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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Well, like I said they just are quoting what they "saw on twitter". No links posted from what I saw. The rational of a first makes sense. We have the Rams 2 and if they were only giving up a 3 might as well keep Peters and let him play then likely get a 3rd round comp pick when he leaves. Who knows though, may be something completely different when compensation is announced. As far as a new contract, I believe they will sign Peters to a new deal with language inserted to protect them against his behavior issues.
  2. I was reading on the Chiefs site that it's being speculated at a 1st and 5th. Also, after the Alex Smith trade the league office supposedly gave KC a warning about trades being leaked. Possible draft pick punishment if it happens again. It's mostly speculating on their part but that's what they say they are hearing. http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=314072&page=170
  3. Dinosaurs still exist. They ate them. Just as plausible.
  4. Yes. Lets bring in JF, plus Tim Tebow, Do what it takes to get EJ, Geno, Matt Barkley and Ryan Nassib in here. I don't care about the cost. Elimination Chamber is tomorrow. Connect the dots...
  5. The sales from round globes to the public school system. Our whole ecosystem is based on that money. Connect the dots...
  6. I tell ya what... If I had a million dollars for every person that fell off the edge of the flat Earth, I'd be a broke mutha fudger.
  7. The real question: Can he recover an onside kick?
  8. That's unwanted physical attraction. #metoo Play it safe. Start one of each. Also, we need more topics on the Rams.
  9. I don't think there are any. Maybe start one and ask what everyone think about him getting a long extension.
  10. I lost a loved one to a few deep breaths. Insensitive pr!ck.
  11. Back in my day you could go to the cinema for a nickel. That included the pop corn and soda. And we had real men as actors. Like Rock Hudson.
  12. Actually most really do. It's the percentage of the small minded fans and media that do not.
  13. Oh, they can. But way more often than not complete nobodies com from the 5th and later rounds. Especially at QB. You build a team with optimism and potential. I'll build mine with higher percentage players and skill.
  14. Why? Because he looked "ok" (mind you not good or great) in preseason against other 3rd string/PS guys? Because he was declared "pro ready"? He's a 5th round pick. He was a 5th round pick for a reason. See all these QB needy teams? Some of them needed a QB last year too and said no thanks for 5 rounds. At the VERY best he needs major time to develop. He has a WR coach for a QB coach. He has a defensive minded HC. Not saying he can't be something one day, just saying he's not in a great place to make leaps and bounds progress.
  15. Don't follow a ton of College ball. Didn't want this guy at the end of the season, but I don't think I'd be upset to have him. He's growing on me a bit. If it does come together for him, with his athletic gifts his ceiling could be sky high. Still, not my first choice.
  16. I'd take him. Maybe a conditional 4th. Doubt Pittsburgh would take that but you never know.
  17. Don't remember him at all. Have to say as heartless as it seems, I'm on board with this.
  18. He played well...in a blizzard where he wasn't asked to pass much. K. So all it takes for Peterman to play good is an act of God. Honestly I'm not one to want to dismiss that he may be a player "someday". But to want to see more of him now is just insane.
  19. Honestly, at this stage I would suspect they are still compiling information and assessing where each QB falls. This applies to both Vets and rookies coming out. I believe they have some idea as where the QBs rank in their eyes, but everything can still change.
  20. Except the Bills DON'T have a QB coach. They have a WR coach running around with the QB coach title. Not the best person to mold up a rookie QB we will likely be investing heavily in. McCown is extremely well thought of as a future QB coach. https://247sports.com/nfl/cleveland-browns/Bolt/Report-Browns-offered-QB-coach-job-to-Josh-McCown-112387469 https://www.newsday.com/sports/football/jets/jets-josh-mccown-coach-1.15456058
  21. Buddy Nix says Jackson is more of a guard than a tackle at the NFL level.
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