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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I'm not concerned at all about the injury. Timeline wise he should be physically back to his normal self. However, last year he did seem to have issues with not having his mind right when it came to getting back on the field. Call it a mental block if you will...but the injury was definitely in his head last year. Frazier basically confirmed that without saying it IMO. That mental block is what he needs to overcome. And I believe he can and will.
  2. I was always under the impression the wristband had nude photos of the cast of Golden Girls on it. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  3. LT: Dawkins LG: McGovern 😄 Morse RG: Bates RT: Brown IMO this is what opens the season. At some point one of the IOL guys will miss some time to injury...pretty likely. Torrence steps in and doesn't come off the field. Come the end of the year barring long term injury: Same as above with Torrence replacing Bates. Bates moves to primary backup for the 3 IOL positions.
  4. Makes sense. Saffold doesn't help his case here with a lazy looking rep on this play, for sure. It does, at least appear he thought he had help....but even if he had it he didn't look ready to even assist. Hopefully, the arrival of McGovern is a step up for the pass pro so Allen doesn't have that instant pressure right in his face all season, again. Thank you for the insight as well.
  5. Saffold was hot garbage last year. No denial there. However, to my untrained eye it looks like on this play it was Morse that blew the assignment. With where the DTs are lined up...Saffold's guy lined inside and Bates's guy outside his right shoulder...it appears that Morse should have slid protection left and picked up the DT lined up between him and Saffold. And it looks like that's what Saffold expected. Now, no excuse for him just standing there and not looking for work after he was blown past. But with the RB sliding to the right and Bates moving that way it created a huge space for the DT to come up the middle with no help. Don't know if that was play design or bad communication or just a missed call on Morse's part.
  6. If only the NFL had a list they can place players on that are pending legal investigation to remove them from the active roster and keep them secure in their job. Maybe the Commissioner can head that up. In all seriousness, with the rising amount of NFL players that are either legitimately in trouble with the law or are accused pending criminal investigation, it may be time that the NFL considers placing guys under investigation on an exempt list and letting the legal stuff work out before expecting a team to cut them or, like Watson with Houston...send him home all year with pay.
  7. So, a few quarters of play and 1 game (out of 18 played) aren't "spot duty"? We must have different definitions lol. To your point, I agree that the coaches were able to see that he wasn't ready for primetime last year. The said as much after drafting the kid as well. They knew he would need time. He's now had a full season, a complete off season where coach said he was in town learning the whole off-season (along with Spector) and will have a 2nd TC. Should be a better chance to see if he took steps forward IMO.
  8. Fair point to remember is....the guy that "pops out" on TV isn't necessarily the guy that coaching staffs may tag the winner. It's about who has command of their assignments. Who adds the most. Remember, coaches aren't fans and do not solely based their decision on box scores and who gets their name announced on the broadcast the most. However the preseason shakes out, I think the safest bet is that no matter how anyone looks... McDermott will most likely start Dodson for his experience to begin the season provided one of the young guys doesn't make it impossible to keep off the field.
  9. What is it you have "evaluated" about Bernard that you felt so strongly about? Do you really think you are able to get a proper evaluation on a player in what...3 preseason games and some spot duty through his rookie season? So many people on this board have already cast the kid aside and not one person here can fairly say what he will turn into...good or bad.
  10. The fella that played The Waterboy also played Happy Gilmore. It's basically the same thing.
  11. I'd like to add that while most fans hate this term, it's what most successful modern defenses do in this era. There are some exceptions, sure. But with the way the rules are set up to protect the QB and always tipped in favor of the passing game on offense you can't be too aggressive too many times and risk tossing in penalty yards and free first downs on top of the already slanted rules. These days you almost have to play passive and pick a spot here or there to surprise an offense with a bit of uptempo defense to cause a negative play. Sean has the reputation of having an excellent feel for when to turn that dial up.
  12. Ok. Then the article clearly states if this thread gets to 200 pages he will sign for the NFL minimum AND buy wings for the whole stadium at the home opener. GO!
  13. Worth noting for those that will just read the headline and comment...this article is pure speculation and names 4 random teams that the writer feels he may fit.
  14. Some of those were pretty good. At least they were better that the weird looking clay stuff my kids bring home from 4th grade art class.
  15. In the history of the NFL there have been coaches that are both great at what they do and also not able to get the that next step. Marty Schottenheimer, Marvin Lewis level guys. High character, good teachers and great leaders of men. Right now Sean McDermott is squarely in that realm. Let's face it, there aren't many (of any) coaches that could have done the job McDermott was asked to do last year. The fact that they had about 100 behind the scenes things going on....some public knowledge some not....and he still found a way to keep the team together, focused and winning is amazing. It goes beyond football and extends into much more and if they gave out awards based on the entirety of the job and not just on field results, McD SHOULD have won CoY honors last year. However, there needs to be a time where if he can't get the Bills moving forward, past the Chiefs, past the Bengals....that both sides need to come together and "mutually agree to part ways". He has shown he can lead and shown he can turn a program from punchline to perineal playoff team. He won't be out of work long if he chooses. But this season of the same old issues pop up in the playoffs...welp the seat could very well be a tad warmer going forward.
  16. Technically, they do play back to back road games (at Philly and KC) but not in consecutive weeks. It's broken up by the bye week...which is fairly late in the season and another big plus for us.
  17. Exactly. He had some good moments in the preseason which I think elevated everyone's expectations of him and that was unfair. He was a 5th round pick. However, just for fun, Gunner...had Shakir been a part of this last draft class where would you have had him ranked in the WR class?
  18. I think maybe the first or first few guys that did it caused a stir in fan bases. These days the only people that still get worked up by it are the lowest of the low intelligence fans. Casual fans that don't realize how often this happens. And of course, media members...who while they know it means absolutely nothing tend to pander to the low IQ and click bait headlines for traffic.
  19. I feel like he is the guy that after TC and the Pre season the fans are yelling should start, while McDermott trots Dodson out there at least the first half of the season because of "vet experience in the system".
  20. Has anyone spotted DHop at Applebee's enjoying their authentic Boneless Buffalo Wings with a side of ranch, yet?
  21. Eli Manning falls in that category for me. At no point was he even considered a top 5 QB of his era.
  22. Wait til you hear about the people that are about to pay thousands of bucks to fly to London for a week 5 game. Oddly enough, I'd bet some of the same people are complaining about paying for Peacock for about the same price as a Big Mac.
  23. So, over the last few years the Bills have: -Let his contract expire and brought him back on small dollar short term deals -Benched him and made him inactive multiple times -Drafted Shakir, brought back Beasley and signed Crowder. I feel like that's all pretty open. They have been looking to move on from him for a few seasons now IMO. I'm actually shocked he made it this long. Good guy and is a fringe NFL talent, but not a pressure player. Wish him the best in Indy and with his BBQ joint.
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