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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I mean, the NFL is a TV show. If you don't like what you see...change the channel. And yes, you are tired for being a blue collar worker. And we all know us blue collar people are the only ones allowed to be tired. Sore. Injured. Get over yourself man. Whatever you do as work I'm willing to bet a year salary it's nowhere close to as high impact to your body as an NFL player. Tired. Tired.
  2. I was thinking this as well watching the game. It's like they heard about how great they were creating turnovers and just went for that. Gotta wrap up. Let 2nd guy in go for the ball. Losing Dareus I don't feel was as big as not having Milano out there. Guy can create a spark.
  3. Ever have a bad day at work? Now imagine your job is broadcast all over the country. This is pretty much what I think happened Thursday. Bad day at the office. Here's something though...I'm really glad Brees comes in this week. Glad the Saints have a 6 game win streak and really glad we are no longer the talk of the NFL programs. Back to being the underdogs. Buffalo will rebound this week. Where did Aaron Rodgers have his career worst game again? Right here in Buffalo. Brees in front of our crowd isn't as intimidating as he would be in NO. Buffalo wins this one. Brees won't top 250 yards.
  4. Maybe in the good old days there was a bonus. A lot of guys were from an area, played college ball in the area and got drafted to teams more local. A California kid coming to Buffalo to play was a huge advantage. These days people play college ball further from home and get drafted wherever. Plus with free agency being what it is, a guy doesn't spend his whole career in one city. Opens the door to playing in all types of conditions. Nothing to back this idea up, just my own personal hunches.
  5. My favorite memory had to do with one former Bill. Fred Smerlas. I was but a wee lad, maybe 7 or 8 when my mom came home from work one cold, snowy afternoon. She had heard that the big guy was coming to Batavia for a meet and greet at the tiny mall there. We got there on time and there were maybe 100-150 people already there. Time came for him to show up...no Fred. Half hour later...no Fred. People were getting frustrated and the atmosphere was tense. It was getting loud and people were being obnoxious. Suddenly the crowd just got dead silent and I looked up to see a mountain of a man walk past. No joke (to an 8 year old) this was the biggest man alive. He walked up to the front and said in his loud voice..."Yea, got stuck in the snow. It happens." He stayed way past his allotted time to make sure everyone got an autograph. I still remember being in awe when it was my turn, he signed my Melton's Smerlas sweatshirt, a football card and asked me who my favorite player on the team was. I panicked and said it was Joe Theisman.
  6. And I'd like to spend them building a team...not getting a guy that may possibly be fine sometime or may turn into another case of RGIII after being mismanaged after injury.
  7. Look at it like this, in the past we likely would have lost 3 of those games at least. Now move one loss to the win column of each team. Looks a bit better now.
  8. This guy is exactly like that drunk Uncle at the 4th of July cookout. Being loud and obnoxious, wanting to fight everyone. Then someone pops him in the mouth and he starts crying.
  9. I know being a fan of the Bills, we tend to forget that MAKING the playoffs isn't really the goal year after year. After making the playoffs year after year and never advancing it's time to move on. I don't see him being the first one gone as someone is surely going to pull the trigger before the end of the season. Bengals will be classy and let him resign at the end of this season is my best bet.
  10. Cam did. Boy, what I wouldn't give to see Cam and Winston go at it on Jeopardy.
  11. Would an Andy Dalton shaped potato chip have a soul?
  12. At least he didn't try calling his offense the Titanic in a positive light.
  13. Beat me to it with Gase. Typically when you see a coach blasting his offense in the press (an offense he built) he's not long for the job. They even got him some of "his guys" with Cutler and Julius. He blasts Ajayjayijayijayi then trades him only to see him run extremely well for Philly.
  14. The Fitz Curse is more of a thing than the Madden Curse. If I was a GM and had a young prospect at QB I wouldn't sign him to play if he paid me.
  15. Ok. To combat this you MUST watch the movie All About The Benjamins 7 and 2/3 times. One of the times MUST be in Spanish and once in French. After watching the chip should be placed on a white tray. If you are still oh, Leary about the outcome you can Hyde the chip in the Woods.
  16. I always forget. Are you the "Who dey" or the "Who dat" fellas? Either way, I'm predicting dat dey gon lose 34-20 to our Bills! But just to play nice we can all talk bad about Rob Ryan
  17. That said there were some things he could have done better. Could have gotten rid of it quicker at times. Even if it was just a throw away. Could have run a lot more than he did. When he did run he did really well for the most part. As Mike Vick said...he has a God given talent. Use it.
  18. After last night I wouldn't be opposed to spending both 1st round picks we have on the oline. Win the trenches, win ball games. I personally am not a fan of Kirk Cousins, however I do think he could play well in the Dennison system. Resign Matthews. Jones starting to flash and we would have 3 good young WRs for him to play catch with. 2nd and 3rd rounds go defense. Give me a LBer and DT in round 2 if the value is there. 3rd round BPA for the system between a DT and LB.
  19. That's hysterical! 😂😂😂 I kinda like this one: i never thought i could hate a team more than atlanta but buffalo is really starting to piss me right the fug off. Stay the fug out of our cookie jar !@#$s
  20. Sounds like they will be serious about extending him next year. Does this make resigning Matthews a low priority? I do like the idea of a Benjamin/Matthews/Jones core, but not much speed there. 7 games in, still firmly in the playoff hunt with a plethora of picks and potential moves ahead when the off-season comes. What a great time to be alive!
  21. I was a huge Lofton fan back in the day. Even when he was with the Packers. But man, the guy has no business being a commentator. That was just bad.
  22. Wow, snark much? You assume McCoy is even on the team next year. That's cute. As you said, he's 30, has a high contract and will start to decline before you know it. His "potential replacement" isn't on the roster for a reason. RBs have a shorter shelf life thank a carton of milk. But hey, at least your reply was so cutting and original. You managed a reading comprehension quip. You must be at the top of your 9th grade class.
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