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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. 5-2 before acquiring him and an ugly 3 loss streak right after. This has to be the reason...right? And he wears the unluckiest of numbers. It's well known that God has it out for guys that wear 13 for the Buffalo Bills...and now he's hurt. Smh.
  2. I think the timing of the trade has people thinking MD is missed. In my opinion we would have had this collapse defensively with or without him. Of all the trades we made I think trading a guy like Reggie Ragland hurt this run defense the most.
  3. For the first time in 40 years as a Bills fan my TV goes off at halftime. Suffered through some amazingly bad seasons some amazingly bad games....but the last 6 quarters of Buffalo Bills football has been a huge kick in the nuts.
  4. Maybe they believe McD is preparing Tyrod to take over at RG. Come to think of it...not really sure if that would be a downgrade. I'm sure Taylor have a ton of pent up aggression to release.
  5. Pros to Luck: -Smart player -If healthy (big if) can be a winner -He's very polite -He's not named Tyrod Taylor -Can read a defense and play at a high level -Has playoff experience Cons to Luck -This shoulder issue may never fully heal. Word I have seen is he's in Europe getting some weird treatment. Doesn't sound like the typical route an NFL player takes to recovery -Poor lines in Indy mean he has been hit more than a woman dating Chris Brown (the R&B singer...Not the Bills reporter) -He's already 28 with high mileage on his body -Would take a ton of draft capital to get him -On top of the picks would be an enormous salary My opinion: Use all those picks that we would have to give up and build a team. Look, we let Gilmore go and used that money to sign Poyer and Hyde plus have some leftover. That's how to build a team. The money saved from not having Luck could get us a rookie QB, a new RG and perhaps a new LBer. It's a no brainer for me. Give me a revamped team over a guy who "kinda sorta could heal and be ok" or kinda sorta could be done and could be the next RGIII
  6. My assessment is that he is a swell fella. He plays for the Buffalo Bills and went to Pitt. How he plays as an NFL QB? Well we will see that on Sunday.
  7. Should have named the dog in 2011 Brady.
  8. Lots of unknowns...such as would they have traded him if Boldin hadn't signed here for a week? My hunch is yes to both. They wanted to get rid of an oft injured prima Donna who worried more about targets and catches than wins.
  9. Oh could we have? What was offered and by whom? If I recall correctly, prior to Tyrod taking a pay cut I believe I read his agent tried to call other teams to ask about interest in his client...couldn't have been too robust a market if he still took the cut to stay here.
  10. Even if Peterman lights it up, even if he leads us the rest of the way to the playoffs...you draft someone else high at QB. You also sign a vet QB for the QB room. You go all in on that position. We FINALLY are in position to have solidarity at the most important position in pro sports. Don't mess that up because a rookie 5th rounder goes on a hot streak.
  11. I really don't care how well Nate looks on Sunday or for as long as he's playing...you still draft a QB high. All in all though I expect good things and think he will play well.
  12. After seeing how violated the Bills defense was, Fat Chris Hansen wants you to "Just take a seat right there" while he discusses it.
  13. I'm thinking God. God pisses in our KOOL Aid every year.
  14. After the Saints got done dismantling our Bills I watched the Rams/Texans game. I found myself transfixed watching Tom Savage get the ball, get rid of it and move on to the next play. Tom. Freaking. Savage. That's how terrible Taylor has been lately. I got a football boner watching Tom Freaking Savage.
  15. At least he didn't say he doesn't listen to what fans say and do...
  16. Do we still have that midget trainer? I'd fire him and make a little point. Truth is I don't to run short staffed.
  17. Tyrod needs to channel his inner Tebow. Start jumping up when he passes. Maybe get the guy some platform cleats. Stilts. Tired of seeing his passes batted at the line.
  18. Mostly adjustments a quick bathroom break would be my best bet. I'm sure coaches say something.
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