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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. 10 carries. Don't know if it's the offense, lack of players around him, ribs haven't healed, age, off field distraction or a combination of all...but those 10 carries combined with his performance Monday night lead me to believe that McCoy just isn't "Shady" anymore. If he truly is a huge part of the plan for 2019 and he doesn't rebound this iffense is in trouble next year as well.
  2. There really weren't a ton of options in Buffalo's price range. They weren't going to overpay Bradford or Keenum. They only move I "might" have made is made the move for Seimian (believe the Vikes pulled him for a 7th), and even that's not a huge upgrade on Anderson. At the very least he had more starting experience that McCarron and shared a QB room with Manning for a bit. Again, not that hes going to solve any problems, just more an alternate name who would have come in earlier for a very low pick.
  3. This is a narritve that is getting really old. He played against an opposing teams "1s" once all preseason. The other 2 he played he was going against guys that are right now selling houses, scrambling for practice squad work or sitting by a quiet phone waiting. Great he looked awesome against Johnny the Century 21 Agent. Let Nate go dominate his towns under 30 flag football leage then. The whole "compitition" was set up for a green as grass rookie to sink or swim. And if he (as should have been expected) faltered the plan was to jog the worst starting QB of the modern era out and feed fans the word process. But hey let's just compound that by not signing anyone esle and keeping Nate 1 hit away from the field. You know, I'm not even mad at Peterman. The guy is living his dream job, making decent money doing it.
  4. On 3rd and 9, Peterman throws a 4 yard pass to Clay who is tackled immediately 5 yards short of 1st down marker.?
  5. I'd still tailgate with him. If only to play some catch and "Longest Yard" the heck out of the franks and beans.
  6. Again, age and injury play havoc on a RB. Another year older, the concussion, the ribs, normal wear and tear of 8 more NFL games, yea that takes its toll. And YES being that he's human I'm sure there are things that may be going on in his personal life that maybe were not on his mind or outside stresses last year.
  7. Not really. Says that age and injury have limited his abilities. He isn't really "Cut on Dimes" anymore. He's more "Hop and Drop". He can still be effective in the pass game where hes already in space. He can still likely have some success as a change of pace back. Let Ivory come in and punish opposing front 7s and then bring McCoy in.
  8. Tired of the "deserves" stuff. They guy is being very well compensated. His running style is part of the Bills problem on offense. Dancing around for a 2 yard loss rather than hit the hole for a 2 yard gain puts us in 2nd and long. Ivory is much better suited for,this team as a runner.
  9. Landry Jones. If it's me, I'm not spending draft picks on someone for,this year. 2-6. Bears on Sunday. Still another game against the Pats. 2 against Miami. This season is done. Play with who you have, improve in the off season.
  10. Trade Shady to Philly. Bucs trade DJax back to Philly. The nightmare that was Chip Kelly erased forever.
  11. I just hope we can use this game as a "learning experience". Hope we remember to give credit to the Patriots. We can all meet up Tuesday and check the film. But this is only year 2. Still early in the process. Not where we need to be. Brandon will be fielding the calls and we will be ready next week.
  12. Logan Thomas is the emergency guy at every position. Who the **** gave Keith Ford music?
  13. What if they look like me? What is this "us"?
  14. Well, he has been a QB coach before. In college. During the Reagan Administration. (Seriously). But I hear he came highly recommended by Andy Reid.?
  15. Or you could pay off my student loans, then MAYBE have enough for dinner at Taco Bell.
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