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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Would love to see him end up in Minnesota. Him with Cook and Jefferson would be insane.
  2. Johnnycage dropping the truth bomb! Love to see it. Agree 100% with this. I am a bit suprised that he never saw a call up with the struggles of Moss and Breida...however that in and of itself may very well be the reason.
  3. I agree. And some team will sign him and give him that chance. Personally, I would love to see him head to Cleveland to be "competition" for Mayfield. That would be funny to me on several levels.
  4. Mac Jones threw it that far, too. Took him 4 throws...but still.
  5. Well, I'm becoming a BIG believer in adjusting who and how you hire based on the evolving world around us. If, for any reason McD was unable to coach a game or 2 due to COVID, would be better IMO to have a guy on the staff that has HC experience. Failing to plan is planning to fail. FWIW, I think Frazier would be a good get for the Raiders depending on his OC choice. They need some stability. Also wouldn't shock me if Rich Bisaccia keeps the job. He's had them playing well under a lot of adversity this year.
  6. Especially when I tell ya right where to find me.
  7. $8.5M could see Austin Corbett in that range. A bit higher and Connor Williams could be in play. Would take either of them as well.
  8. Again, I'm choosing not to have this debate here. If you would like to discuss matters of what 2 other people were speaking about you are more than welcome to PM me and take it out of this thread. Thank you.
  9. Small correction. I specifically say that making remarks about a players performance is warranted. I said nothing about making personal attacks about said performance. Seems like you are inserting things that I flat out did not say. I would respond to a few other points, however I believe the mods have had enough extra work today, so I'll wish you a Happy New Year instead.
  10. Someone having an issue with a player's performance is on line for what this site is. It's warrented. Leave families out of it. Especially kids and especially something that can be so damaging. That's where my issue was.
  11. Not only man...but the majority of his work was outside the hashmarks as well...whereas Beasley normally produces closer to the hashmarks. Real possibility IMO we see Beasley and McK in the field together some as well attacking different layers of the defense.
  12. With Davis and Beasley back and the game McK had last week it's going to be really interesting to see who gets how many snaps.
  13. Reminder: Always take what a weatherman says with a grain of salt. Turns out they are wrong a good portion of the time.
  14. He's a good depth player due to this versatility. However he's easily upgradable and we should hope that Beane feels the need to address the OL with players not currently on the roster this time.
  15. They will cast a wide net before making a horrible choice.
  16. Huge weekly pay increase and the chance to see the field. Put some stuff on tape for next season. Audition for teams and have a shot at a 53 next year. Not questionable at all.
  17. I would be all for it as a 3rd safety, but he's signed with the Cowboys this year. https://www.nbcsportsedge.com/football/nfl/player/8322/malik-hooker
  18. Did he says vaxxed or "inoculated"?😬😬
  19. This has to be a season record for how many PS squad players we have had poached in a season.
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