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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I don't know that I agree with this. McD is a huge believer in teaching and coaching players up. Putting them in ths best situation to be successful. Success starts at coaching. As bad as this line has played it times it's been a mixed bag as to why. While talent has been an issue we also have seen both tackles regress (while we believe Dawkins is due to COVID McD has downplayed that angle when asked). Feliciano, while never an All-Pro has seemed to take a step back as well. Ford, who McD calls a "good football player" has struggled. Morse has been the only starter from last year that has even somewhat stayed the same. More importantly we really haven't seen Daboll adjust well to the struggles upfront. His idea of still spreading it out and giving little help to this tackles (does he even know it's legal for a RB or TE to "chip" a DE on the way to their route?) has been a disaster at times. It's like when you cook dinner. Would be great to have prime rib every night. However, sometimes when you open the fridge and see ground beef you have to make due and still create a tasty meal. Seems like all Daboll knows how to cook is Hamburger Helper. And while that can be ok once in a while (Cheeseburger Mac is the best IMO) he serves the same dish night after night...even though not one eats it.
  2. That Pats/Colts game really should tell us our best shot at seeding. Pats win and our only hope is to win out and hope the Dolphins beat the Pats again in the final week. Colts win and we control our own destiny to the AFCE title. I'm pulling for the Colts here since division is still in play and I feel like the Bills stand a great shot at winning out.
  3. I wouldn't say he's on a hot seat...but I definitely think he's under McD's microscope. There have been a few times post game when McD is asked about a bad offensive performance that he has replied in almost the same way as he did when Rick Dennison was here. Almost verbatim in tone and words. I think if the Bills don't improve on a few things offensively (such as scoring TDs in the Red Zone) that replacing him is on the table if they feel they can find an upgrade.
  4. Looks like he would fit in nicely actually. "Hits the line with physicality and has the ability to wear down a defense. Can run between the tackles but improved burst allows him to run outside." https://247sports.com/player/zach-charbonnet-46045836/
  5. Foles? Was he the only one to play and get a ring? He coached too? What a moronic statement. What was Andy Reid before Mahomes? A career playoff choke artist that was 50-50 to make the playoffs with Alex Smith every year. Revisionist history is amazing.
  6. Yes. They won a Super Bowl🤷🏻‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  7. I hear Urban Meyer's slumber parties are much more fun.
  8. I would like to nominate this for post of the year.
  9. Exactly. The correct answer was obviously Betty White.
  10. Even a guy like Vontaze Burfict knows there is too much money on the table to act a fool for them to attack an older guy in a position over them. Him kicking a player was wrong and he was dealt with. Lambo (or anyone) would suffer repercussions as well if they struck back in any way. And they know this. I'm not sure why you are struggling with this.
  11. I love how you speak in absolutes without knowing who would have done what. Again, the projection. I have spoken to everyone here and we all agree...you are a big tough guy that would "push back" on a guy nearly 3 times your age and in much worse shape. We are all very impressed and in awe of your uber masculine nature. John Wayne would be proud.
  12. What type of film does your projector use anyway? While it's wonderful to have delusions of grandeur that these players would go Attitude Era Stone Cold Steve Austin on Meyer...that's really not what would happen or DOES happen. You think this is an isolated case? Adorable. There are times on society that something happens and everyone learns a lesson. Latrell Sprewell was that lesson. When you have millions of dollars on the line there is no chance that a athelete is going to risk that by putting his hands on his coach (at 57 years of age) unless he is mentally unstable to begin with. Would be the most asinine way to kill your career.
  13. Link? They may have handled it differently but there is no way any of them would have gone Latrell Sprewell on him. Too much money at risk. I almost feel like you are projecting here.
  14. And I'm certain they would. There is absolutely no scenario where Miles Jack or any of them put hands on a 57 year old guy and look justified unless their life is being legitimate threatened.
  15. We didn't lose to Urban Meyer. We lost to a guy cheesed off for being known as "Other" Josh Allen. He took that opportunity personally and wrecked the Bills.
  16. See, you keep lumping me in and assuming I'm just here to trash the team. I am not. I just don't feel the need or obsession to agree with everything they have done and spin it to a positive. When praise is due I have no issues praising as well as you could see if you dig into my post history. No where....and I mean nowhere have I ever said we need to "tear it all down" or that Beane and McD need to go. I am starting to have questions if they can complete the job they started based on descisions they have made. There is a large contingent on here that blindly follows (In Beane we trusters/Beane's a wizard) and supports everything. And if that works for them...cool. Have fun. Now, your topic of bad things that had happened last yer...5 of those ended up being wins. A few losses. In every instance there it came down to execution, as you said. Even still the only one there that was just plain luck landed in a loss to a heck of a play in the Hail Murray. Call that one 80% luck 20% lack of our top 3 DBs not executing....IMO. Not so much the case this year. There was no ball bouncing luck in the Pittsburgh loss. I suppose one could argue Josh's slip against the Titans...but even if he doesn't slip I'm pretty certain Simmons still stops him short. This year is not about lack of luck...it's about lack of....YES...talent. It's about coaches not making smart calls. Presnap penalties. None of that as on the bouncing of the ball. Also, please tell me where I called this team "trash". I didn't nor have I ever. Again...you make assumptions based on your own ignorance on what I post. I said to name bright spots and took the 2 obvious ones away. You oddly didn't name any...you chose to invent new things I said instead. Here's a freebie for you. Gabe Davis. Guy is a playmaker that needs to see the field more. Here's another...Devin Singletary. Guy is popping off an average of 4.9 YPC even behind this line. Of course neither are used as close to full time players. I'm sorry that my views are that this oline and the descision to "run it back" with them will cost this team a promising season. I'm sorry that I view the choice to carry so many DL and rotate them so often and carry so many ST only players is a bad use of roster space. I'm sorry that I wasn't happy about Bobby Hart and Forrest Lamp being signed. I understand the thought process...just never agreed with it. And you know what....I'm allowed to think that. There are great reasons to be optimistic about next year if good upgrades are made. The Chiefs completely revamped their line in 1 years and (after a few rough weeks) they are coming together in time for the playoffs. Who knows...maybe our oline figures out how to block and give Allen time and we go on a run. Based on what I have seen this year...I don't see it happening though. This team is 7-6 because they have played like a 7-6 team. Period. That is who this team is to this point of the season. Once we got through the 1st 5 games (where, yes we played teams that we could stack wins on...so good work sealing the deal.)we spun out of control again at tougher teams....like the ones we will see on the playoffs. To win it all this year (and yes...that should be the goal after the success they had last year) the coaches and players have a lot of work to do to improve. Again...that is my opinion based on what I have seen while playing and watching football. Impossible? Not at all. Remember Joe Flacco's "elite" Super Bowl run? It could happen for sure. But games are won in the trenches...and both sides of our line have issues.
  17. You include it. The story of the NFL or the Buffalo Bills isn't complete without OJ's accomplishments. The story of OJ isn't complete without his post career incidents. He should be included and he should be both recognized for the player he was and the person the became.
  18. I believe it's fair to say that anything MAY be possible...no matter how improbable it seems.
  19. All those guys have a combined 2 Super Bowl wins. Main reason they don't have more IMO is that they were not given enough talent to surround them. Much like Allen this season. Perhaps he goes on a Joe Flacco-like playoff run and single-handedly wills the Bills to victory for the next 8 games. Heck, he almost did it against the Bucs on Sunday. While I can admit (and hope) anything is possible, I believe it is also fair to point out that it is at the very least improbable.
  20. "People like me" are pissed we are down to a 7% chance. And rightfully so. You have literally wiffed on every single assumption on me worse than Brandon Beane wiffed on his "run it back" idea with this offensive line. Your entire post is spent telling me what I "probably" would say. You provide zero counter opinion, add absolutely nothing pro or con to what I was saying. Not everyone needs to be of single and simple mind to say "Yes! Love everything this team does". This season isn't and hasn't been a matter of the "ball landing the wrong way". This season has been about missed opportunity due to not improving on what we had last year. If your have a differing opinion...please...enlighten us all as to all of the glowing bright spots not named Allen or Diggs. Or just keep being content to be in the playoffs. Some just expect a bit more.
  21. We sent them they Jags and now the Jets? No wonder foreign countries hate us so much😂
  22. It's not and enigma, though. It's a team that has walloped bad teams and lost to good ones. The 1 and 8 are really nice and I know right now thats what people need to cling to. But this isn't a team that has been talented enough to win close game. This isn't a team that can win in the trenches against good teams. Also, I find it absolutely ridiculous that many are yelling about the "stats say". Watch the game! Stats are not universal. We have played quite a few games this year against back up QBs and in bad weather that limited offenses without a QB with an arm like Allen. However almost weekly we see that "top defense" exposed with big plays, bad penalties, not coming up with a step when you NEED it. On offense...great...wow what a ranking. Now look up their red zone numbers. Look up where this line is rated. It's absolutely ridiculous to think that all of these issues will be solved just because....well it's playoff time.
  23. Takes a bit more than just a QB to win in the post season. How many games haa Rodgers lost in the post season where he was the better QB? Brees? Marino? Fact is Allen is dangerous. Our oline will be the Achilles Heel....as we have seen all year long. It's wonderful that we have a "top 10" offense and defense. Even with that we are still 3-5 in our last 8 games and pretty lucky to have the Panthers, Falcons and Jets as 3 of our last 4. We will again feed of bad teams and most likely be 1 and done when it matters if this season has been any indication. However, yes once post season starts anything "can happen".
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