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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. That's some fine dot connecting there! It all adds up for sure.
  2. I don't see a game scheduled for tomorrow. Peterman won't be alone in that QB room.
  3. I mean, technically Cassel is undefeated as a Bills starter. And he was in NE. He's pretty much our version of Jimmy G. ??
  4. Hard to believe that the Jets and Dolphins may grab QBs ahead of us in this draft. Can't you just see it now? Jets slide up to 3 and grab Rosen. Miami moves a bit and grabs Mayfield. We end up with Rudolph/Tyrod/Peterman. Wonk wonk wonk...lol
  5. Oh, I don't doubt his desire at all. He's going to be a good one imo.
  6. He also went through the whole "Broadway Baker" routine and has said "If anyone can turn the Browns around its me". Kid has a really good marketing strategy. Appeal to everyone.
  7. He's already stated many times he has no interest in playing anywhere else. It's the Saints or retirement.
  8. I get exactly what you're getting at here...but only partially agree. It doesn't matter, personally to me who is drafted. I know I have never seen the medical records, sat and talked to, broke film down with or watched even a fraction of the amount of game footage that the scouts, GMs and coaches have. Their livelihood is on the line. If they do the research and feel that a player is the best fit, so be it. As I've said before, I strongly dislike Mason Rudolph, however if he's the guy then I fully support him. I know who I would take but until I'm the GM it matters not. However, should we take a QB, that is your team leader, your franchise and the guy that everything has to run through. It matters that Beane gets it right, gets the right guy and sticks to whatever plan he has.
  9. Yup. Plus all the other cuts they could easily do. They will almost surely trade Landry. That's almost 16 million there as well I believe. Julius Thomas saves then 6.5 million. Rumors they will cut Ju'wan James-another 9 million. Plus if they land a QB they like better than Tannehill and move him that's 17.5. million. They are in much better shape than it appears.
  10. Depends on how they are set up next year and what they want to do this year. Both ways have their merits.
  11. Post June 1st cut saves them 17 million. Miami is my dark horse to be in on Cousins. They don't have space but can create a ton easily.
  12. I think he looks like Eli and Rodgers were smashed together.
  13. This game sounds like fun. I wanna play. Would you rather have: Andrew Luck or TY Hilton? Aaron Rodgers or Jordy Nelson? Matthew Stafford or Golden Tate? Marcus Mariota or Corey Davis? Carson Wentz or Alshon Jeffrey? Jared Goff or Robert Woods? Cam Newton or Devin Funchess?
  14. Not offended at all. And yes, simply put some people on here DO believe that if the Bills don't make a trade it's due to lack of effort. People that play Madden too much and DO believe trades are a simple click. I've had conversations with them. They are indeed out there. And yes, we do disagree on value of picks. You're entitled to your opinion. I look beyond just the draft as well. When a 4th rounder and change can get you an Alec Ogletree or Robert Quinn these days...my opinion is there is value there. And yes, get the QB. We are 100% in agreement there. If you have to ovepay a tad...so be it. I just don't want to see the Bills get taken on a Herschel Walker trade to do it. I'd love to see the Bills be a team like Philly that has a franchise QB, but can still win without it. The Packers and Colts show you do need more than just that elite QB.
  15. Actually that was the whole point of BOTH my posts. Drop the "someone like you" crud especially if you're missing the whole point. Teams will do what they want. If the Giants over price, yea hang up the phone and call the Colts. Indy wants too much? Cool. Browns are next. Find the best deal because those picks contrary to what you say are valuable. It's how you build a team. It's where you find players to fill out your roster on a rookie deal. Helps your cap. Helps you in many ways. But I suppose "people like you can't assume the obvious"
  16. And what happens if we offer 4, or 5 or 317 firsts and Gettleman says, yea, no thanks. There is a price for everything but at some point the price becomes counter productive. Lets say we want Rosen at 2. Cool. Gettleman says I want both 1s this year. Both 2s this year. Next 2 years 1s, Cordy Glenn, and next year's 2. You walk away. If that means you don't get Rosen, so be it. You may be able to let the draft play out and get a Mayfield at 10 much cheaper. You pass on the absurd and take chances where you can.
  17. I'm very skeptical about his ability to mold a young QB. When we hired him I remember Andy Reid saying he wanted to move in to fatten his resume for an eventual HC job. Reid seemed very impressed by his coaching. Sounded at the time like it was a favor McD did for his old mentor. Culley now seems like he will have a chance to sink or swim depending on how the QB the Bills draft pans out. On the one hand I don't like that he has so little experience with QBs, but on the other hand I don't know how he is in the QB room with the guys, how he coaches or if he will do well or not. But at the very least he's a guy that may very well bust his butt to make his name with HCing hopes.
  18. To 21? None of em. But I'm betting one makes it to the 11-15 range which is where I'd like to see Beane attempt to pounce.
  19. Balls to the walls boys. Just in the last 2 FA signings Ivory and Davis have made reference to us being a playoff team. That does help sell a franchise to free agents that would normally say Buffalo is not for them. It also shows that McDermott has the team trending in the right direction. Makes it easier for FA and rookies to buy into him as a winner. Credibility goes a long way.
  20. Good for him. Funny how when he put the track and field stuff aside and focused on football he did well. Wish that had been the case here.
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