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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. It really has. I am very sad. Due to this partnership I find I am no longer able to find the joys I once had in life. Restless sleep. Random crying. A loss of the ability to maintain an erection for longer than 4 hours. And I find myself drawn to Hallmark Movie Classics...but only the ones with the DJ from Full House. I feel like those last 2 are related.
  2. The fan site I was just on...the majority of them wanted the Titans. Large majority actually. After that the setiment was "who cares". Bills were barely mentioned and one poster pointed out how different and dangerous we looed after the Bucs game. https://forums.colts.com/topic/72208-who-do-you-want-to-face-in-1st-round-of-the-playoffs/
  3. I asked John Madden. This was his reply. "OK, So yes if he's vaxxed then that means he went and got the shot or two then stopped at ACE Hardware did some kitchen upgrades. Brett Favre. Now if his kitchen isn't upgraded that means that then not, no he didn't get the shot. So likely he needs some BOOM tough actin Tinactin and maybe can play Sunday. Unless he can't. JOE JACOBYYYYY" So really, it couldn't be more clear.
  4. Could see Hines getting extra work. Maybe even activate Marlon Mack and give him some carries to cover the extra run game work load.
  5. This is actually a worry of mine. Bills finally make it back to the Super Bowl and the day before...Allen tests positive and Buffalo heads into the game with Trubisky at QB. 😬
  6. Fair point about the physical nature, however a lot of teams are pretty physical in the playoffs. Add in teams like the Pats and Chiefs that play dirty on top of it. The Titans are pretty physical as well. Other than the Chargers and Bengals there aren't many finesse type teams in top of the AFC. I like your thought.
  7. Am I the only one that's WANTS Indy in Round 1? It's really hard to punch a team in the mouth twice in a season. I am pretty sure we get Indy that defense will play out of it's mind. And beating the team that curb stomped you not long before is a HUGE confidence booster going forward at just the right time.
  8. I have the Bills going to 3. Cincy has 2 games that will be tough. New England in the 6.
  9. Except it's not "the truth". It's an idiotic narrative. Every single year the "they didn't beat anyone good" narrative gets thrown around. Have you noticed this year that there really are very few dominate teams? Have you possibly noticed how many times this year a "bad team" has obliterated a "good team"? To be on the winning side of and NFL game 8 weeks in a row is a huge accomplishment. Reading here I have seen that Tua is terrible, Flores is awful. They have no offensive line and nothing at RB. And yet SOMEHOW this assembley of horrid coaches and players has lined up for 8 straight games and won. The logic is so far off it's head spinning. If the Dolphins win out, Flores is a CoY candidate. What they have done and how they have finished after a 1-7 start is impressive.
  10. With all these offensive line injuries throughout the league it makes me wonder whatever happened to La'Adrian Waddle. Guy went from maybe pushing for a starting spot here to put of the leage fast. 1 injury here and BOOM. Gone for 2 years.
  11. I remember seeing in the game week discussion thread a tweet from one of the Boston guys saying they thougjt Belichick was sick.
  12. This is who they are. Names and jersey numbers included. You're welcome. https://www.nfl.com/teams/buffalo-bills/roster
  13. Bengals beating the Chiefs is one of my upset specials coming up. And I'd say the Browns drop 1 of 2 to the Steelers or Bengals because divisional games do that often.
  14. Somewhere in Kansas City, Kermit laughs at this thread.
  15. I always think of him as more quick than fast. Would still love for Buffalo to have a big time deep threat.
  16. I mean, if she doesn't know the difference between an offside, encroachment and false start I doubt she has the backround to break down a DPI.
  17. I am expecting the Saints to have a letdown after shutting out the Bucs last week. Plus I need Waddle to get me 22 points for my fantasy playoff game...😂😂
  18. Lots of people said we had no way to win with our COVID issues. Sometimes things like this happens and teams find new things that worked almost by accident.
  19. Yes...good was literally the word I used.
  20. One thing that I come away with from yesterday is this... Perhaps the fact that both Beasley (who was good but nothing super special in Dallas) and McK both having success in the slot in this offense has a bit to do with the scheme. This is an offense that is rooted in the same philosophy that the Pats ran with Welker/Edelman and sometimes Troy Brown before that, I believe in the slot...with tweaks of course. Now I'm not saying neither player has talent and it's all on scheme. They do each bring something special to the spot (McK-speed; Beasley precision). Daboll uses them somewhat in different ways. Love that with McK out there it adds the jet sweep possibilities. Bottom line is if McKenzie doesn't resign and Beasley is a cap cut...I think there are other guys that could flourish in the system.
  21. I always like the one where he stiff armed Van Noy last year against the Dolphins and dropped him right on his arse.
  22. Well, then take the Marlins. They should be good for a 4th match birdie.
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