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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Well, there are a lot of different ways to look at misogyny. I, personally find when people feel they have to mention repeatedly that it "was a woman" that was assaulted it's a form of misogyny as well. Infers that women are weak and unable to handle themselves. And I can tell you these days that's just not true.
  2. Not every broken leg is the same. They don't always result in public lawsuits. I'm sure her leg was broken. I'm sure Hill is a scumbag. But let's not ignore that we live in a society where a SOCIAL MEDIA PERSONALITY is going after a bit of fame as well. All can be true. Also, as a side note I'm curious why this is even a point of emphasis? So if he played for the Vikings or Bears everything's cool? Do we as fans of the Bills not have Von Miller on our roster? Who are we to judge another team?
  3. I mean, she's likely doing this for the cash grab, sure. He's still a scumbag human. Both can be true.
  4. Best part of that is when it says during one of the hits she "held her own"😂😂 Maybe she could be a cheaper option than Gilliam at FB? And yes the obligatory "Hill's a scum human" applies here.
  5. My favorite part: "Hardman said he refused to return punts vs KC because he felt STC Brant Boyer had misled him about the punt-returning job in camp, and that he didn't have enough time to prepare when asked on the night of the KC game to step in for Xavier Gipson, who had tweaked an ankle a few days earlier. Hardman said he was dealing with his own injury (hyperextended pinky) that made it tough to catch. He said Saleh tried to convince him to do it, but Hardman said he told him, "I'm not catching for that man (Boyer)." The Jets are so poorly run.
  6. Well, in addition to him growing up around there, being a Steeler fans growing up, attending Pitt he's also got a lot of friends on the team and a very tight relationship with Mike Tomlin.
  7. I agree with much of what you say, they only thing I'm skeptical about is the "4th and 25" as an option. With the way officiating has been I would hate to see some ticky tack PI, some no call on an obvious PI or one of those ridiculous "toss it short and force the DPI" plays having a factor. In theory it works. Picking up 4th and 25 is likely the same odds of recovering an inside kick. Just too many ways the "human element" comes into play for my own comfort.
  8. I like the rule and I like the idea that player safety would actually improve. My only concern is that guys in the NFL are much better in tight spaces than guys in the XFL. If a returner can blast by that first wave of tacklers, the only thing between them and an easy TD is the kicker. And while exciting and fun, it may put more kickers on the shelf due to them having to try and make tackles.
  9. IIRC Butler called the plays in one of our preseason games last year. Was possibly an audition of sorts to see what he could bring. Maybe they didn't like what they saw there. So after having that opportunity and then getting passed over for the DC job, I can see how he would feel it's time to move on. I think it's in some was similar to watching Chad Hall leave before after not getting the OC job. That said, of the two I feel like they picked the correct guy in Babich. A bit younger with more room to learn and develop as a coordinator.
  10. King was a fantastic writer. Been reading him since I was a kid. Will miss his writing.
  11. I'll make a bold statement. People will for the most part make excuses to support their current thinking. McDermott wins one; many detractors will say it was luck. He wins two it will be "Josh won in spite of him being the coach". He wins 3 and it'll be some other reasoning. People get way too dug into their opinions.
  12. Now we almost have enough for a beer at the new stadium.
  13. I get the sentiment, but the biggest loss they had to the staff was when Dante Scarnecchia retired.
  14. And the Bills will be linked to every single one. IMO, the main one I'm watching is CEH. He's shouldn't command much and may like to reunite with Joe Brady. Would take over the Murray role. Darrynton Evans is under contract again and could be the PS/3rd RB along with a late round rookie.
  15. According to this list, NFLPA records show the Bills at at tad under $37M in the red.
  16. I think a lot of what is going to happen with Douglas will be seen in the money he sees here for next year. Right now he's scheduled to count a tad over $9M on the cap. He won't be that high if a deal is done. They would lessen his cap hit I'm sure. But how many years and guaranteed cash will tell us where they view him. Of course, another option would be to cut/trade and clear that $9M off the books completely. We swapped picks for him and I do think we got our bang for the buck if it comes to this. But I see it as highly unlikely. I don't know that it's "time to move on" from Tre. I don't know his medicals and how his mindset really is. But I would agree it's not prudent for him to be at the salary he's due this this. If he's in a good place mentally and the medicals are clear there's no reason he couldn't come back with a bit of a pay cut and turn part of his money into incentives.
  17. Deserves it. As much as I hate losing to the Chiefs in the playoffs and as bored as I am with KC's post season success...I do like Andy.
  18. Had the Bills given up points after that fake punt and the Chiefs had gone up 2 scores, putting the ball in Hamlin's hands in that situation would have been right up there with one of the absolute dumbest calls in NFL history. Don't get me wrong. Still a dumb call but it didn't really play into the outcome. Putting the ball in a guys hands that spent most of the year inactive and isn't even a returner who is used to having the ball in his hands and making moves in space is NOT doing all he can to help the team win.
  19. Read the tea leaves, people. That picture looks like he was just told Diggs is getting traded.
  20. Of course you would because as you say, you aren't in the business of buying storage lockers. For some people it's a lucrative and very real venture. A lot of these people run auctions or resale shops as well. And this is exactly the dream locker you fantasize about if you are in the trade. For those unaware, not paying storage fees results in the property being legally considered abandoned property. The purchaser assumes all risk upon buying as most of the time the lock doesn't come off until you buy. Could have 4 empty tuna cans and 2 used adult diapers. That's your property now. Could have something worthwhile. Could be holding something illegal that's seized by authorities. It's financial Russian Roulette. For something like this, should Smith get in contact to try and get his former items back it's not uncommon for a deal to be brokered. The purchaser would most likely take an inventory of items and estimate what they would fetch in an open auction. They would also likely factor in that the items would be worth more to Smith than they would be to a private buyer. The purchaser can then come up with an amount to sell to Smith who can then agree or not. In any event the purchaser hit a nice find and should be able to earn proper compensation.
  21. Yeah, well, Sal Vulcano is the 4th best Impractical Joker and should have been replaced by Joey Fatone YEARS ago. So, there.
  22. This may be the sneakiest Edmunds post in the history of the board.
  23. I mean, of course Dan's going to list the guys he played a lot against from his era. It's who he's most familiar with and good friends with to boot. Jimbo was definitely one of the best of his era. And that's probably the most accurate ways to rank QBs. By era and not all-time IMO.
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