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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. If Shady was hurt my bet would be Banyard or Jones starts and Tolbert keeps his same role. I think Banyard/Jones would split up Shady touches or they would go with a hot hand approach.
  2. Tolbert has been more than adequate in his role. I really don't get why everyone is stuck on the opinion that he needs to be upgraded. He's a 3-8 carry a game type guy. He can move a pile and punish tacklers. And by the way...he's very underrated as a pass catcher.
  3. As unpopular as this decision would be....no one. This team seems to have a special chemistry. I'd not want to mess with it.
  4. Ah ok. Fair enough. My best guesstimate would be if Shady got hurt Banyard and Jones would start in his place with Tolbert keeping his normal role. I do like Rattlesnake Joe, liked him when he was with the Vikes.
  5. How so? Lots of bad has been said about Fat Mike...but he's been consistent. He will never break a sexy 80 yard TD..but he punishes defenses when he runs and tires them out. He is very valuable as a runner even at this stage in his career.
  6. The only thing this post gets right is that Kyle isn't quite the same player he was 5 years ago. Even still he is on par or better than a good chunk of DTs in the league. Shaq is doing his job. Just because the sacks aren't there doesn't mean he's not playing the run at a solid level. Alexander has been fine...did you forget how solid Humber has looked? He will be back soon. Heck, Milano has played really well for a rookie as well. If you tune in and watch games even with a small amount of knowledge you will see how awful your attempt at this hot take is.
  7. You mean like when they let Gilmore walk and used that money to sign Poyer and Hyde? Or when they traded Darby who want the best fit and got a guy in Gaines that (while being oft hurt) has played amazing? Almost seems like they have an plan...a...dare I say process that they are taking. Building a team? Maybe just maybe that's not just "coachspeak"? Bills fans just aren't used to a sensible long term approach with a plan for long term competitive structure.
  9. Didn't know a varying opinion wasn't allowed. Skin not thick enough to handle it? Don't start a post and clog the board with negative vibes immediately after a good win.
  10. Right. But if it's successful we will have to do the mastectomy and that could possibly lead to an inflamed Vena cava.
  11. It's a self correcting problem if we wait it out long enough.
  12. There's even a "Hire Jim Schwartz for HC" thread on page 3..
  13. Everytime I think of old Bills/Bucks games I remember Robb Riddick diving out of the end zone when we were backed up. Man I liked Riddick.
  14. He can line up in the backfield freeing McCoy to split out wide more often. With McCoys speed it may even help keep safeties out of the box for Hyde to have running room. So, indirectly...he would possibly help the WR position.
  15. We got Shady from a trade. I'd say why not. Hyde for a player we want to dispose of (looking at you Cordy). Maybe we even get a pick back as well. Not so sure McCoy is back next year and they could resign Hyde to be the feature back. Could do much much worse.
  16. Not talking about his draft spot. Overrated as in people actually thinking he was a true #1 receiver when in actuality he wouldn't have started for the majority of teams. The fact that he was better than what else we had and took on a way bigger role than he ever should have. And no, not better because he was amazing...better because...I mean Donald Jones. Yea, he played well against some darn good corners from time to time. Also dropped a ton of catchable balls, disappeared for huge chunks of games and never really made a difference when it mattered most. But no, an oft injured, overhyped, self serving poor route runner is exactly what this team needs. While we are at it I hear Frank Lewis and Jerry Butler are free...and they used to be Bills too. Maybe they should be signed? Wonder what Ahmad Rashad is up to these days... Butler and Lewis or I riot!
  17. If I remember, that kid that played Webster put on about 200lbs. Maybe he could play RG?
  18. And who is that? The FA WR cabinet is pretty much bare. TE? Barnridge? Gotta be a reason he's still out there with as many TE needy teams. He visited the Texans when they were basically starting the popcorn vendor and came away without a contract.
  19. No Ghost of Jamie Mueller!! Now back to haunting Bryan Cox!!
  20. Could it be Mojo Rawley? Or Mojo JoJo? Or Mr. Mojo Risin?
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