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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. My main takeaway from that game was just how bad AJE was at setting the edge. At least twice he got taken out by a WR (Myers IIRC) coming back to seal him off. He hasn't gotten better with time. Good pass rusher though.
  2. I think one of the more interesting things about the Mayo promotion is there is a good chance a high percentage of assistant coaches as well as position coaches are retained. Would make it harder on Belichick to round out his own coaching staff should be land a new HC job.
  3. Benford and Jackson outside. Taron is NOT an outside CB. He plays the slot and just isn't suited for boundary.
  4. You guys realize that James Cook isn't the only one allowed to run the ball...right? That that unicorn of a QB we have that can run with the ball in his hands? Like Leonard Fournette? They are allowed to run as well.
  5. https://www.nfl.com/news/ranking-nfl-coaching-hires-anthony-lynn-at-no-1-0ap3000000778807 Ranking from NFL. Com on all the coaching hires that year. Any guesses who's number 1? Hint: Not McVay OR Shanahan
  6. Can't believe he's kept that same hairstyle his whole tenure here.
  7. You know that Taron Johnson is one of the best tacklers on the team. Right?
  8. Just speculation on my part but I don't think Rapp, Douglas, Dodson or Davis play. In this type of game I think Rapp and Dodson are a loss on defense. I think Elam and Hamlin will likely be active and this type of game kinda plays into what Hamlin does do well as a guy that is a bit physical. Dodson has also been pretty decent against the run...but maybe AJK gets the elevation. Is Davis week to week? Not worried about Dawkins playing. I'm betting he's out there but if not Van Demark looked ok in his limited snaps. And no TJ Watt helps.
  9. I was today years old when I discovered I may be a "Yinzer" Sounds delicious What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.🤣🤣
  10. Welcome to all lurking Yinzers this week. I'm curious, Bills fans, what is a Yinzer? (Wrong answers only). Please keep it clean. Let's have some fun at our visitors expense!
  11. Can we do an international game in Amsterdam. I would just love to see the fall out of sending 20,000ish Bills fans there for a week.
  12. This is just my opinion. But any team that's bringing Belichick in at his age and with decisions he's made at HC the last few years is bringing him in as a gimmick. A PR move for when/if he finally passes Shula. Something to sell hope in a fanbase. But they're fooling themselves if they think he's reshaping their operation and getting them to the promised land. Right now people are so focused on what a bad GM is that his coaching decisions and weekly management of a football team are being gravely overlooked.
  13. Maybe they can bring back Matt Patricia and he and Joe Judge can split the job.🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. Bye and large I see your point and agree... however to the bolded: Cook has been phenomenal. However it remains to be seen if his body can withstand the kind of workload it saw this year, year in and year out. My guess is we bring in another back to give him somewhat of a decrease in snaps throughout the season to save some wear and tear. Gabe Davis: A bit too soon to spike the football on this. It still wouldn't shock me it he gets signed after the season. They love him. Not firing McD has NOTHING to do with Beane. That is a Pegula call. The way the chain of command is is that Sean and Brandon are on equal footing. They both report to Pegula. Neither is they others boss. But again, agree with the tome and general point here.
  15. I swear they just keep AJ locked in a broom closet. Let him out when we need an extra linebacker here and there. Maybe he does some team laundry in the meantime to earn a meal.
  16. I think this is going to be a sloppy low scoring slog fest. Or, the Bills win by 3 TDs. I'll go with the slog fest: Bills-19 Steelers -13
  17. Buy: Baylon Spector. Weather and opponent mixed with Dodson being less than 100% could give Spector a chance to play a lot of reps. Shut down the rush attack and let them try and win in adverse conditions with Mason Rudolph throwing the ball. Sell: Harty. A ST PoW winner this week, should be slowed a bit by the frozen fields. Hold: James Cook. I don't think this is his week. Between ball security issues and the field he could be an afterthought in this one.
  18. If the weather is anything like its predicted to be, there's a good chance the zebras keep the flags in their pockets for the most part and try and make the game move as fast as possible.
  19. I would absolutely love to see him follow the Sean Payton route and take a year off to be on one of the NFL Sunday morning shows. Would be unintentional comedy gold.
  20. This is the rare occasion that I LOVE LAMP (posts). Congratulations and hopefully all are healthy and happy. Enjoy your new one. They grow fast and the time shoots by.
  21. That moron just posted this. Welp...AFCE TITLE DENIED.
  22. Saleh should get an iron clad multi decade extension. Woody Johnson should probably give him a part of team ownership to really lock it in.
  23. Well, in the long run beating Jacksonville didn't do much for us. Perhaps we can send him a lovely Edible Arraignments for the Miami game.
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