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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Ok. Then I'll answer both of ya...lol. While correct having the victim back out and not testify can usually lead to the case not moving forward, there are also many cases where it has. Some states do have different laws regarding it, but in some places if the police find the evidence and the DA wishes to proceed it's because there is enough evidence to convict without a witness. Would hardly be unprecedented is my point. Now do they have that? That I don't know. Would the DA prosecute a famous athlete without a witness? Again, not known. But it is plausible that Texas of all places would move forward with it.
  2. Dalton Kincaid is only 9 receptions away from breaking Sammy Watkins's team record for catches in a rookie season.
  3. With the evidence they found they may not even need her to testify.
  4. Really, there is no best case scenario for him if all that is accurate. Maybe best case for him is he avoids doing any time in jail?
  5. I mean, if you're drafting a guy that's ready to play day 1 of camp and get him for 4 years on a rookie deal VS waiting a couple of rounds to draft a guy that spend his entire rookie deal getting up to the speed of the guy from Alabama....who got the better value? I don't think there's a right/wrong in that conversation by the way. Difference in prerogative for sure. But I know which I would want.
  6. That's been one of my major complaints about his drafting. Seems like most of the guys he takes pan out right about late year 3/year 4 when they're due a new deal. Wastes so much time getting production from guys on cheap deals.
  7. My plan at CB would be this. Offer Tre a pay cut to stay. Why would he be open to that? A guy his age coming off 2 serious injuries isn't going to command much on the open market. May be worth it to him to stay. He would be CB2 with Rasul taking over CB1. I would definitely bring Dane Jackson back. He's not a super star but is experienced depth that knows the system. So boundary CB depth for me would look like this: CB1: Douglas CB2: White CB3:Jackson/Day 2 rookie Anything Elam can add would be gravy. Maybe it clicks for him being out and studying all this season. Stranger things can happen. I then do what I think Beane's plan has been all along and slide Benford to Safety. I think he's a good CB, but would do even better back there.
  8. Agree and that's the way they have approached it in the past. However, I think it's fair to wonder if Beane and McDermott are retained for next year the pressure is cranked way up and we see more aggressive behavior concerning the cap and trades. In short they may look at it as "We don't win this year we won't be here in 2 years to care about the cap". Maybe we see Beane go truly "all in" next year and take it to the LA Rams extreme. I know not likely, but it's gotta be something to consider at this point for them.
  9. Agree, have to make a ton of moves. And a ton of moves can be made. I did a check through about a week ago and there is about $75M total that can be cleared in restructuring. Now, I am NOT advocating they should do all of them or implying that they will...just what's open and available. Then as you touched with some likely cap cuts (Morse, Harty, Nyheim all jump off the page) as well as somebody like Tre that may be back under a slashed contract agreement...it's bleak but not as bleak as it seems. However, the monkey wrench will be how much Miller is going to cost. Be it dead cap, accelerated cap cost or restructure (if cleared and retained).
  10. A Dawkins extension if done right would actually lower his cap hit next year. And again, restructuring is a thing. I believe $23M cap space can be gained just from Allen alone.
  11. "Miller has a salary of $17.145 million for 2024. Currently, all of it is guaranteed for injury. Of that amount, $10.71 million is fully guaranteed. The rest of it becomes fully guaranteed in March 2024. Miller’s contract, a copy of which PFT has obtained, allows the Bills to void the guarantees if he is suspended under the Personal Conduct Policy. From the team’s standpoint, time will be of the essence. The Bills need a suspension to be imposed before the 2024 season begins, so that the guarantees could be voided and, at the right time, Miller can be released."
  12. There's still a ton of work to be done, for sure. Lots that you or I aren't knowing what happens or what the plan is. Instead of a Dawkins cut, there may be a Dawkins extension. Instead of Tre being cut chances is he may end up back on a straight up pay cut like Mitch Morse did a couple years back. And you haven't even factored in the restructuring of contracts that will surely come as well. And every calculation done now even factoring all possible things into it possibly becomes a moot point depending on what happens with Miller and his issues.
  13. He does mention that it's just his guess. The issues come when guys like him both give opinions based on what they think and claim to give information based on what he's hearing from insider information. It often gets twisted as everything he says is coming from a place of knowledge rather than opinion.
  14. Reminder that being accused isn't the same as being convicted, but by the same token accusations do go away for a fee at times.
  15. It turned out bad for sure. But had he not gotten injured and things played out different, no one would care. When the Bills signed him I figured we would see "dominate Von" last year and this year. Then regression next season. That injury when he got it robbed the team of his last dominate window IMO. Had he not gotten injured maybe the season plays out different. No one can say. Perhaps even in the Cincy game he causes an early strip/sack fumble return TD that charges the team. Who knows. But this much is certainly true....had it worked and we are now the defending Super Bowl Champions, no one would give a crap about his cap hit.
  16. That's a bit more possible. However, I'd still argue that the NFL players that can and would do something like that is higher because they aren't used to being held accountable. Add in that some take different "medications" to help build muscle, lessen pain and have had repeated blows to the head...perhaps their self control isn't the same as regular folks as well.
  17. I'd argue it's probably a bit higher. Many of these players have been protected from consequences a fair amount of times. Add in the money they have that can both open the door to more opportunities to make poor decisions and give them an out to buy their way out of trouble. Johnny Factory Worker assaults his spouse, he's going to jail. Super speedy NFL WR does the same and gets a record setting contract.
  18. Not saying he is guilty and not saying this directly about Von, but it's a really solid reminder that the players you see in front of the camera talking in pressers and interacting with fans and so forth are often a result of presenting the right image. I would go as far to say there is a shockingly large percentage of players, coaches and even owners that are scumbag human beings when no one is looking.
  19. I'll reserve any judgement or comment on the DV stuff until more is brought to light. That's a lesson we all should have learned by now. Even when information comes out we will never know the whole truth anyway. However, I still care about the Buffalo Bills and how it impacts them. So, yes fair question to ask is IF he's arrested and so on...how does it impact the franchise and any guarantee money going forward.
  20. Nope that's not what I mean. That's the obvious. Look at the articles written this week by the "independent" local guys. They are mostly all supportive of McDermott right now. By the "rest of Buffalo" you mean the podcasts and fans then, yes you would be correct.
  21. The devil, as always is in the details. Notice he says he thinks, not he's hearing. In other words, it's what he would do and it sets him up for next season very well to keep scorching McDermott should the Bills keep him. Nothing to do with connections. IMO, the people to watch right now are the local guys.Watch their tone when it comes to McDermott over the next few weeks. It's almost like some get their talking points directly from the Bills. Like this week, many of the local guys are already floating excuses out there saying McDermott has done a solid job but the injuries have mounted and there's nothing he can do. It's almost like they are testing the waters to see what fans will take as an excuse. An example of this is early this season. Right after the Miami game local media was full praise and love for Ken Dorsey. They had put up 38, 37 and 48 over the last 3 games. Fast forward just 2 weeks and they are asking McDermott if Dorsey should have play calling duties removed. And we saw where that led.
  22. We might hear from him after the season. Hearing from him right now, I don't think he'd be saying anything concrete anyway. Be a lot of "Well this isn't going how we thought this year." that would just lead everyone into reading whatever their own preconceived notions was prior. Would do more harm then good...and especially because Terry isn't a very good public speaker lol. My personal feeling is we will hear from Terry IF there is a GM or HC change. Otherwise it will just be Beane at the season ending presser talking about the injuries and being tight against the cap.
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