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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. If I'm Frank Reich or really any NFL coach, I let Irsays call go straight to voicemail and forget to call back. Sorry but there is no way I would take the job right now. Now before the "Well there's only 32 of these positions" people chime in let me retort with a different number. There's only ONE career. Ask Mike Pettine or Chud about going to such a dysfunctional situation. Going to Indy at this late stage of the hiring process is career suicide. As head coach of the Colts you get: - A possible franchise QB with a murkey future at this point. - One of the most untrustable owners in the NFL - To be known as the guy that only got the job because someone else turned it down - A severely reduced coaching pool to assemble a staff from - A roster full of holes Just a no win situation. Indy will find someone to hire and most likely in 2-3 years they will be somewhat better, but whoever they hire here is nothing more than a "bridge coach". The coach they end up with will either be a guy that is nowhere near ready but taking the job to accelerate his options (much like Pettine) or someone that flamed out and needs to rebuild his resume (much like Chud who should have had more time.) One name that they may be able to get that would be, I think a nice hire...Jack Del Rio. I know the rumors about them wanting to hire an offensive guy, but Del Rio would be a nice "get" at this stage I think.
  2. If you are insinuating I hate Whaley it couldn't be farther from the truth. I actually admire the job he did finding both mid to late round talent as well as value free agents. It's just tiring seeing his staunch defenders saying he's not to blame for anything. "He never got a chance to draft a QB." If you don't think EJ had his fingerprints on him as much as Nix's I don't know what to tell you. Plus he had how many drafts here? Could have drafted a guy somewhere else. Carolina did with Clausin/Newton in back to back drafts. The Skis did it with RGIII/Cousins in the same draft. But since this last draft was all his doing from what the anti-Beane people say...I guess we can thank him for Peterman. Gee, thanks Doug. "WELL, he never made a choice on his coach." Super. That's how some other teams do it. Pegula puts his coach and GM on equal footing. Why should he get to hand pick his peer alone? The Rex hire, I will wholeheartedly agree was terrible and does not fall on Doug. But McD? Both Whaley and Pegula stated that McD was on a short list of coaches brought to ownership. So he was responsible for his name being there with the guy signing the checks as the final say so. Very logical. On the whole, Doug did a lot to improve the roster from the Nix era and we likely don't have the team we have today without him.
  3. The blind love people have still for Whaley is unreal sometimes.
  4. Very well could. Could also be language saying he will be "considered the front runner" with a wink and nod and they will interview some DB coach that fits the bill for token sake.
  5. While what you say is correct in terms to the new job offer, you assume that there has been nothing signed by McDaniels. You don't know that. I would be shocked if the Colts had been promoting and announcing McDaniels as their HC without at minimum a Letter of Understanding. In that letter, if there is one there could very well be parameters lined out for what would happen should McDaniels or the Colts change their mind if the agreement falls through. That would give the NFL ample power to step in. As I stated however it's not known by anyone if in fact there has been a letter signed. I'm sure we will hear much more as it all plays out.
  6. I wonder if Daboll wasn't hired by us..would the Patties have let McDaniels go knowing they could bring in a coordinator they have a comfort level with.
  7. Not only will he coach, but he's ready to be under center if Luck isn't ready to go. The obvious choice.
  8. I seriously think Chud gets the job. Gives him a shot to be a HC again and prove himself and if it doesn't work the Colts hire from a larger HC/coordinator pool in the off-season.
  9. Was worded oddly. Should be several questions over his health. Many questions about the 1 issue.
  10. Kraft sweetened McDaniels contract. It's now in writing that Joshie is the next man up after Belichick retires (or so I'm hearing)
  11. The fan base should be referred to as the "Stampede" as we are the loud and raucous noise that follows the gallop of a charging Buffalo.
  12. Counter proposal: I propose when the Bills win their first Super Bowl, we form up and go place to place and eat every chicken wing in town. Every. Single. One. Think of the financial boom for the town? As a nice side project: We find every single person that dips said wings in ranch sauce and we send them to Cleveland. Every. Single. One.
  13. What exactly has Peterman shown you that you would want him to start? And if they draft a rookie and start Peterman for the time being...wouldn't that make him, in fact a stop gap?
  14. Ok, so McDaniels waited and waited for the "perfect opportunity" and he gets- -A team with a franchise QB with several health questions. -An offensive line that can't protect said QB. -Frank Gore as the lead RB at 107 years old. Mack should see action but is unproven. -A defense that can't stop a Pop Warner team -An owner that is one of the biggest dbags in all of sports. Good call Josh. This absolutely won't blow up in your face. At all.
  15. Yea, I've looked at that photo at least a dozen times. Didn't realize she had fingers.
  16. Good for him. Now THAT is some bit of magic!
  17. There are a LOT of former Bills "QBs" that should be in prison for theft and fraud.
  18. I get what you're saying. HECK, Jordan Matthews was in camp with this Eagle team. Guys like Maclin, Jackson that were shipped off by Kelly. It's got to sting a bit. Hopefully Shady uses it as motivation next year to get one of his own with Buffalo.
  19. Just couldn't sink your teeth into that Tide, huh?
  20. I watched a lot of him 2 years ago. He's way better than Peterman. While he still needs work, I wouldn't be shocked to see him have a McCown type career. Peterman is most likely to have a Tuel type career.
  21. Mason Rudolph is not a 1st round talent. He may be picked in the 1st but I believe he will end up more like a Ponder or Gabbert.
  22. It's literally all about the execution. If the Falcons went conservative in the last Super Bowl there are really good odds we are talking about the Patties losing 2 straight Super Bowls today. There is a time and place to reel it back and a time and place to put your foot on the gas. They key to either scenario is recognizing it and players doing their job.
  23. They probably feel about as nervous about it as 49er fans were feeling about Little Shanny after last year's Super Bowl. In the one hand though, it's really easy to miss that the Patties defense doesn't have much talent and have been pretty well coached up this season. All in all, as long as they keep Cooter on board and don't mess with the offense they should be a competitive team.
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