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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I picked the Falcons for this, but it really sounds like he's headed to Seattle. Saw Schefty say Russ Wilson is pushing for it to happen and Beckham wants to go there. They could simply claim him (they have the cap room and are at #9 in waiver list) or I'm wondering if they already have a deal in place "unofficially" to see if he clears waivers. May also add to the reasoning the Beckham is saying he may cause trouble if the "wrong team" picks him. Just will be glad the isn't making it here.
  2. Eat...the...player's...heads. Either this is Mike Tyson's burner account or Jeffery Dahmer still walks amoungst the living.
  3. Ah you edited and added...things. Imagine this. Josh gets placed on COVID. Mitch takes 1 snap from center and gets hurt. Your now have Webb or Fromm in at QB. Or since you like to just throw random names out because of luck of knowledge what would happen in your situations...you have Obada or Groot or Star at QB. I would say what you are 1 head slap away from...but we can already see the damage. But keep going, slugger!!!
  4. Actually there are many different styles of managing something. Some people are actually proactive and try to improve issues. Some are worrysome and reactive. Doesn't make either wrong per say. However I can tell you this (from decades of actually owning a successful buisness)...if you manage to the worst case scenario you quite often find yourself in and even worse predicament.
  5. Diggs is getting covered by and large by 1 guy. Throwing "talent" at it in the wrong areas is pointless. At least that's who he was about 2-3 years ago.
  6. To me, at that point in the game I had zero issue with that call. I think it had less to do with being confident in the defense and more about what was happening in the game at that time. There were phantom calls being made on players not even suited up. Yellow flags everywhere. So you move them back and then what? Phantom hands to the face? Pass interference? Unsportsmanlike conduct? Either way auto 1st down and drive stays alive. Or, force a rookie kicker to try a very long FG. This same guy went on to miss 3 straight kicks from the same basic area on 1 play (with penalties sprinkled in...shocker).
  7. What good is adding a downfield target when Allen has about 1.3 seconds from snap to some big ugly dude in his face?
  8. This would help. Decent blocker and good pass catcher. Help in the red zone. Makes too much sense to actually happen. I would add him and see if we can get Sweeney through to the practice squad.
  9. Ok. Well that's great. With this perhaps we will see Josh Allen's backup or Josh Allen's backup backup during a game (Hyde is the in game backup backup) when Josh Allen gets smeared across the yard due to piss poor blocking. But yes, keep Bates wrapped in bubble wrap just incase we lose 2-3 other guys.
  10. This will be a huge statement game for the Bills either way. Great chance to rebound and show last game was a blip. Of course if they come out flat again and sleepwalk again against a lesser team it speaks to something else.
  11. If you read this in the voice of Farmer Fran from the Waterboy it becomes quite hysterical.
  12. I believe he was signed by The Saints a few weeks back.
  13. This is it right here. We have who we have. Maybe time to change things up a bit. Right now you cannot convince me Doyle or Bates are worse options than Ford. If they are then why have we hung onto Bates this long? Why even take Doyle if he's worse than Ford? My biggest knock on Daboll is that it doesn't always seems like he puts his players in the best position to do well. He gets locked into what he wants to do and it hurts the team. If he doesn't have the answers and Bobby Johnson doesn't have the answers to find the best 5 we have and get them on the field in a blocking assignment that they can AT LEAST look somewhat competitive with then we need to find people that do.
  14. We are about to lose to an effing team that hasn't won on American soil since week 1...LAST YEAR. Urban effing Meter is going to beat the Bills And now White is hurt. Ffs
  15. Jags Josh Allen is about yo win AFC Defense PoW
  16. Time to see Josh Allen the QB lead a game winning drive against Josh Allen the LBer
  17. Holding...on..um...number 5 for Buffalo.
  18. Cody Ford makes me miss Vlad Ducasse amd John Miller
  19. I would have gone with Lisa Kudrow😂😂
  20. Jenny Dell looks like a very young Courtney Cox.
  21. We played Miami twice- Broke Tua twice We played Jacksonville- Broke Lawrence Only 1 Florida QB remains. See ya soon Tommy Boy.
  22. I don't mind declining that call. Force a rookie kicker to hit a 55 yarder. The way this game is going if we take that penalty we likely get hit with a hands too the face on the 3rd down play and give them a 1st down.
  23. With all these weird calls, getting numbers way off, switching what team the flag is on, bad spots....someone needs to give these refs a field sobriety test at the half. Pee in a cup time. Something. These dudes are baked.
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