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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I mean, I do mention that he could very well end up on the roster. However, seems to me more like he would profile as the direct backup to Harris in the power game. As for the part I bolded: It's always a risk to assume a players thought process. We don't know what his train of thought is. Perhaps he wants to be on the field and play every snap he can. Perhaps he wouldn't mind a lighter workload than he had last year as his pursuits aren't limited to just football. Coming back here and already setting up post career avenues was however a clear indicator that he sees a bigger picture than just carrying a football for the next 2-3 years.
  2. Maybe. Not likely, but who knows. Seems like another case of fans projecting what they think into what the Bills may do.
  3. Well, that's the thing these days. Most fans subscribe to the "Fantasy Football Mentality". If a WR or TE isn't lighting up the stat sheet...he's garbage. A lot of guys make real world contributions to the team and game without the stats. Having football players who are good at playing all the nuances of the game still matters.
  4. He does, sure. But Jones was a RB by name only. His spot isn't necessary reserved for a RB...it's going to go to whomever the ST replacement is for him. Could be an extra WR or DB just as easily active on GameDay. Murray doesn't play ST.
  5. Yea, what a horrible type player to have. A guy that works hard, will play whatever snaps he can get and has a team first attitude. I suppose those snaps on ST could just be eaten up by someone like Diggs, put him out there for that crap, right? Or maybe make Allen the first QB/ST Gunner. That's a solid plan. As unpopular as it is with certain portions of a fanbase every roster in the NFL has players like this...because every roster in the NFL NEEDS players like this.
  6. It wouldn't shock me if Murray ended up on the PS. Not saying he won't make the active roster...he definitely can. However, I feel like him coming to Buffalo is more of him seeing a final paycheck before retirement. The added incentive of being able to be home and set up his post career life with outstanding contributions like this that he wants to be a part of and oversee. The bonus would be the Bills would free up a roster spot and have him if injury hits (I like Harris but his health is a question) and he gets time in the local area to set up. If we need him he's there to play and I believe he would play well. Could very well have an understanding and a "wink and nod" agreement with the Bills of this is the case.
  7. The NFL can employ him. There are 32 teams that can sign him. Unfortunately, or fortunately (however you choose to look at it) the position in Buffalo has been filled with a solid player. There isn't an opening here. That leaves 31 other teams that are welcome to bring him in and I hope one does. Buffalo did what they did a year ago because at the time that was the best thing for all parties involved. Time to move on.
  8. I don't care what Allen does, what his social life is like or who he's dating. I'm hoping he took a bit of time and made it out to Jordan Palmer...but it's his life. On another note I see a lot of people that were quick to bag on Baker Mayfield for endorsements and social life defending Josh. Kinda funny actually.
  9. Geary seems more of a White Claw fella to me.
  10. I think week 1 the lineup is: LT: Dawkins LG: McGovern 😄Morse RG: Bates RT: Brown Doyle should get his TE eligible "6th lineman" spot back as he played well there before injury. At some point there will be injury to the IOL, Bates will shuffle to that spot (if it's not him of course) and Torrance takes over RG. Once he gets out there Torrence won't see the bench again. span widget
  11. Cool. Cool. Nice. Hey, completely unrelated but does anyone know if Josh made it out to work with Jordan Palmer this off-season or is he past that?
  12. When it comes to Lamar...there are a lot of people that say he's not a top 10 QB in the NFL. Thing is, he is...but it has a lot more to do with the level of QB play than it does about his skill to play QB. That list has Watson at 10. Personal opinion about the person aside, what did he show as a player last year (after being moth balled the previous year) that even suggests he's in the convo for top 20 QBs? He was awful. Danny Dimes threw a whopping 15 TDs was it last year? Yet he's on the list as above the middle of the pack. I don't think there has been a period of mediocre starting QBs in the NFL like this in a long time.
  13. Here's my thought process about Allen, Burrow and Mahomes. Mahomes: If you put Allen or Burrow on the Chiefs instead of Mahomes...where do they finish last year? My opinion is with Allen they still win the Super Bowl. With Burrow I don't know that he elevates JuJu and Toney to be viable weapons. Allen: Put Burrow or Mahomes on the Bills last year. Same question. I think with Mahomes we make it at least to the AFCCG. With Burrow MAYBE make it past the Wild Card round with the injuries this team had. Burrow: Put Allen or Mahomes on the Bengals...with those weapons outside? I feel like the Bengals would win the Super Bowl by 20 at least. While I believe Burrow may be talented and cool under pressure...does he elevate the talent around him on offense or do they elevate him? Both Allen and Mahomes 1 elite receiving talent and then some nice complimentary pieces...Burrow has far more around him on offense. Mahomes had the best OL of the 3 blocking for him. Not an elite line, but better than what Burrow or Allen had. Both Burrow and Mahomes were supported by an offensive minded HC (and in Mahomes case he's had the benefit of not only Andy, but EB, Nagy who is a bad HC but good offensive mind and Mike Kafka....who killed it as a 1st year OC with the talent depleted Giants). Allen has had far less in the coaching ranks on offense.Heck the first QB coach they gave Allen was Dave Culley...who wasn't a QB coach. So, when I talk all of the above into consideration I'm left with this: Mahomes is the king. But he was built that way with the support of an excellent offensive staff. Given every opportunity to be a success. But he's like that rich kid that gets a Mercedes for his birthday and cries because it's blue and not red. He's had every advantage since entering the league and to his credit has taken advantage of it. Burrow is a darn good player. He has been handed the keys to a Corvette and he looks really Cool driving it. But I personally think it's the car that makes him popular. Put him in a clunker and he just doesn't have enough to shine on his own. Allen is the epitomy of that blue collar farm kid. He's given a rusty old truck for his 16th birthday. It's his talent and drive that rebuild that clunker into a custom truck that can compete with the flashy rides that Mahomes and Burrow drive.
  14. Nope. He had that 1 storybook ending of a season and is closer to out of the league than being useful on the field now.
  15. Now this is the kind of move I wouldn't mind...and Josh has a way of getting guys he knows. Potentially a bit low guy this year. We are pretty deep at IOL right now (that was weird to type) but at the right price I'd be on board
  16. And I completely understand that stance as well. I've done a fair share of pondering and pontificating my opinions as well. There are still moves out there I would love to see and some of the hopes that Beane has for the way things may turn out and guys that may step up....well it's fair to question if they will to say the least. At the end of the day all everyone here (well..most here) wants to see is just one Lombardi here in Buffalo before we end up in the ground.
  17. No one is saying you can't fantasize about what you think may/could/should happen. Just reminds me of people that write fan fiction stories of their favorite TV show. Not my thing personally, but hey if it brings you joy more power to ya. Actually, I see it more as having an open book test and then questioning the answers after you turn in the paper. The facts are there in black and white...but hey...maybe 2+2 does in fact equal 7 and not 4. Who's really to say? Of course everyone is going to have their own opinions on things. But....and again this isn't a shot at you directly...the willful neglect by some to look at what is being presented as opposed to bending things to suit their own personal narrative over certain players or positions is certainly in abundance.
  18. Jim Rome has one of the most punchable faces in all of sports media. Right up there with Portnoy and Skip Bayless.
  19. That's the thing. They told you the plan. That's been the plan all along. If you don't see that then it's more of a case of you choosing not to. And this isn't meant to be negative at you, my friend. Be it them feeling ok at MLB, believing in Gabe, believing in Brown and wanting to extend Oliver...there are a lot of people here choosing not to believe what Beane is flat out saying over and over.
  20. They have flat out said... repeatedly....Milano will stay in his spot. They have flat out said.... repeatedly....that Dodson, Klein, Bernard and Spector will compete for the MLB spot. They have been a bit more ambiguous about Dorian Williams. Maybe this will help. The 6 Stages of Grief: Shock: Finding out Edmunds left for the huge payday Denial. ..."Nah, they won't roll with what they have on the roster. They will draft one high" Anger. ..."Why didn't they draft one high?!?!?" Bargaining. ... You are here Depression. ... "Oh no, we suck again" Acceptance and hope. ..."Welp, guess we have what we have...maybe one of these guys won't be too bad"
  21. Great work, Gunner. It did look to be a particularly rough year for the Mock Draft community. Expecting next year to be a bit clearer. We're on to the 2024 NFL Draft...the New England Patriots are on the clock.
  22. Tre White was campaigning for one a few years back.
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