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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. The IOL battle in camp is going to be fun to watch and see how it plays out. I would be inclined to think that McGovern is a pretty sure bet to start the season at LG. After that...who knows. I have a feeling the season will start with Morse at C and Bates at RG. Something just tells me that Torrence being a rookie will be the primary backup to start. But someone is going to get "Wally Pip'd" there and if Torrence sees the field due to injury I don't see him heading back to the bench. I like the extra picks next year for multiple reasons. As stated, yes the next class looks to be stronger. Also, it opens up flexibility to slide up and down the draft board a bit next year. Late round picks are excellent deal sweeteners. The extra draft capital also lends to the idea that with the extra picks in his pocket, Beane would be more likely to be a buyer at the trade deadline should we need to add someone to bolster the roster. All good things. I'm really excited to see this rookie class in action. From the highlights I've watched Williams looks to be something McD was looking for. Tackles through people and plays with some edge to him. Now on to the 2nd wave of FA haha.
  2. We've added to the offense a lot this off season. I think I'm comfortable enough to head to camp with what we have and see how it shakes out. If guys like Shakir, Davis, Hines, Harty or Sheffield fail to impress we have a lot of draft capital for next year and can easily be buyers at the trade deadline. If we are still looking to add to the team...grab me Poona Ford and Melvin Ingram....likely combined for less money combined than DHop.
  3. Now we're talking many moons ago so memory is a bit muttered. But I remember people saying he would have been there in the 2md. Don't recall the mock drafts from that long ago.
  4. All kidding aside...he did have a 10 year NFL career with 3 Pro Bowls. Made a ton of money doing it. Yeah, I'd classify his career as greatly successful.
  5. Not the Mims I wanted. But he's the Mims I deserve.
  6. I vote him "Most likely to get poached off the practice squad".
  7. No idea. But I believe I saw the Bills brought him in (wouldn't count as top 30 visit due to local area rules). And if any team would be able to look into a heart problem...Buffalo medical team may be uniquely qualified.
  8. Sean Tucker still out there. Gotta imagine he's on the Bills radar.
  9. Age, concussion history and $8M freed up against the cap. I don't agree with it...but I understand it.
  10. To a small extent, yes every GM does it. However Beane historically shoots pretty straight. Typically I see when he wants to keep an answer in house he (and McD for that matter) just say something along the lines of "Hey, I respect that question but I'm not going to get into that right now".
  11. I mean, this has been the off season in a nutshell: Beane: We believe the Edmunds replacement is in house. Fans: Hogwash. Beane: We are hoping to get Ed Oliver extended soon Fans: They will trade Ed Oliver Beane: Spencer Brown, we feel will take some steps forward. Coming from a small school and the back injury cost him. We believe in Brown. Fans: Pfff...GM speak. RT round 1. Beane: We hope to get Gabe Davis extended. Love Davis. Kid works hard and is still improving. Fans: Nah, trade for Hopkins, Mike Evans, Draft one high and then figure out a way to get Cooper Kupp. None of what has happened should be shocking. They gave you guys the spoilers all along. And they literally weren't. Collecting draft picks? Sure. But if Allen wasn't there that would have been spent in other ways and the Mason Rudolph era would be about closing right about now.
  12. I'd rather have pick next year anyway. Should be a much deeper draft class.
  13. To the bolded: Beane actually mentioned briefly last night how now in year 2 with Dorsey and Kromer they are better able to refine exactly what they are looking for and how they want to set the offense. There was some getting used to what they wanted last year more than this. To your second point, while true that he isn't known as a pulling G, he doesn't have to be. Morse is excellent pulling and Torrence can set the point of attack. He will prevent the quick penetration that blows up a run play. We needed that especially with all the really good DTs in our division.
  14. That I can agree with. I think we now have the flexibility to be more down and distance and matchup friendly. But pretty sure a 4-3 could use a MLB...unlike what the OP says😂😂
  15. They have literally said they believe the replacement was in house all off season. Don't understand why this is such a shocking turn of events for some.
  16. To the bolded part: Fair enough. I get that completely. That's kind of where I was initially with the Kincaid pick. Like the player...question if they will put him in position to be worth such a high pick. Hopeful they do and willing to see what they have in store before squashing or praising. As for Williams himself, the impression I got about him was his instincts were a plus. I can totally see him having issues shedding blocks at the NFL level especially, so I share in that concern about him. The biggest red flag I have for him is based off something Beane did throw out there last night. Talking about Tulane having a much simpler defense and it would take time for Williams to pick up the depth of the Bills defense. It does lead me to believe we shouldn't expect much this year. And like you, I don't like that. We all want impact players. Guys that can step in right away. I do think Beane makes far to many "for the future" picks for my liking. However I'm willing to wait and see how the plan shapes up before dismissing it completely. I do have some reservations...however it very well could turn into a nice pick. Too early to judge.
  17. Wait Beane is boycotting the Big 10? I hadn't heard that. That's actually pretty funny to me for some reason
  18. So, you take Beane's word that Williams projects immediately to the outside...but don't believe him when he says Bernard is in the mix for the middle? GM has also said that they feel there is a replacement on the roster...but we won't believe that as well? Seems a bit of pick and choose to me. As for what I think the plan is...I'm completely comfortable saying that I don't know. If Frazier was here still it may shed a bit more light based on past usage and alignment but McDermott being defacto DC at this point opens a ton of possibilities. I saw some reports say that Williams may translate to a Big Nickel role in the NFL. I saw ideas floated that this pick allows more flexibility as far as playing some more 4-3 sets if needed. And yes, like MANY other guys in rounds 3-7 he will help on ST, back up role and learn his position. It never hurts to have guys that can grow into different spots. But you also never can tell where a season will go. What if Taron Johnson goes down early in the season? Would be nice to have a piece like this on the team that has the speed to cover backs/slot WRs...but also a bit more size to cover a TE. The point is it's impossible to project his usage, career path or a complete picture of what they see him as based off a few comments from a presser last night. I am by no means pounding the table for him as a possible future All Pro, however I think the wise approach is to see how he does the first couple years. Same with Bernard, BTW. Just from the sample size we saw last year people already want him cut, traded or drawn and quartered. But we really don't know what we have there quite yet. Let's give it a bit of a chance to fail before assuming it will.
  19. Agree 100%. Both McGovern and Torrence excell in pass pro. Josh may actually have some time. What will help is that if Brown is the RT and is struggling, the RB can help chip on his guy and not have to worry as much about a DT blasting up the middle .3 seconds after the snap. That would help get Knox off the line sooner as well. A HUGE chain reaction of events.
  20. Fans thinking they can project a player that has just been drafted's first 3-4 years in the NFL is what's really baffling. Fans thinking they know the teams plans on usage of a player or how schemes and philosophy of a defense may change the instant they are drafted is baffling. It's almost like some fans predetermine that they are going to be miserable and complain about anything the Bills do if it doesn't fit exactly what they wanted. Baffling, right?
  21. Good write up. Agree, I think Johnson may be a guy we take if he's there. Beane mentioned DB and WR as spots he saw some value in still last night. So that's plausible as well. Kind of expect a DT somewhere. May still see a small trade back in round 5 and grab another 6th or 7th pick. Wouldn't shock. I also expect to see another QB added either very late or UDFA. I know typically they bring 3-4 to camp. Right now Allen, Allen and Barkley are signed. Would like to see some competition for Barkley.
  22. One of the biggest issues last season was once the ball was snapped Allen would have immediate pressure coming right up the middle. This would cause him to have to either roll out quickly, get the ball out too fast or eat a quick sack. This ends that issue. Torrence is not going to get driven back much. And as a mountain of dude you aren't going to get around him fast. And once he locks on to someone they are toast. He's not going to be asked to pull and lead block side to side very often. But what he will do is wall off the defender at the point of attack and drive him out of the play. This will really work well in tandem with Harris and his ability to hit a hole fast get upfield.
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