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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Obviously clearing a spot for Mack, who they have resigned to a contract so huge it needs 3 roster spots to hold.
  2. Very interisting diagnosis. Where did you get your psychiatry diploma from again? Your obvious grasp of how the mind of someone that has a potential mental illness works is fascinating.
  3. If you want to take wild guesses at what triggered Cogs, Id bet more on his father passing away, Tony Sprano who by his own word was like a father to him passing away, his team devaluing him asking for a pay cut, best friend forced to retire then his career kinda fizzeling out. Shoot, I may yell at funerals if all that happened to me,over a 3 month span.
  4. Geno Smith is on an NFL roster too. Doesn't mean he should be or will contribute.
  5. The Final Word is Don. Don is Chad. Chad is the Final Word. Finkle is Einhorn. Einhorn is a man. DonChadFinal is not.
  6. If he can become even semi competent with the playbook he offers the offense speed that no other guy on the the am can match. The speed element alone is enough for me to want to keep him. Add into that he did flash some real ability in Cleveland when healthy with the likes,of Kessler, Kiser, Manziel and other trash QBs tossing him the ball.
  7. I really think that if Joeckel's knees are able to hold up he's a "must have" at this point. Busted at LT but looked good at guard.
  8. With the blocking in front of Allen maybe he just wanted to get the kid off the field before Atkins ate him.
  9. In addition to what others have posted about the atrocious oline play, may I add as well that you or I haven't got a clue what else AJ offers to this team even as a second or third QB. I have heard he is pretty good in the film room and can help 2 young QBs there. By your thought process, why keep Bush if we have Poyer and Hyde? So, lets recap. 1. Keep him because hes not an expensive player. 2. Not likely to find someone better at this point in preseason. 3.He has the most experience as an NFL QB in the QB room. 4. Bad oline play, really going to need depth at the position. 5. Can help Allen and Peterman in the film room. 6. Have to list his smoking hot wife.
  10. Based On fan reaction from yesterday lets just cut everyone. Fire everyone. Fold up the stadium and ship it to Toronto or London and hold a public stoning for the stadium vendors and ship anyone left over to Cleveland. Bout cover it?
  11. Voted no. This is not performance based however. I actually think he has looked good enough and ready enough to start. But hes not going to learn much running from defenders. Let Peterman or McCarron take the bumps.
  12. At this point anyone is an upgrade. Really the Bills could do a promotion of the first 2 people in the stadium get to play guard and it's an upgrade. Git 'er done Russ...oh...wait... Wait...he has pics of your sisters boss's roommates mom?
  13. Anything is possible. 0-8 is possible. 8-0 is possible. I think we will fall somewhere in between.
  14. Iron Man, Captain America, Kiko Alonso and Spiderman wear Croom pajamas...
  15. If we still had Kiko we wouldn't have McCoy. No McCoy no playoffs last year
  16. Met this dude a couple times when he was here. First time we talked about non football things for about 10 minutes. 3 or 4 months later he actually saw me, came up and continued the conversation. Cool dude and would be awesome to tailgate with imo.
  17. Follow the money. There is no way even an idiot like Davis hands Gruden that large and that long of a contract without handing him the reigns. And I don't believe Gruden leaves his cushy TV job without being in control.
  18. It was "Billy Joe Hobert" level bad for sure. I will freely eat crow here and say I was FIRMLY on the Brohm bandwagon. ?
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