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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Absolutely. I would love a WR like Brown (or Deebo from the 9ers) to pair with Diggs and Davis next year. We need some guys with some fire on this team.
  2. I've done the same. Made things really awkward in the WalMart bathroom this week. And at church. My mother in law's bedroom. Last weeks parent/teacher conference..... I've been asked not to return to a few places.
  3. *CLAP CLAP CLAP* 4 minutes? Man, no need to flex like that. *CLAP CLAP CLAP* I'll get there someday. *CLAP CLAP CLAP* Time to keep hunting *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
  4. The false bravado on this thread is almost Vrabel-like. Yup...not good. 10 wins and had been missing their top 3 playmakers for over a month. Beat playoff caliber teams. Won close ones. And oh by the way...their biggest playmaker (who they were running the risk of over using and burning out before the playoffs) should be back soon...healthy and fully rested. Their defense was though to be amoung the worst in the league in the preseason but plays solid. It's a tough football team led by a guy who...while I can't stand him personally....coaches aggressively and is not afraid to take chances. There is really no reason to discredit another team to boost your own. As much as I dislike that team they have the toughness McD dreams of and have over come a lot this year. Are they beatable? Absolutely. Every team is this year. But give them some credit. It will mean that much more when/if we beat them next month.
  5. Yeah, well I hope this Anderson fella chokes on a huge yule log.
  6. If anything (and still not ideal) bit they may stick Williams at LT, Brown at RT and Ford at LG. With Feliciano likely out as well hey will mothball Bates for backup C duties is my guess.
  7. Hope all is well for Star and his personal matter. Hopefully it's cleared up quick so he can enjoy his holiday. I fully understand life happens and people need to tend to it...but I cannot remember a season where there was this much "always something" with a guy.
  8. I think it this point we jave to take alternate measures. It's time to meet up outside the Judon house around 11pm Saturday night. We will loudly sing Christmas Carols all night long (and maybe spill some water on his front steps).
  9. I know it's player...however I'm going with Brian Daboll. These are the types of games he always seems to overthink and instead of having a nice game plan with good flow and rhythm he seems to say "eff it...dialing up 55 throws, 2 runs." Much like we say about Allen taking what the defense gives him...Daboll needs to do the same. If Daboll is seriously wanting to take the next steps and become a Head Coach somewhere...this is the type of game he needs to show he's able to plan for.
  10. How do people read the Atheletic? Right...they click a link. How do people sub? Right...they click a link. What an absolutely asinine hair to split. The point you try and make that is bolded is completely your opinion. Based on..stuff. He does more than watch and have an opinion because he watches....and gives an opinion on everyone. Without knowledge of the play called and responsibilities...you cannot accurately analyze what it shows. Frankly, as well, using All-22 is a dream come true for fans but it is extremely misleading. Small things that we can see "on film" are not the reality of what a player sees 1st hand on the field.
  11. A few things: 1. As I said above I'm actually an Edmunds supporter. My comment wasn't about Edmunds it was about Joe...gentle reminder that he isn't any kind of a qualified expert and it is just an opinion of his. 2. Film in fact does lie. Not for the players or coaches...but for the you and I's of the world. We may "think" we know what's happening but unless you have direct knowledge of what is being asked and what a player many be told impromptu on the sideline...it's pure conjecture. I find it hysterical that Edmunds supporters use BOTH those 2 topics when Joe give him a bad grade....yet when the grade is good no one can mention it. It's the same with PFF. They are credible when the grades are good...a hack e v a l when they are bad. The world is just a giant echo chamber.
  12. Hey, calm the hormones, little one. I'm actually a fan of Edwards. I was talking about Joe here. Put the pitchfork down before you give yourself a flesh wound. If you wish to defend Joe's analysis...other then it being favorable to your train of thought, could you possibly list his qualifications? Could you talk some about the criteria he uses to come up with his grades? And why is it that PFF is so terrible when they have, say Tre White listed very low...but they are ok when they say Edmunds is good?
  13. In fairness Joe B isn't a "real analyist" of anything. He's never worked in or done any kind of that worked. He really doesn't make known what his criteria is, how or why he grades. In short he watches the All-22 and has an opinion. Not any different than what happens on these boards. Only he writes an article for clicks and content.
  14. Is it just me or have a substantial amount of players missed practice due to "Illness-non COVID" throughout the season? Way more than normal.
  15. That was Jason Croom. I don't believe they are and item anymore. He is still in the league (somehow). with the Philedelphia Eagles. Unsure if Jeffrey Lurie has a daughter and if he is dating her.
  16. Buffalo 27 Patriots 13 Mac Jones will not finish this game. The Buffalo D is going to get too him. Pundits will use it to excuse the Patriots loss
  17. Well, last year they expanded the PS roster seemingly with that idea in mind. I agree. If a team hasn't filled it with some foresight and managed their roster accordingly (doesn't seem any team is keeping 1 QB in a "bubble" like many did last year) that's on them. The NFL makes a point to mention there is no eveidence that COVID has never been spread from team to team durning a game (which is extremely suspect).
  18. Proof of this was one display on the 2nd TD passes to seal the game against Carolina. They had to respect the run in that situation because the Bills were effective with it...which opened up Davis for the walk in TD.
  19. Let em. If they feel strongly enough about their stance and are willing to walk away from an NFL paycheck...while I may nit agree with their stance I could at least respect them for their conviction. Many career fields all across America are moving to or have already mandated and people have had to make their choice. Why should the NFL be any different?
  20. When the NFL announced before the season games would be cancelled due to outbreak (and players not paid) the NFLPA didn't throw a fuss and fight it. Sorry, but I don't feel sorry for them. I feel bad for the people that invested time and money to go to a game (many traveling from out of town) that gets moved to a day/time when they can't make it. Season ticket holders that invested their money but can't make a Tuesday game on short notice due to work/family commitments.
  21. I have a feeling even if he's "out" he will find a way to (illegally) communicate on game day. The way this week is going though, would a Josh McDaniels vs. Leslie Frazier coaching matchup shock anyone?
  22. Judon is of course the biggest threat. And while they do move him around a bit he primarily plays in the left side of the defense....against the right side of the opponents OL. Moving Brown back puts him right in the crosshairs again. Though, I would expect that where ever Brown lines up he will see Judon quite a bit.
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