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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Dan Marino never won one. Jim Kelly never won one. Guess we shouldn't draft a classic pocket passer either.
  2. Great move and good forward thinking on the Bills part. As I have said all off-season getting rid of him without a clear upgrade on the roster is setting yourself up to fail. Paying $6 million dollars is not a guarantee he's staying. It is a guarantee we won't end up with (and yes, there is) a worse option. With all the available QBs this year I don't think they would find a trade partner quickly for his services and cutting him just leaves Peterman as the only QB under contract until FA begins. It's a small sum of money in the grand scheme of things. All that said, I still expect an upgrade to be found and TT to be cut/traded soon after. This changes nothing in my eyes.
  3. Hopefully if they come back they can play special teams and cover an onside kick.
  4. They haven't even combined for a full season of play. Still way too soon to say missed opportunity. Especially when we end up with a darn good football player in White. Lets see what we end up with before passing judgement.
  5. Ok. My thoughts in no particular order. - Cousins: Too "pretty" for Buffalo. "You like that?" sounds like something an egotistical date rapist would ask. - Bradford: More like Glassford...and that's close to saying Gladstone. Joey Gladstone. That's the dude that gave a cross eyed bear to Alanis Morresette. Pass. - Keenum: He's so bland I have nothing negative to say. - Bridgewater: Teddy Bridgewater? Man these Madden generated names get worse every year. In the time I typed this his knee exploded 3 times. - Foles/Glennon: You don't put a giraffe in a football helmet. - Mayfield: Baker Mayfield is 3 feet tall. And that's with 6 inch lifts. He's a toddler. He wasn't grabbing his crotch. He was signalling the sideline his diaper needed changing. - Jackson: Terrell Pryor says hello. - Darnold: Got the USC QB stink on him. If he is the guy and doesn't do well we can call him Damnold. So that's a plus.
  6. I would say to focus on Gaines, I like EJ, comfortable with him but gotta be available on Sunday and Gaines is always iffy. If he was good in the slot can he shift outside?
  7. Fitzpatrick is more consistent than the Madden Curse. In the fact that every place he goes the starting QB misses long stretches of games lol. I'd still want McCown as the #2 guy. From what I have read on him he has the making of an excellent QB coach in the opinion of many of his coaches. Iirc there was some interest in him becoming a coach if he couldn't latch on anywhere else last season. I wouldn't be upset if Fitz came back. He's an E-P guy so he fits (ha..Fitz fits) but I think we could definitely do better.
  8. At the end of the day we need 2 QBs. McDermott has already said he wants a vet in the QB room for a variety of reasons. My 2 choices: Rookie: Baker Mayfield Vet: Josh McCown Mayfield for pretty much every reason stated. McCown because he could be a solid spot starter if needed, has been around the league for years and could be a great guy in the QB room for Mayfield. Being we don't have an experienced QB coach, McCowns experience around the league would be extremely valuable.
  9. What did Aaron Rodgers do last time he played us? Hard to judge a QB (good or bad) off 1 games performance.
  10. And how is that exactly? You mean personality wise? Talent wise? 2 guys that have never been in your kitchen wise? Do tell.
  11. I hope he does. If that's what he wants and he can get healthy enough to be cleared than good luck young man. He's a fighter for sure.
  12. Are they thinking outside the box and using the nonexclusive franchise tag??
  13. The USFL paid a competitive wage where the CFL does not. Not even apples and oranges. It's like comparing apples to Tim, the guy up the street that ate an apple last Tuesday. And once Eli was drafted his only option to play in the NFL is play for the Chargers (had a trade not been made) or sit out a year and potentially leave a ton of money on the table by re-entering the next draft. Bo Jackson went that route. Check out how many rounds he slipped in the second draft.
  14. This is the obligatory "Jackson would do amazing in the CFL" post. Even though I don't watch CFL to know how their game is different.
  15. Grabbing a QB and WR who have chemistry sounds like a good idea. Drafting Mason Rudolph does not.
  16. I remember growing up seeing reporters flock to interview Yogi Berra in the hopes that another "Yogi-ism" would be made. I think that's what the talkshow people do now with Polian. Bring him on hoping he will say some wacky out of reality thing that helps get them clicks. Don't forget this is also the guy that said TO and Moss weren't HoF receivers.
  17. It's finally revealed that Baker Mayfield is just 2 midgets in a trench coat.
  18. That was the odd thing with him. They brought him in and paid him well, then under used him IMO. There were stretches of the season I literally forgot he was on the team. If he's going to be used I have no issue keeping him, as you said he is a good blocker. But I still wish we would have ended up with Kyle Jusczcyk last year.
  19. Except he's not. While I would gladly agree he doesn't like up to his "draft status" he's a serviceable player. Not a first team All Pro, but not garbage by any means.
  20. I'd rather have Hyde (likely too expensive) or Lewis (though if he hits the open market would be great in Detroit)
  21. KC and the Giants trade boneheads? Peters for Eli Apple and a 3rd-4th? Teams love to use the "fresh start" approach when players have talent.
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