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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. That had to feel good for Crowell. Talented player under used by Hue.
  2. Agree. I believe they canned the best coach they had on that side of the ball during the off-season.
  3. Great. Whaley claims he was the one that made the trade. So, again...no one knows who pushed for what behind closed doors.
  4. So, in you view it makes perfect sense to allow the GM that was getting terminated the day after the draft to pick the QB on his way out the door? You can claim whispers of "it was McDermott running the draft" but unless you can supply anything to support that then you or I really have no idea who made the picks. Oh, and fwiw Doug Whaley took full ownership of making the KC trade. Look up what he calls his "parting gift" to the Bills.
  5. 16-29 261 yards 1 TD 2 INT 1 fumble lost 8 carries 43 yards 1td 5 sacks I don't think it will be pretty but we will see a couple really bad plays and a couple "WOW" plays. Guess which ones the media types focus on...
  6. Hue Jackson is the fat obnoxious uncle that ruins every family BBQ. But somehow he just shows up again the next one and ruins it again.
  7. Vikings-27 Bills-13 I think Minnesota runs the ball a lot on us. If Shady plays I don't see him playing full snaps. Allen will either look surprisingly good or shockingly bad.
  8. Versitle player. Can play both G and T. Played a couple years in Cleveland where he was better than average to good. Here's a nice article on him from a year or so back when he signed with Atlanta. https://thefalconswire.usatoday.com/2017/08/19/what-austin-pasztor-brings-to-the-falcons-offensive-line/
  9. Paszor would be about as good a signing at this point of the season as you could hope for.
  10. I've read a lot of "sports writers" and fans write about it's comparable with a soldier going AWOL. It's not. What he did is, to me at least the same as a guy walking out on his family on Thanksgiving day, right after the Turkey comes out of the oven. In either scenario there is nothing inherently wrong with giving everyone a fresh start if your heart is no longer in it. But there is a time and a place to take the the drastic action. If he was done, fine and wish him well. But to just walk out when you know your team and friends you have made since here are playing shorthanded to begin with is just spineless. Hope he has a nice new life though.
  11. https://buffalonews.com/2018/08/28/tony-romo-wants-to-see-bills-josh-allen-show-more-trust-in-instincts-and-gut/ Sorry, just realized the paywall. In short Romo is looking to see,if he can process whats happening faster. Throw the ball away when no ones open rather than take the sack,or throw the into.
  12. I did lije Ali Marpet coming out, but truthfully haven't kept up on him. Hows he Looking at the NFL level?
  13. Right, because not playing in and being on a Super Bowl Championship team isn't important to him?
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