conservative to way too aggressive.
  5. That was one thing, yes. I've also seen where he consulted with Jones early on in the stadium deal (right after was the weak attempt at hinting without a new stadium the Bills would look at other cities). He also from what I can recall consulted Jones's advice on hiring a consulting firm when Pegula was on the coaching search that brought us McDermott. There have been a few other times where Jones has been said to have had Pegula reach out to him but I'm just waking up so brain is a bit scrambled still lol
  6. As much as it seems odd, I actually think he takes a lot of what Jerry Jones says to heart. He seems to look up to Jones as sort of an NFL mentor of sorts from what I have seen.
  7. I'm rooting for the Refs. Do some "complimentary officiating". It's a great chance for them not only to build their culture, but their sub-culture. It's all about execution. Putting the refs in the right place to be successful. As far as the teams, I just hope everyone has fun. Makes some new friends. Hopefully the orange slices are cut extra wide and the crusts are cut off the PB&Js.
  8. Yup, that seals it. We are definitely dropping the Chargers game on Staley's way out. These are exactly the types of games McDermott gives up.
  9. My best guess is that Eric Washington takes over. He's seemed to be being groomed for the position, he even takes the spot of the DC on the media availability schedule being an Assistant Head Coach in addition to his position duties. If not him, I'd say Babich or Holcomb get a shot to interview as well...but I'm about 95% sure it will be an internal hire.
  10. And I agree, only 2 ways I see him gone are either a major locker room mutiny or he does what Leslie Frazier allegedly did and needs some "time away". And I don't think either of those happen.
  11. So, let him work out for 3 weeks and not activate him? Maybe he comes back and the Jets steal one from the Dolphins?
  12. Largely I agree with your point. Here's the problem I have, however. 3 out of those 4 names have been replaced very well. I would argue the main reason Floyd was brought in was to cover for Von while he gets back to normal. Jones->Joseph White->Douglas Von->Floyd Milano missing is a key, granted. However teams lose key players and still win games. When you pay a HC that excelled in defensive prowess you should be able to rely on him to plan and scheme around an Injury or a set of injuries. McDermott has failed to do this. And as you pointed out, teams have adjusted. McDermott has not.
  13. To reduce Gore to just running into piles is really undercutting his abilities and knowledge. Gore served as an outstanding mentor/teacher to Singletary in his rookie season.
  14. Head Coach- Ryan Fitzpatrick Offensive Coordinator- Davis Webb Defensive Coordinator- London Fletcher Special Teams Coordinator- Taiwan Jones Offensive Line Coach- Eric Wood Wide Receiver Coach- Stevie Johnson Tight Ends Coach- Lee Smith Quarter Back Coach- Matt Barkley Running Backs Coach- Frank Gore Defensive Line Coach- Kyle Williams Linebackers Coach- Chris Spielman Safeties Coach- Mark Kelso Defensive Backs Coach- Antoine Winfield (his son is a FA this year) Cornerbacks Coach- Tre White (May be jumping the gun here but🤷🏼‍♂️)
  15. Put me down for: We beat KC something like 31-20. Beat Dallas 27-17. Head to LA and lay a COMPLETE flop against the team with the worst HC we will face the rest of the year. Chargers 37- Bills-20. Then rip the Patriots 30-3. However it costs us several key starters and we drop the game in Miami.
  16. What's weird is I'm much more confident that we beat KC and Dallas than I am that we beat the Chargers. On the road against a team with a terrible HC that gives games away? That SCREAMS unexpected loss to me😂
  17. Wink is a great DC, however I don't think his defense meshes with what we have and how McDermott wants a defense run. Just my opinion. Feels like they have been grooming Washington this year to take over that role, and we know how much McDermott loves his "promote from within". FWIW, Both Daboll and the Giants players refute the story about Daboll/Wink. Time will tell.
  18. I firmly believe that barring a major public mutiny from the players he will be back next season regardless of what happens from here on out. Most likely will have Joe Brady as the OC and I believe Eric Washington will be moved to the DC position (though I think I'd be partial to Bobby Babich from what I've seen). I do believe next year he enters the season under the gun a bit and a slow start could seal his fate by the midway point of the year. After the years of regular season success they have had under McDermott I don't see any way Pegula doesn't give him the chance to "right the ship" and fix it. I don't agree with it, and it feels at this point like he would just be prolonging the inevitable. But putting aside what I'd do it seems like the most likely outcome.
  19. Let's put a pin in this Convo. Once the Bills make their off-season moves of restructuring, cuts and maybe even a couple of extensions I predict there will be space. I also predict that FA WRs are going to be cheaper this year specifically than what most are picturing. There is a ton of excellent WR talent coming out in the draft this year and as of now (yes some will re-sign with their current teams) the FA WR market is deep as well. You're right, as of right now I'm clueless as to what we will have, what moves will be made and who will cost what. By that token, so are you. That's all stuff that's on Brandon Beane desk.
  20. Being mentally strong and being foolish are a very very short distance apart. In addition to that QB, he has 52 other players. Anyone of them could have made a play as well.
  21. This is unfortunately the most likely truth. The ONE and ONLY ONE thing that I feel could cost McDermott his job is if the players are losing out and just flat out revolt. I just don't see that happening either.
  22. I think he was an IR stash. Not quite ready for the roster, yet afraid he may get poached of they try and pass him through the waiver wire to the PS. Happens every so often.
  23. Again, in that situation a lot can happen...and most of it is bad. Someone getting quick pressure and causing a sack/fumble is a possibility. Not like we have a QB that may try and make a big play and make a mistake at time tho, right? Main point was those that would want to criticize would be critical no matter what. And yes, there would be many folks with the power of hindsight ripping him for going for it. It's like that old joke, once someone is on your nerves anything they do will irritate you. They just need to know what direction to angle it
  24. I get what you're saying and you're not wrong. Situations were a bit different. Dome Vs Rainy weather with wet ball Lions pass rush last year Vs Eagles pass rush 3 TOs vs 1 TO. Plus McDermott gets 30 seconds real time to weigh all this and decide. You have the benefit of hindsight to see how it played out and 2 days to think about it. Again NOT SAYING HE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE, however if he would have gone for it and there was a sack/strip, or an INT with a big return or any other number of things that would have resulted in the Bills losing in regulation, MANY of the the same people crucifying him for the kneel down would be crucifying him saying "You don't go for it in that spot, in that weather against that pass rush! Fire him NOW"
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