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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. And what good does that do, exactly? If he says what you agree with you yell "SEE! SEE!" and if he says literally anything else it's "GM speak". I don't care what he has to say about it in a press conference....I'd give a kidney to spend the day as a spider in the web of his office though.
  2. Agree, pretty much everyone not named Adrian Peterson has a down year right after an ACL. But that dude was a genetic freak of nature. Some never fully come back at all. When we signed Von I figured last year and this year we would see "peak Von". And starting next season age would finally be an issue an dalow him a bit. The injury took what I believed would be his 2 good year window away.
  3. Could have been worse. He could have pointed at him.
  4. Honestly, they could have beaten the Eagles but the refs in that game were about as biased as they were in our game with Philly.
  5. Eagles convert 3rd and 19. They did NOT use the Tush Push.
  6. Nah, he's still going to be around for a bunch of years. He'll end up on the Blaine Gabbert career track. A "high side" back up that may get pressed into a spot start here or there.
  7. Traditionally, Beane does his pressers at very specific times. There's usually 2 or 3 he does in the lead up to the draft. Normally he will have a small one after each day of the draft to talk about that days selections. He'll normally have one more before TC. Then typically, he does one right after the trade deadline. Next time we see him is normally 2-3 days after the season ends. Then the cycle starts again. I do understand wanting to hear from the teams GM right now, but all he would be able to say is that they are aware of the situation and there is an investigation. Anything else would likely get a "Well, I respect the question but...." type answers and he needs to be careful with what the team says right now as well.
  8. One other thing that I don't think gets talked about enough with Von and his contract. It's the value that having a pass rusher with his knowledge on the roster and how he did take the time and effort to help the young pass rusher we have now. 3 out of 4 of the young gun pass rushers attended his pass rush camp as well. Those players? Groot, AJE and Big Ed. One had a "prior commitment" and didn't make it. That was Boogie. I think it's fair to ask if Von didn't come would we be seeing the production from the 3 we young guys? I really don't think so.
  9. I see this being said a lot and while I understand the sentiment behind it I can't help but feel that it's a huge cop out by fans and soon to be the coaching staff. We are really down one All-Pro level talent in Milano. White hasn't been an All-Pro is 3 seasons and was basically out injured or ineffective most of the last 2 years. While White did look better this season and Jones was playing phenomenal...those losses were softened quite a bit with the trade for Douglas and the addition of Linval Joseph. Also, we came into the season with the idea we would have 1 solid LBer and one issue. With the emergence of Bernard...we still have 1 solid LBer and one issue. The problem with this defense does fall on coaching in 2 ways. First off the really stupid play calls in crunch time with the blitzes. Killed us twice. Second was the staff's loyalty to our Safeties. Once a great tandem the lack of backend speed is glaring on GameDay. While they were never fast, they have both lost a few steps.
  10. Hines is always a guy I liked in Indy. Was really looking forward to him being in this offense. Missed opportunity last year under Dorsey...I'm betting Joe Brady could have found a role for him. That said, I'm pretty sure he's all but done here in Buffalo. The past two years we have seen first hand that guys coming off ACLs are pretty much a shell of themselves the following year. Even a young pup like Breece Hall has seen a lack of explosiveness this year. And yes, some of that is due to OL...but not all. At his cap hit coming off this injury and in the last year of his contract he is, unfortunately, an easy call as a cap cut IMO.
  11. Looks nice. May be using them to convert my current 40 jersey into someone else. Maybe Robb Riddick?
  12. Torrence was my guy during the pre draft process. Watched a lot of him and was (and am still) excited we have him. He did start strong. Very strong. He's still winning a high percentage of his reps. As you said, there have been a few flaws lately but I think this is more of teams watching him and exploiting his weaknesses which seems to be speed on the inside (to his left). I have no doubt he'll get that cleaned up.
  13. So people will have different opinions, yet you still can't help but tell me how I would feel. Again dude, sorry your life has burned and sent you down a jaded and self serving path that you can't show empathy. Hope you find inner peace
  14. If I have to take the time to explain why a rookie punter is expendable in that case I really doubt you would have the mental capacity to understand it. You're wrong.
  15. Again, don't say what "we" would do unless you have a frog in your pocket and that who you are referring to as "we". If Von was at 20 sacks right now and this dropped I would feel the same way. See, some people value humility and empathy way more over watching other men win a trophy. Some things are more important than football. And if that not how it is for you, I'm sorry you're empty inside.
  16. In a manner of speaking, yes. I've been married twice and never divorced. Cancer sucks, my dude.
  17. I'm sorry. Who are you to say what "everyone" would think. Let's make this crystal clear. This happened to Von Miller. Had it been someone else....EVEN JOSH ALLEN that allegedly did what Von did, I would feel the same way. And I'm willing to bet more people than not would feel the same, however I won't speak for them. Just a hunch. Most of the people here have daughters, wives, sisters and everyone has a mother. I have all of the above. It's easy to look through that window and ask "what if it was one of mine, would I care what the alleged perpetrator's stats were". I'm betting I'm far from the only one that has empathy here.
  18. I know I'm in the vast minority here, but I'm actually looking forward to it. We need some youth and speed on that side of the ball. We've "run it back" far too many times. Look at what a bit of new blood has brought to the MLB position.
  19. The Pegulas are no different then the majority of the other 31 owners. They are committed to making a profit. Winning a Super Bowl is a bonus.
  20. Let me start by saying I fully expect him to be back. He ain't going anywhere I agree. But just to put a spin on what you said because a message board is a place for debate... 1. I'll agree that's a good point. But twice we've been bounced by the QB Pegula allegedly wanted (Mahomes) and McDermott talked him out of and another we laid an egg at home. Both those facts have to burn. 2. This to me is even more reason he should be fired. No, he cannot control injuries. However, 2 of those 3 major injuries were replaced. Lost Jones, got Joseph. Lost Tre, got Rasul. Now, granted All-Pro LBers aren't grown on trees. But when you hire a coach that specializes in one side on the ball, you should count on him being able to do more with less. He hasn't. And even with what he does have there is still more talent on this defense than on many others that play better. I feel he's actually UNDERACHIEVING with what's left. 3 & 4. I tie these two together. Both Dorsey being on the Bills, being promoted to OC and McDermott taking over at DC are choices that Sean made and/or signed off on. Neither worked. And those 2 choices basically cost the Bills games this year. And those games will ultimately cost the season in all likelihood. This after 3 years of regression. Those are all VALID reasons that the fans want him gone. We can see the writing on the wall. I've noticed that when it comes to HCs fans usually have the right view point about a season earlier than the owners. For Pegula, there's more than just "Bye Sean". A choice to fire him basically fires about 50 other people. Coaches, trainers, scouts. And that does, I'm sure play into it for a guy like Terry. He'll bring Sean back feeling he and his people deserve the right to get it right because they did it in 2017. And we will likely be in the market for a new coaching staff next season.
  21. The photographer and Hill are actually good friends. They have worked and collaborated before in the past. Long relationship there. It's still nice. Don't get me wrong. He didn't have to, of course. But a bit different when it's a buddy as opposed to some random person IMO.
  22. He's a major piece of the salary cap. That's more of the issue from a football standpoint IMO
  23. That's some really good information. Thank you for sharing that. Of course that sounds pretty locked. However, Von has the money for a locksmith. The right political "donation" is all it takes.
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