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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Well, I am on record here of saying there's more going on in that locker room then there has been in years past. Team doesn't look as close as they have in years past. Pure speculation on my part, however there are signs there that I see that are cause for question. Why that may (or may not) be is unknown for sure...but I think after the season we will hear a story or 2.
  2. However on the flip side.... If you read through the comments it's amazing the lengths that Beasley supporters are going to to justify any and all behaviors from him with the same limited knowledge of the situation that they accuse others on the opposite side of...not just here but over the course of the season as well. Almost like it has basically nothing to do with his actions (or lack thereof of...depending on your stance) and more to do with where people land on the vax standpoint. And that applies to both sides. Both the ProCole and AntiCole vroups can be readily accused of mental gymnastics. It's almost like this is just the society we live in today. Right and wrong isn't an absolute. It's more about being able to brush off and justify why someone from "your side" is right and the other side is completely at fault. And that's why America is broken.
  3. Where did I say anything remotely like that? Keep your calm, kid.
  4. Perhaps he's seen Bears film this years when scouting out oir opponents. At least enough to have a working knowledge. And we did play them in preseason. I doubt they are grilled too much on what the hiring teams season was...more imtrested in what they would do going forward
  5. I think Daboll has been setting some things up for the playoffs. When we went up a couple scores on Atlanta he threw some tricks in. We went up 10 yesterday and same thing...to include the wild cat. I'm thinking he's giving them more to study on film and setting up a few plays where he can catch the Pats thinking one thing and switch to another.
  6. Maybe a few years ago I would agree when people had to fly around for these interviews. These days they can do an interview on ZOOM and the coach misses minimal time.
  7. Cole Beasley would be smart to heed your sage advice!
  8. No, posters that are complete idio....wait. No. Nope. I learned my lesson on this one. I'll choose a better route. "It's ok Mrs. Beasley, your son is a well adusted and well liked individual. He will fit in with a wonderful new team next season that will love him and cherish everything he does. And I bet they will even love his little rap songs."
  9. So, would this open up a Bill/Giants pipeline where they sign all old Bills? Jerry Hughes is gonna LOVE NJ
  10. Awe. Just so hard to be you. Maybe you could "lighten up".
  11. Is this your way of saying you plan to call corporate? Because they may question where you put the goal posts. Again, someone says something you don't like and you respond with accusing others of having personal beef....very predictable.
  12. So, someone brings up something they saw and is looking to confirm if it made the broadcast. Rather than just saw "I did not see it" you go after a guy's credibility. Even tagging in a Mod. What a very "Karen" response. You literally are asking to speak to the manager. Outstanding.
  13. He is a great leader. If he can land a quality OC to work with Fields he could do pretty well.
  14. He did have a rough game... However the field is nowhere to throw the hissy fit. It's not like Cole was paying all world ball yesterday (or pretty much anytime in the 2nd half of the season) anyway.
  15. True. However if it did happen...for whatever reason....I think we should be in agreement that he has really been a bit of a drama queen this season. And be it due to injury, coaching, or whatever the reason he hasn't been as consistent when he gets opportunities and the juice may not longer be worth the squeeze.
  16. There are often things we learn after a season that short of trickle out. Last off season we learned that Cole played in the playoffs with a broken bone in his leg. Would not shock me in the least to find out that Cole was a huge distraction and divider in the locker room this season. Someone made that suggestion earlier in the year and it kind of holds some water in my mind.
  17. Cole's about to strip nekkid and march off the field during a playoff game, isn't he?
  18. IMO if you have to make an announcement that you are not firing your Head Coach....you probably need to fire your Head Coach.
  19. That's pretty funny right there.
  20. Only if the Steelers beat the Chiefs.
  21. Even thought he never coached for the Pats, Vrabel attributes a lot of his success to playing under Belechick for so long and learning from him. I'd at least give partial credit for that one.
  22. I thought he did enough to save his job. Notice how the team played better after the trade deadline and the Watson media frenzy ended. I am betting on him getting another HC job this year or next. Not a great game day descision maker (but more HCs these days fall into that catagory IMO)...but had an untalented roster play above expectation for a 2nd time.
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