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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Not only that but with their cap issues next year I would think they want talented players on rookie deals as opposed to 30 year old RBs making 10 million. If that give up a 2 and keep McCoy for 11 games and possible playoff than cut him to save money it's a bad move. A 2nd for a 1 year rental isn't very sound.
  2. If you were Philly...would you GIVE a second? I wouldn't trade a second for McCoy at this stage of his career. But the fact that the rumor broke over 3 hours ago and there are no updates leads me to believe talks arent extending beyond an initial phone call.
  3. I'm willing to bet the Eagles called, heard the price and moved on. I seriously doubt this trade goes any further other that tweets of "sources say no deal could be reached but they may revisit down the road". Just seems like a thing to float out there on a slow "clickbait Tuesday"..
  4. Thats rough. I wanted him coming out and was hoping we would get him in FA. Oh well, good for him. On top of the contract I hear he has a good supplier for all the free crab legs he can eat. Good deal for him.
  5. The Eagles would be the only team I think I would be ok trading him to. It's his home. Even playing here once his career is over no doubt he would do the "one day contract" and retire an Eagle. I think he would be happy going back, only downer for him is he missed that ring. The Eagles may also be prone to overpay a tad. First off this would be a welcome PR move bringing back one of the fans all time favorite players. I have to wonder,if after winning a Super Bowl last year they are concearned about these early losses they have had. This puts the focus somewhere else. Also with Sproles set to retire next season it lets them slide McCoy into,his spot should they sign Bell in the off season. Only way I make this move if I'm the GM is for a pick and a player. 3rd round or higher and maybe a skill position player. Don't think they give up Clement...but maybe Smallwood. Maybe some O line help instead. All in all...fun to speculate...but its not going to happen IMO.
  6. That's like saying a kick in the gonads isnt as bad as a knife to the gonads. Neither are desirable and both are really bad for production.
  7. I believe I read that RGIII is basically running the scout team for Baltimore right now. Yes, I'm certain they are working with Lamar but his attention/reps are divided.
  8. No way. Not even a question. At least Allen is working on those things 100% in practice and in live games. Jackson is working on gimmick plays. I would agree hes behind Darnold...who had most of the off season working with the 1s. He is behind Rosen who has more around him to help out. And hey, hey was behind both coming in. No change there. One thing I do see,with Allen is he isn't making the same mistakes over and over. He spends a game doing something poorly and the following week it's been corrected. He's learning to throw the ball away. He is learning to hang longer in the pocket. Timing and trust will come,as well. If I was placing a $5,000 bet I would say we see a 250 yard game before another sub 90 yard game.
  9. Ok, and we knew he would take time to learn back BEFORE he was drafted. Why do the expectations change? Right now he is as advertised. Since we drafted him we have: Given him 3rd and 2nd team reps mostly in TC and preseason Not upgraded anything on offense to support a very inexperienced rookie Given him a QB coach in Culley that before last year hadn't coached QBs since the 80s. Have him play behind a Castillo led oline. Had we moved up for Darnold or taken Rosen instead I truly believe neither one would look any better in this offense. We Will have a much better feel for what we have in Allen about 8 games into next season. Let the kid get all the 1st team reps in the off season. Let him hold some private workouts with newly signed receivers and get timing and trust down. He may sink or he may swim, but calling him a failure this soon after knowing he would take time is just idiotic.
  10. If he stays healthy and plays until the age of 40-41 and maintain current productivity, Matthew Stafford would have an "outside" shot at beating Brees. Stafford is only 30 and has 36,000+.
  11. Drew Brees went from...he is terrible....to yea but he may never play well again to one of the best ever. Amazing career and classy player.
  12. I remember hearing that the Eagles tried to get Shady last year before trading for Ajayi. If thats the case and the price tag is too high for Bell, it wouldnt shock me to see them try again. They could grab McCoy for this year and try for Bell in the off-season. That said, he means much more to this team this year than a 3rd or 4th (at most) in next years draft would help out. Despite his off field distractions (to himself more than team) he's stepped up and really been a leader. He's not going anywhere this year.
  13. There are a LOT of players (and some coaches) on the offensive side of the ball that own ski masks. Maybe they got a group discount on them.
  14. With his size him not being a good blocker is ridiculous. He plays so small. No physical or mental toughness. The only thing I have seen that he dods extremely well is deflect blame, make excuses and cash a paycheck.
  15. I had umbilical hernia surgery on Wednesday. Still not as uncomfortable as reading this post.
  16. Zay had 3 catches for 20 yards in non garbage time. Terry R is a miracle worker.
  17. There are enough bad calls every week in every game that fans of every team can feel hosed. Officiating is terrible in the NFL.
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