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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Great movie. Has nothing to do with the reality that all teams manipulate the injury report.
  2. I mean, every team tinkers with the injury reports. You really think all the Bills are 100% healthy and injury free right now because ours is clear? Adding players that end up playing really isn't much different that not having guys on there that are injured, missing practice time to "vet rest" "Illness-non COVID" or such.
  3. Is attendance important or ticket sales? With the percentage of season tickets sold the NFL has made their money. Throw in the ratings boost when Buffalo is a national game and I believe the league is pretty satisfied with this small market city. If the NFL was worried about fans coming and being at the game...perhaps they would have the foresight to take weather into account when they scheduled this weekends games and made it a daytime game so there is still some sunlight out. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Taron Johnson. Needing him to step up against the run and I don't see them playing Klein more than a handful of snaps. Also, hopefully (if he's active) AJE has learned that when N'Keal Harry lines up right next to him and stares him down...that block is coming to try and seal the edge. He needs to fire out and knock Harry on his buttocks.
  5. Looks like it's only 38 to tie 39 wins to get the record... I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for them to average 10 wins a season... Especially with an extra (17th) game a season in there.
  6. I was off on the 50. Turns out I'm told it be 39. Pats could reasonably average 8-10 wins a season so 4-5 is more likely IMO.
  7. Thank you! I see it as long as he's healthy. He reminds me of the kind of guy that works his whole life and passes away 3 months after retiring. Just nothing else left. As long as he can, I believe he will
  8. He's 38 wins away from topping Shula as the all time winningest coach. He's HUGE on the history of the NFL. Even if it would seem he wouldn't care less I believe he stays until he breaks that mark. EDIT: Corrected Number of wins needed. Had said around 50...turns out it's 38
  9. I actually thought this would happen from the get go. Culley seems like a good guy and a likeable person, was just a terrible situation. However, a year later and seeing a coach be 1 and done with that roster....gonna be difficult to get a good coach to come on board. Though I will say I kinda liked Davis Mills the back half of the season. Kid is pretty decent.
  10. I could have told you the same thing. Gee, wonder if a guy would rather sit at home or collect a paycheck with his old team in a locker room filled with a bunch of his friends and chase a possible Super Bowl. No disrespect intended to you or "Muki". However this is really nothing more than throwing stuff against ths wall and if it sticks it looks great for you. If it doesn't there's always "They just went another way".
  11. Pats are paying with house money at this point, I agree. However, going out there and having fun kinda flies in the face of the "Patriot Way" a bit. I think there is a LOT of pressure on the Pats...Bill Belichick is their coach. Everyone kisses the rings. Media has fawned over Jones all season. He's the "New Brady" according to some. And to some...these are the same 'ol Bills that will choke in the bright light despite what they have shown for the last few years. Being we have taken 3 of the last 4, pressure is on the Pats to step up. Serious question: Has anyone never taken 3 out of 4 from a BB coached Pats team? Or 4 out of 5?
  12. So, Beane is grinding the tape and helping implement the game plan? Or, and hear me out...this is a BS Tweet that is kinda assuming that multiple people can't be working multiple things at OBD. This guy backed Massare with the "breaking news" and seems he is doubling down. These clowns have no real info.
  13. Depends on who they could get. If they were to hire a Leslie Frazier type (and nothing against Frazier here) then they may as well stay with RIch Bisaccia. Same steady influence that could bridge the team to the next phase. If they could get Harbaugh yo leave Michigan or some other guy that is a no brainer upgrade then you make the change. I think in this case a well you take the time to ask the vets on the team what they would think about keeping Bisaccia and factor that in as well.
  14. Daboll is a "fantastic playcaller"? K
  15. Looking more and more that Massare floated this out after McD's presser yesterday as a "connect the dots" "reading tea leaves" kinda thing. No sources, he's "unpinned" the big scoop off his Twitter (but hasn't deleted). This way if Lawson does sign he can look credible. FWIW, I've heard he has done this in the past, but don't follow him so I don't know.
  16. Hiding Duke Williams on the PS so long to hide him from other teams. Now he has Duke deep, deep, deep, deep undercover in the CFL just waiting to be unleashed on the NFL. We're talking at least 12D chess here.
  17. Btw... You missed an excellent opportunity to name the thread "Judge Adjourned" I'm pretty disappointed about it.
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