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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Could always punch yourself in the nuts many, many, many times. It's what the pros do appearently.
  2. I mean, has to be Todd Haley? Right? Side note..if they don't draft him he's still planning on punching himself in the nuts many, many, many times. It's just his thing.
  3. Maybe this is the chance Ed Wang has been waiting for to make his NFL return. Pass rush? Respectfully disagree. Run defense...but agree we need upgrades on the line. Pass rush? Respectfully disagree. Run defense...but agree we need upgrades on the line.
  4. If the QBs are gone and we are still sitting on our hands at 21 without addressing that position we have bigger problems than a pass rush.
  5. Maybe we can add the "Buffalo Special" to Joe Webb's Package.
  6. Yes, we can pass on him. Unless he can pass. Then we can reconsider.
  7. I knew it. Wilson is a game manager. Complete garbage. Maybe Seattle should just ship him off to Buffalo for a conditional 6th. ?
  8. I like Teddy Bridgewater. Shows his personal character that he could come back from such a terrible injury and be at least healthy enough to be allowed to suit up at the end of last regular season. That said I believe he has a ways to go to develop. And because of that I don't think I want to see him in Buffalo. Again, I like him but in Buffalo you have a coaching staff that would not appear to be a great fit for his development. He goes someplace with a good QB coach, a good offensive minded head coach and an OC that can help him he will be fine.
  9. The other fact of the matter is everyone has a plan til the bullets start to fly. They may plan to move up, but other teams may have the same plan and offer better compensation. They may plan to sign Keenum/Bradford/McCarron ect but so will other teams. Takes 2 to tango. So once the bullets start they just have to be aggressive in 45 different directions and see what transpires. And whatever QB they end up with, chances are half the fanbase will complain that it wasn't "their guy" anyways. Football is hard.
  10. All I'm saying is if the plan is to unearth an overlooked QB the plan is bad. Very bad. Identify your guy and get him. Is it Rosen at 2? Mayfield at 5? Sit tight or slide up for Jackson? Wonderful...team has the draft capital to get whoever they want this year. No excuses. And no reason to select a lower tier prospect and "hope" you stuck gold.
  11. Omg...can people stop with using Brady as an example? That was one occurrence almost 20 years ago. Romo going undrafted? Same. If you want to take a shot at a "once every 20 years" happening...have fun. Rodgers was in play for number 1 overall before the 9ers took Smith. He was at the draft. He was talked about plenty.
  12. The article itself want funny but I feel like I need this image on a t-shirt.
  13. Did I say he was? Or did I say Beane has been around Cam and they both have mobility? And sorry, right now nothing is really known about Watson. He played well for a few games then got hurt. So did RGIII. So did Vince Young. Lets see how Watson looks after a season or 2 before we lament who he is or isn't like.
  14. Talent and tape mean more than location. If he was as talented as the rest he would be ranked among the others. White, Lauletta, Falk ect are the "little brothers" of this draft.
  15. QBs that are smart with no obvious weakness don't typically get drafted in the 2nd. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice prospect, but I don't see a really high ceiling here.
  16. Wouldn't read too much into it. The Bills are meeting with all the QBs. Met with all the senior QBs at the Senior Bowl too. As did many teams.
  17. What do you mean by " that style of play"? The mobile QB? Both come from Carolina. Cam says hi. McDermott has pointed out how he's been around QBs that could run his entire career dating back to McNabb. I think they both embrace a QB that can move.
  18. Ok, so during that time what's the % of "hits, so-so and bust" for the ones that were traded for Vs rest of the players in an NFL draft? Are the ones traded for significantly lower than the players that weren't the product of a trade? While you have put in some good work without the counter point to balance it it is really just a small sample size that doesn't tell the whole story. This just seems like cherry picked analysis to me.
  19. This thread is not going to go well for you my friend.
  20. Well, here's my take. Beane did say (I believe it was on Murphy's show) that he would not select a QB based on just what Coach Daboll does or wants. His opinion will be taken under consideration but it doesn't mean he gets who he wants for his offense. But there are some dots that are easy to see connecting here. - While Beane won't be drafting a guy solely based on Daboll's offense, it doesn't hurt a guys stock that he's familiar with it. Question becomes do they feel he can run another system if Daboll leaves? - Beane has been making a ton of reference to Cam when talking about Jackson. - Always works in he's a former Heisman winner at QB - Acknowledges that he "Loves his picks" and at least in the mock draft community Jackson is a guy he can get without giving up any of his picks. - McDermott has been around mobile QBs for a loooong time. All of that, as I said is just a speculative hunch of connecting a bunch of random dots that may mean nothing...or maybe they will. Way too early to tell. My greatest hesitation in drafting Jackson would be our coaching staff. Can they groom a young and somewhat raw talent at QB? I don't like that our QB coach isn't that experienced (though behind the scenes maybe he's excellent...no real way to know) and we have a defensive minded HC. I know I have seen numbers on Jackson's WRs drop rate that suggest his accuracy isn't as bad as some think. Still doesn't tell me the whole story. When I've watched him...he's absolutely dynamic with the ball in his hands. All in all, I wouldn't break my TV if he was selected.
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