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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Knox moves to LB. Slated to cover Kelce tomorrow. I kid.
  2. Craziest thing is if Von didn't get injured last year I would say there is a fair chance Floyd is playing for a different team this year.
  3. I'm willing to be more times than not wherever you find an underachieving team, there is going to be friction on the coaching staff somewhere. As there should be. These guys are all hyper competitive and most are very prideful. No one likes to be told their side of the ball is the weak link.
  4. From what I understand they are waiting to see if formal charges are filed. Not sure if the CBA comes into play with that timeline or not. However, it's interesting (to me at least) to see the kind of timeline and what scope we could see could/should expect should there be a filing.
  5. So, in October Ross was arrested for misdemeanor DV and placed on the exempt list. That appears to have been upgraded to a felony DV. Then served with a suspension....without a conviction in court? Very interesting considering current events with a player on our team.
  6. On defense I have to go with Groot. I think the week of rest has that foot better healed and he's a bit more explosive. I expect him in the backfield a lot on Sunday. Offense, I like KC's boundary CBs. I think they do a reasonable job on Diggs and Davis and I have a feeling Spags will have a plan for Kincaid. KC has the benefit of practicing against a really good receiving TE every day. I'm going to go with Shakir. I think he has a big stage breakout game with the defense focused elsewhere.
  7. No, you are literally inferring that. You're saying he needs to stay in the good graces to possibly come back, correct? Sorry if I put it into terms you don't like. A current player coming out to flat out criticize? No. But to speak so supportive when he didn't have to address it at all? (This was NOT a mandatory media session, either...) But yes let's just slap it aside because he needs to stay in good graces..now what is it commonly referred to when someone heaps loads of unsolicited praise on their boss....man....if only there was a common term.
  8. Oh, you tried. And I give you credit for that. Bless your heart. Happiest of Holidays.
  9. Interesting enough, the Buffalo Bills are ok with someone making the team look bad as long as they used to be a great EDGE rusher.
  10. So, basically you're saying Micah Hyde, a person who has shown nothing but class and integrity in the last, what, 7 years now in Buffalo..... is a whimpering little kiss ass? That he lacks the self confidence and belief that should he not be with the Bills next year NONE of the other 31 teams would take him. That he could have answered it in any manner he wished, even to say something vanilla such as "We as a team are focusing on the Chiefs." but chose to give a solid and super character endorsement to McDermott because he NEEDS to be back in Buffalo....even though the article says players are wanting to leave in droves? Makes a ton of sense....
  11. Again, stating opinion as fact. And rather bold to assume I didn't read the entire article. It's possible 2 people can read the same words and come away with different outlooks. As a matter of fact, good writers often strive for that. And Ty is a good writer. As I said, I'm certain there are facts a plenty in that piece. However, looking objectively at this piece I find it difficult to think that a piece written by a writer who is based up the road from the Bills and is denied credentials spoke to 25 former players and coaches and objectively came out with these results. That's all. It's almost like there was a direction it was intended and once his "Burn Book" was complete he put it out....riiiiight before a HUGE game for the Bills that could define their season. Weird set of circumstances.
  12. I don't ignore anything. I just can't give too much credence to what amounts to hearsay. Literally no one I have seen has put their name behind any statement. That includes former players/coaches that would suffer no repercussion. I haven't been on Twitter much in the last 24 hours, however I've seen no former players lend any validation to these reports. Without looking I would bet Quentin Spain has said something. By the same token I haven't seen any former players refute it either. Again, truth is likely in the middle. You like to say things like "it's clear" a lot. While it may be clear to you it boils down to your opinion. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, of course. I just don't like when people make or take opinion as fact. And the piece that Ty wrote, while he worked hard and did I'm sure his due diligence was FILLED with opinions of people that did not attach their name to it.
  13. Ok. So when it's an opinion presented by someone that won't attach their name to the statement, yet it conforms to your opinion it's an obvious statement of fact. When presented with a factual list of players that left and came back it's "We have no idea what they are thinking." And "It's a private team," yet everyone that's apparently even been affiliated with it is jumping at the chance to talk to a reporter. There's a LOT in that story that makes sense. There's also a lot that kind of contradicts itself and the narrative its trying to create. To think any of it is fact based on shadowed hearsays is a reach. To brush it 100% aside is also a reach. As with most things the truth is likely closer to the middle.
  14. I think Jordan Poyer disagrees. And so does Jordan Phillips. Shaq Lawson. Cole Beasley. John Brown. Josh Norman. AJ Klein. I could keep going. Point is time and again players leave...and come back. I believe that over a nameless whistleblower. That's not to say there aren't SOME that feel that way. But I'm betting if you talk to the proper people you can get a set of statements like that on almost any NFL head coach.
  15. Two counter points here. One, it's extremely common and I mean EXTREMELY common for new coaching staffs to bring in players they are familiar with. Helps to install the new concepts, the culture and have a few trusted faces. I cannot fault that reasoning. Second, Benjamin has always been attributed to Beane making a move and less McDermott pushing for it. In 2016 we had Anthony Lynn as the OC. He left when McDermott was hired, of course. Rick Dennison was brought in as OC and after 1 season McDermott identified that was a mistake and moved on. That brought us to Brian Daboll in 2018 & 2019. So you're now talking about 3 different offenses, 3 different OCs and players needed to fit 3 different systems in that span. That played a part as well. However, as you infer having a quality QB makes a world of difference. I take umbrage to the bolded as I specifically said I am not defending McDermott and am ready to move on from him myself. And this is why I take umbrage with that. There are enough tangible and obvious reasons why the team should move on from McDermott that we don't really need to connect dots or read between any lines. And no reason to rewrite history. The actual facts speak for themselves. There have been many times where Josh Allen himself has given some credit to McDermott for his development. Along with giving Dorsey, Daboll, Culley and Jordan Palmer credit as well. And while McD likely hasn't had as direct of a hand and the others, he did have the foresight to bring those guys in (aside from Palmer, obviously). If we are going to slam him for bringing in bad players and coaches early in his tenure, only fair to give credit for bringing the right guys in on the offensive side later, no? Right now the picture is painted that everything bad that has happened is 100% on McDermott and 100% of anything positive is on someone else. That's simply not true.
  16. I just want some clarification here. Not trying to pick a fight, but the way I'm reading this seems...odd. You're saying that in the early days of McDermott we had the worst scoring average of the drought years . Fine. Mind you we were trotting players like Mike Tolbert, Chris Ivory and Kelvin Benjamin out there as well so I see that as possible without needing to even look that up. Then over the years under McDermott we built the offense to be the strength of the team...this somehow proves McDermott is clueless about offense. Mind you I am not a McD supporter and am not defending him here. Just trying to get the rationale here is all.
  17. So, in short you and others have read the piece and come away feeling reaffirmed with what you had felt before the piece. Correct? That was my point.
  18. This is one of those articles that ultimately does absolutely nothing to move the needle for anyone. Those that don't like McDermott will take the majority of this as fact because it "proves" their own thoughts and provides them a piece of that oh so comforting "echo chamber" Those that like McDermott will be quick to brush it off as gossip from players/coaches who have clashed with McDermott or feel they have been wronged and have an axe to grind.
  19. Honestly, Brown has looked just fine without Knox's help. Pre season narratives aside Brown has actually has been pretty solid over the last 2 months. Honestly, Brown has looked just fine without Knox's help. Pre season narratives aside Brown has actually has been pretty solid over the last 2 months.
  20. Scenario 3. The Jet offense still can't move the ball. Stroud takes a step back against a good defense without his security blanket in Tank Dell and throws a pick 6. Jets roll 16-13. Jets still left with more questions than answers. And Robert Saleh splits his pants at the seam in the 3rd quarter.
  21. If this is meant to suggest that Brian Brohm never received a fair chance I am with you.
  22. At the end of the day the Buffalo Bills had the chance to make a statement here. And they failed to make the right one. He's been charged. And the legal process MUST play out. This is true. And from a team/financial standpoint there is no way they could just cut him. They're stuck with Miller until the legal process plays out. That much I agree with and understand. However, they could have VERY easily sent him home so he can "focus on his current situation" much like they said with the punter. And exactly like what the Texans did with Watson. Excuse him from the facility, pay him his money to stay home. From a football standpoint, it's not like they're missing out. And from a PR standpoint it's saying we will not tolerate this set of circumstances. Brandon Beane does NOT get to bring up culture or character again.
  23. Yes, because the players that play at and the fans that cheer at Arrowhead are the beacon of good moral fiber.
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