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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. It's like no one here knows Tom Brady at all. Had they win the Super Bowl...I could maybe see it. Losing now (and big if it holds) isn't how he walks away. He will be fired up with something to prove next year.
  2. People said Cam would never go back to the Panthers. But money, opportunity and desperation sometimes meet.
  3. And none of them can find the Championship game from the top seed😂🤣
  4. They already have a guy that loses games for them on the same basic talent level.
  5. Actually, while he didn't say that he did say that he wanted a guy at thatbposition that wanted to be here long term. My take away was that Bojo wanted a 1 year deal. Runor had it his gal wanted to go out west...before he got traded.
  6. I think this is what makes me nervous for this game in particular. I can see scenarios where we win by 20. I can just as easily see scenarios where we lose by 20. And they are just as plausible as either team winning by 3. Seeing how the story of this game unfolds and how quickly Josh gets in his zone is the big linchpin for me.
  7. Brady doesn't bother me it all. He owned way too much of my head space for far too long. If anything, looking back at it I'm more upset the Bills couldn't field a team to compete with him for 2 decades. I've actually enjoyed watching him in Tampa. However, the biggest reason I want Tampa here is the Rams are STACKED and Tampa is a banged up team.
  8. The players and fans are always super amped at kickoff. So I would defer. After the half a lot of fans traditionally are still coming back to their seats and getting settled. Much less chaos to deal with. Kick, stop them and withstand the emotional rush often seen the first half of the 1st quarter and you are in excellent shape.
  9. Hopefully the Bills squat several times on the Chiefs tonight...
  10. One of the biggest lies of the last 15 years is that Rodgers hasn't had anyone to throw to. Even today. MVS and Lazard are very solid guys. Not to mention one of (if not THE) best WR in Adams. He's had Jordy Nelson, James Jones, Greg Jennings...and I could go on. A QB in his level should be able to do just fine with those targets. They have spent and invested in defense. He has had a running game the last few years that has been great. Time to say that maybe Aaron is just an excellent regular season QB.
  11. They have had top shelf QBs with Rodgers and Favre for close to 30 years. They only won 2 SBs with them. Clearly throwing away the careers of top shelf QBs is something that the Packers are very accomplished at doing. They did not use their last 2 toys right...they SHOULD be punished with bad QBs for the next 30 years.
  12. More to the punter's job than kicking a ball. Ask Mason Crosby how his season went. Haack wasn't perfect by any means, however the game everyone likes to nail him for (Jets game at home) BOTH punters had an issue kicking to 1 side all game due to wind. Bojo has that BIG leg....and often put kicks his coverage. But I'm sure that doesn't matter at all, either.
  13. Yea, well the Mud Dogs had never won the Bourbon Bowl until Bobby Boucher showed up at halftime.
  14. From Beane's own comments the Bills wanted to bring him back and it seemed like they couldn't agree on a contract. Dodged a bullet there.
  15. That's gonna seem like Hawaii to our guys😂😂
  16. "You're never out of a game when Mahomes is your QB" "Andy has something schemed for every situation" "You can just feel that Hill is about to hit some big plays"
  17. Man, he was a heck of a RB back in the day for the Mean Machine. Wonder if he still has it?
  18. Why would we went that? Bring him on! I wanna see the Bills make him cry on the biggest stage of all.
  19. 2 teams that are BOTH much better than they were in week 5. AFCCG in the balance. The best shot on Josh Allen's young career to make the Big Game. 2 teams that are destined to meet for uwara in an intense rivalry. This is big boy football today. Hopeful that Josh comes out calm and loose. It's all right there for the taking. This could be the "Just one before I die".
  20. And perhaps tomorrow the football karma will strike the team that had a player arrested just this week and is endorsed by Jackson Mahomes
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